Approaching the end of the Sup Forumseekend. Don't forget to add the new 150cc tournament code!
Approaching the end of the Sup Forumseekend. Don't forget to add the new 150cc tournament code!
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Being in first place really is a defense of it's own.
Fucking baby fags need to be gassed
200cc is the way. See the light
Made me laugh
So what lobbies are happening right now?
New to MK8. Do the tournament points reset every weekend?
Not 200cc so despair.
150 is 9/12
so wait 150cc is the new meme now?
>lightning while I'm starred
I'd rather be playing 200cc
Man you fuckin scrubs just turn on smart steering and let the game baby you
>joycon disconects at finish line
You mean "you'res", right?
>DC at final turn
Just fuck my shit up
Sorry Waluigi.
Smart steering isn't allowed in the 200cc lobby though, retard.
let's get a 200cc going then
I'm ready for it
I'm not into Loli specifically but I love DFC and that is more often than not Loli
Lot of leafcucks I see.
Join 150cc, get first
Join 200cc, get last
>people are choosing 'You should be put in jail for liking it'
>in an place obsessed with loli
Not my fault you fucking suck.
Maybe they fancy some soapbar treatment.
Whoever made the 200cc lobby is responsible for the 150cc and 200cc shitposting because they disabled smart steering which would help newbies get used to 200cc
Still alone in 200cc. How about you people grow a pair and play mk like it was meant to be.
actually two now in 200cc
What does that even mean?
>which would help newbies get used to 200cc
You know what else would help people get used to 200cc?
>play mk like it was meant to be
>Still alone in 200cc
>like it was meant to be
>actually two now
>like it was meant to be
>Whoever made the 200cc lobby
That'd be Nikki
6 now in 200cc.
Well it wouldn't Really be helping that much, smart steering does help you steer, but it also disables any off stage area, hazards, and stops you from falling off cliffs. Basically, it's just handholding mode.
I'd switch to the 200cc lobby if I could use smart steering, but I'm staying in 150cc until that happens.
Even though the game wasn't designed for 200cc, there's 6 people in a lobby who are having high-speed fun anyway.
>in 2nd get hit by red shell and drop back to 10th stuck in 8-10th for the rest of the race.
>comm in the middle of racing
>Nikki is too busy fapping to toddlers so he can't change the tourney rules
Someone make a new lobby, with smart steering for the scrubs, and fucking save 200cc please
Nobody fall for this shit tier cancer shitposting.
I don't understand how lobbies work in this game. A tournament won't even be full and it will still put you in the second lobby or one by yourself.
Wait for that faggot to change the rules of his lobby before you go and make another damn lobby that will split the players even more
That's Nintnedo's Premium $20 a year service for you.
7/12 200cc
remember if you want real competition and real fun, join the discord! we run custom lobbies and we generally have over 10 people in each.
Thanks for playing with me Sup Forums, but tonight's the night I kill myself.
Can you leave me your laptop in your will?
stream it pussyboi
kill yourself
>game says im in 4th
>cross finish line
>game says im in 8th
>custom lobbies
I know this is bait, but if this is true then why?
>that bomb
>miiverse got kill because of these people
Tell me who you are on MK8 and I'll decide whether I'll care or not.
>half of the lobby got disconnected
How are you fags enjoying your bing bing wahoo baby racer port?
How do you feel about paying full price for a game that's been out on a superior system for 3 years???
>the sm4sh threads died for this
>not liking both 150cc AND 200cc
I'll never understand you people.
Smash 4 threads died because Discordfags killed the community.
What the fuck are you on about? Sm4sh is still alive, way more alive than this game will be in a week. Everyone migrated to discord because it's way better. Ithe only took a week for these threads to crash and burn because it's a gay game
How long do you give until MK8 Sup Forumseekend threads die in the same way Sm4sh did?
I'll give it 3 more weeks, maybe 4.
>get in lobby to play
>already see a fucking leaf
Maybe some other weekend.
>owning a wii u
If we have it our way, it will be dead by Sundown
I simply cannot do it friendo. It feels like an absolute intolerable crawl. I would unironically rather do 50cc lobbies
>How long do you give until MK8 Sup Forumseekend threads die
how new are you
2/12 200cc
2/12 150cc
shyguy gang on 200cc. Join only if you're a shyguy.
Every other game there is a fucking communication error and whole lobbies disband. The fucking DS had batter online than this shit
>killed our threads and invaded our discord
Take me back!!
Fuck off Fag, you were never welcome in the discord
>this thread has attracted a constant mod presence
Good job guys. Maybe you'll end up like /kspg/ and get Sup Forumseekend filtered.
>it's another playing games with Sup Forums gets ruined by Sup Forums meme lord drama episode
Nah, I'm good
>Unable to join the 150cc lobby
life is suffering
I was here first bro, wanna throw down?
tfw you aren't on here
I'm feeling pessimistic for the future today. Lemme numb my senses with some 200cc.
I just got a communication error so theres probably room now
>tfw you dont care that you're not on there
I cringe everytime I didn't tell peolle to knock off this obnoxious shit and take me off of this cancer. I supposd I liked being called 'based' in a way. What a fag I was.
>comm error