Why aren't there any skateboarding games anymore?
Why aren't there any skateboarding games anymore?
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neck yourself you degenerate ponyfaggot
small audience
high risk of failure
come on man we already have like 20 stealth off topic anime porn threads up. we don't need another.
It's kind of pathetic that you can look at the picture and know right away that it's in any way related to MLP.
he posted it
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
Not him but any time I see a non-lewd crop or a cartoon character with nonstandard colored hair it's obvious it probably is. Reverse image search confirms it.
kys gay furfag
Jesus Christ
>7 years later and closeted spergs still lose their shit
Barney's a shit show, of course we have reason to want to execute the fags who shill.
Fucking kill these faggots
So now he has a plugin that detects posts stating he posted the OP image? Wew, Barneyfag is on a whole other level.
I really want these faggots to fucking die
>being a safe space faggot
I know right, it's fucking pathetic
I fucking hate shills
barneyfag what video games are you playing atm
do you like kingdom hearts
I really do
Please hang yourself as soon as possible
Ayy is that Dr. BUG?
>barneyfag is so butthurt about one person filtering him that he has to change his filenames
I sometimes wonder if someone actually used a mlp pic by accident(half the shit barney goes after is indistinguishable to the untrained eye) and try to figure out what the fuck happened to their thread. This is obv. bait, but it's had to happen at least once.
>barneyfag likes kindgom hearts
Makes perfect sense.
Stop samefagging, harassment isn't good.
What's exactly wrong with Kingdom Hearts?
I'm sure what you've been doing everyday for 6 years isn't good either
>This is obv. bait, but it's had to happen at least once.
Yeah, I can confirm that it's happened at least twice in the time that I've been doing this.
if you can't recognize every pony character by now, humanized, anthro, or full pony, then you're a newfag
Thanks doc
All acceptable loses to you, I'm sure.
Doesn't give you a reason to justify your faggotry though.
Why aren't there more games that feature more choices of makeup?
Eat shit, faggot
neck yourself
plz kill yourself
>anybody who isn't mentally ill is a normalfag
That's not how it works.
just fuck off
because the genre is dead, not only the skateboard genre but the whole fun sport genre that includes titles like agressive inline skating, the ssx franchise, freestyle bmx, all the tony hawks and others. with the 90's gone and that generation of cool kids being grown up now there doesn't seem to be a market for single player arcade action, it's all been done already back then.
I don't believe the time of sating is over but the hype sure has died down many years ago. after skate 3 there was nothing, no sequel even though they had to repress new copies due to high demand. steep was the latest title that tried to live up the dream but I think the whole title was half assed. the risk of getting back into actions seems to high for publishers but fuck me I would buy the shit out of a new title, I'm actually starving for some modern multiplayer skate title
I honestly respect you for attempting to re-rail this thread.
plz fucking neck yourself
ooh did he get new screencaps?
>posting the crop
because Skate 1 already exists, so all other games would be derivative
Too bad it's gonna be completely worthless
This is a thing that happens.
This is a thing that happens everyday.
Only a few, unfortunately.
not him but its true. it's called being neurotypical
Please be discreet with stealth horse posting, baiting Lee and his followers is always fair game, however half of your score is dependent on how difficult it is to bait them in.
Also, enjoy ur ban
I'm making one as we speak.
But you can still be an outcast because of niche interests while still being sane.
Goodbye forever, faggot!
trying to evade bans by turning your phone on and off again is a 30 day ban :3
i want to see that horse get zebra'ed
Hang yourself
Die Sup Forums queer
>muh mlp conspiracy
Fuck off faggot
Do the mods just sit back with a beer and laugh at these threads?
people like you are the reason that rangebans exist.
Rarity is an objectively enjoyable character despite any opinions on the show itself
wtf I love jews now
Didn't THPS5 kind of kill it completely?
Too bad the attempt will bear no fruit.
>butthurt because he can't get past md5 filtering
No Barney character is ever good. THEY ALL A SHIT.
>proving his point
>Can't get past MD5 filtering
Retard alert
Like I said, this site wasn't made for you dipshits. If you're that offended by people hating on your precious show, then you're the reason why you're still a minority and why you will never be accepted by the rest of the site.
Lee! It's time you told us about those dogs! RIGHT NOW!
>They might just ban my entire carrier eventually though.
You deserve it, faggot.
Have you watched it?
Jews aren't welcome either.
Ironic. You're the one who derails threads because you're mentally ill .
True. That or knowing Hiro phoneposting will not be available without a pass, so you'll have to pay money to purposefully get banned, which then links to your pass.
Meaning that every time you get banned for ban evasion, you'll have to shell out 20 dollars again.
People like you will be the financial backbone of Sup Forums, because you literally cannot stop sucking dicks.
Is she the only reason why Sup Forums likes star vs?
Where do you even get your proxies?
I couldn't care less about the show or ponies. Your autism is annoying however.
You faggots made a site, now fuck off back to it and leave us be.
Give me your address right now so I can mail you a noose famaladingdong.
What do you think?
And no, I haven't watched Star Vs.
Have you watched star?
No, she's just a one off character who was fun to watch.
So. You do this on a daily basis or what?
That's because that pony head character triggered you hard
You leave Bby bop out of this!
People who are unironic fans of and shillers of a shitty toddlers' show have literally no room to accuse others of having mental problems.
>7 years later
oh God
No mods here, just autism.
I don't think many people think the show is good, they just like a character or two.
>People who are unironic fans of and shillers of a shitty toddlers' show
So, you?