What is your favorite race in fantasy games?
What is your favorite race in fantasy games?
Dark Elf
Warforged are pretty cool.
Animal races like elves or blacks.
Deus Vult.
Human, obviously. Why the fuck would I want to be some non-human freak?
cow people
What's the name of that comic?
It was a pretty good read.
Pandemonium Wizard Village
The report button
>Go to attack base, base drops lightning hydrogen bombs on your units as a basic attack
>base has Instant transmission
Usually human because most RPGs are shit and can't do anything else, elves are humans with pointy ears and orcs are humans with green skin.
I like saurian beast races though.
>all these beast loving furfag degenerates
Y'all deserve to be rounded up and gassed.
Monstergirls or humans.
Furfags get out.
What's the name of this comic? I keep seeing it posted.
Human with magic powers
Depression dog in mutant town
read the fucking thread, n00b.
i remember when the mods public permabanned furfags on sight, why did that ever stop?
>base is game-ender unit
When reddit took over
>implying monstergirls aren't degenerate interspecies furry shit
not sure if you are trolling or actually in denial about being a furry
Because moot took up a bunch of faggots for mods and hiroshima isn't doing anything about it.
Fuck off faggot.
Whatever is the loli race, preferably with thicc thighs if possible.
that's some extreme mental gymnastics and denial, just admit that you are a degenerate who wants to fuck animals and then put the exit bag on.
Furfags should be rangebanned permanently imo.
Sorry faggot, monstergirls aren't furry no matter what shitty logic you use to claim otherwise. :^)
technically, pre-habbo hotel everyone who wasn't a lolicon was permabanned. oppai loli too since that's not a real loli, they have to be flat. moot used to post bridget and ban anyone who said "she" was cute too.
all we need is to get 1 mod on the staff that knows how the site used to be run, then we can start fixing things
Probably because they grew up and didn't feel like acting like memelord retards anymore
>anti-monstergirlfags are reddit-tier
really makes you think
>User was automatically filtered for using a banned word or phrase
o i m laffin, sayonara reddit
>mods clean up thread of porn and horses
>keeps the thread up
o im laffin
Are you mental or something?
Humans obviously.
>old Sup Forums images from before reddit even existed are now reddit somehow
>I don't understand the difference between a Mod and a Janitor
Classical elf, like d&d or arcanum. Not these retarded japanese meme rape elves or mers of TES.
Sounds like someone's mad for being called out for being a redditor. :^)
sasuga reddit
>t. Reddit
replying to anyone in this thread, posting in this thread without replying, or posting on any board on Sup Forums in general is an acknowledgment that you a butthurt reddit immigrant
>butt hurt that his immature hateful memery is no longer supported by mods
>probably hangs out in loli/ pedo threads to boot
Enjoy being cancer
what the fuck is even happening here?
I'm sure you have first-hand experience, redditor.
>probably hangs out in loli/ pedo threads
nah, just the hiddenloli board
>he posted
lmao that's going in the collage, you must be a bix nood and can't read
you just inspired me to filter reddit posts
fuck you potato nigger
Making a collage to post it to r/Sup Forums for those sweet upvotes are we now?
Be sure to post it along with your collage to r/Sup Forums. :^)
I am glad you included that laughing elf man.
That way I know how to feel when I see this image and I won't have to think for myself.
>User was automatically filtered for using a banned word or phrase
toodle-oo newfag, thanks for embarrassing yourself in public, Anonymous (ID: IN1FsqdL)
>implying that's what laughing elf man means
Lurk moar newfag
Digging a hole for yourself isn't going to change anything
Any race that is cool or interesting, bonus points if they have something about them that is fairly alien to other cultures / groups.
Dark Elf
A shining beacon of light in this shitshow of a thread.
Nigga that's broccoli
>this thread is a shitshow and on page 9
Fuck sakes, why?
Demons are usually pretty fun.
Why would you play as anything but a human white male?
The biggest one.