What did you name your team? Part 2

What did you name your team? Part 2

Daemonphages, they steal the distorted passions of the victim and spend the money from the sale of the treasure on food.

Dawnbringers in NG+

I felt stupid that I didn't name the MC Takeshi Nakazato when I got to that point

Diamond Dogs

I have still yet to see a better name

I just went with the default, cause I already like the name Phantom Thieves

Innocent Sin

Morag Tong

Vista do Campus
Also, greetings to Mr. Cansian


I think it's pretty good

Jokers Wild.
Every day I lament the lack of an apostrophe.

The gigglesnorts

Carte Noire

Sounded cool until I found out it was a coffee brand too.

Dick Buttz

The Shitty Gay Weaboos.


Spooksters ftw


I wanted to call them Shadowrunners but
>12 character limit

The Zodiacs
I like hiatus x hiatus

bullet club


MT_Samurai because Im doing NG+ run in SMT IV outfits

Previous one was VelvetThorns

Squad G.

I have no creativity

Chew ass

Sup Forumsirgins


I just kept the default because they're just called the Phantom Thieves anyway so what's the point?


I was boring and used the default name first time around.

For the NG+ I named by team "Heart Champs"