"Somefaggot" has insta-locked Invoker

>"Somefaggot" has insta-locked Invoker
>Somefaggot: "Me mid"

I hate this game so much

That's why you can't play all pick
Invoker EVERY game

i just play viper all the time
works pretty well

>he plays assfaggots
>in 2017
You deserve the suffering

Give me one (1) reason Dota 2 is a bad game

there are better original games like mario and zelda.


>playing solo

digging your own grave there buddy

if you like mid so much go 1v1
or, you know, kus

i hate this shit so much everytime two retards insta select safe lane and mid and most likely they are fucking bad, you can do whatever but it will help in the end, since they will fuck up anyway, no matter what you and how you do.

For this reason i just play with my buddy, so much more fun then solo

Don't understand why everyone still stays in lane. People should try roaming some time. Shits fun as fuck since no one wards

Not an argument.

pubs play exclusively pos 1/2/3 heros, very rarely a 4 (gee, i wonder why?) and whenever you see a 5 you just know they are tryharding

If you don't do REALLY REALLY WELL just roaming, you get fucking shit exp and gold, and you fall behind in minutes for the rest of the game

What the fuck are going to accomplish roaming by yourself at level 1? Have fun getting to level 2 when everyone else is level 4

what if you just honestly like playing cm

Just play all random, single draft or random draft.

sexiest 5 FOTM, has been good forever since you stun, you level 2 is global mana, mission acomplished

How else can I raise my mmr?

Team coordination and getting kills can get you good levels goyim

Just make sure youve got someone who has a good stun/lockdown for early kills

I mostly play with a friend and we always make sure to try and ban invoker or antimage, largely because Fuck mana burn

If people didn't play mobashits, threads like these wouldn't exist.

>play support almost every game
>pick offlaner for once, buy a ward to make it easier on supports
>last two people who should pick supports pick a roamer and jungler
>no courier/wards
>flame over mic and use new sound chat wheel to be obnoxious
>cant lane without feeding, cant jungle cuz all my camps are dead
>get flamed
why do people in this game have to be cancer

I always ban Slark. No one at my MMR knows how to pressure or understands lane mechanics and itemization. It becomes a farm war and Slark wins that game against an uncoordinated team.

Not a single actual argument

I always knew Sup Forums was a containment board, but not that it was THIS bad

>who is riki

>cant identify the problem
>problem is team
>'i am part of the problem'
work on it. one thing is to play support, another is to give space without impact
venge, riki, earth spirit, fuck even sven and wk can be meme pos 4 just because they have stuns

HoTS does DoTa's core concepts way better than the original game does itself.

Nah, admit it. Most of the comments on DoTa is how much they hate the game or how much it's broken.
LoL is all about how shit the game is, and how terrible the community is.
HoN is all about how terrible the game is and how it blatantly steals from everything else.

HoTS is how bad the game is and... Nothing else. And? Sup Forums thinks ANY game is bad. There ARE no good games according to the infinite hivemind. Just different flavors of shit.

Ditch your shitty game and play something less offensive.

Stop it. Get some help.

Mobas are made for being played with friends. If your friends don't play any, don't touch them, the community is too awful, and you can't play with the chat silenced because your team will report you, and bots are not good enough.

>B-but muh heroes of the storm
That's a very mediocre game you shouldn't play at all, the fact you don't have to stand a chat full of bullying doesn't make it worthy.

>work on it. one thing is to play support, another is to give space without impact
thank you for the irrelevant advice

>RNG in "competitive" game


Invoker is one of the best mids

why are you whining?

>rng being a problem in dota
how to spot someone who doesn't play

most people don't know how to keep lane eq in their favor, can you give space without ruining my lane?


>you can't play with the chat silenced because your team will report you

This isn't overwatch.

>Being self centered in a team-based game.

le meme.

>can you give space without ruining my lane?
what the fuck are you talking about? you mean create space?

That's why you roam early before everyone gets much farm and levels. Can't farm safely if you have an es or riki messing with you early game

There are literally 4 free bounty runes every 2 minutes. Take one of theirs during your off time and get one on your side whenever you go back to fountain

>get flamed
>muh ooga booga team
this are all problems you have, and only weak minds and childs aren able to cope with

you're an idiot

>caring about a number
Just play custom games, like I do. Most fun I've had with this game

So, I haven't played since a week after 7.00. What changed? Anything changed for the better? Just a quick rundown because I've got no backlog, as absurd as that may sound

>dota 2 customs

Did something happen? I used to play nothing but customs with friends but dropped the game months ago

they've been shit since they were introduced

he is probably too young to understand what it is to play a good custom map

fuck , dota IS a custom map of warcraft

>4k shitters
pick me and take all towers

This shit still works? I want to play this game again and solo only, any party fags were either incompetent or just fastrosh/fastpush or whatever the strongest meta is, the worst thing is they bragged about winning the easiest way.

HotS is absolutely boring and in no way emulates DotA's core concepts, unless your idea of "core concept" is cartoon characters beating each other up. Efficiency, time management, risk assessment, and adapting to a situation are the core concepts of dota. This is why you can deny, creep block, stack, and have access to an array of vastly different items and abilities. Even the recently implemented talent system is all about choice, making the right decision for each situation.

This is what League, Smite, and HotS missed. It isn't about dressing up your funny characters and hitting things, it's about out maneuvering and out thinking your opponent. It's about making their lives fucking miserable for daring to play this game.

Even against Valve's shitty hats and jewing, the pay models implemented by others in the genre are absolute fucking cancer. I can accept wanting something different out of the genre. Making a hero brawler is fine. But goddamn if garbage looking skins and paying/grinding for characters isn't some stupid shit.

They're called Hero Arenas.
No one gives a shit about Aeon of Strife

This user must be very very low MMR
Dumbest shit I ever read

the question is if you can pull it off.. just dont go necro1/2/3

The fact that you can download DotA right now and never have to pay a cent to have everything you need to be competitive makes it better than all other MOBAs

Snek is life, Snek is love

>that time when I decided to play CM
>learned where to spam clicking to be Captain
>always get cap
>enemies always focus on meta or late game carry
>I focused on initiation
>teammates always mad
>I just ignore everything and tell them to follow my lead
>my mmr just goes up every time I play CM
Good times.

This. I play 1 normal game then customs
Only way to play

Patch fucking when? I've even resorted to installing HotS because I want something new.

Just remake Broodmother into a non-shit hero and I'll come back.

Max Sting and Gale Veno is my shit. I was pretty happy to see pros doing it, but then they spring for right clicking instead of going all-in on maximum AIDS. At which point they feed, because you're a fucking Venomancer.

I've tried Max Wards in lane, as well as Junglemancer and it just feels underwhelming. But going full poison really lets you snowball hard

shamelessly bumping my own question because I'm not going to /d2g/ to get screamed at

Its a teamgame and thus trash if you dont have a fixed team

Nothing wrong with the game itself though
But playing competitive teamgames with random people is inherently flawed and yet 99% of the playerbase in any of these games does it

Holy shit me too. I was hoping they made it not so shitty. Iplayed hots back in beta and was flabbergasted by the shit design. Surprise surprise its still shit

Wait a second, necro was the item that helped with the push a couple of years ago, you could even leave them with wolves and towers were gone anyway.
Am I missing something?

>i wont even reinstall the game
user you see the thing here, right?

Nothing special, large talent reworks but you'll figure that out quickly. All of the crazy 7.00 stuff remains mostly unchanged. Some heroes have fallen in and out of favor, no big deal

I dont follow the patches too much but they balanced a lot of the talents. Updated jakiro added TI7 compendium and other goodies

>playing Dota 2 after 7.0 patch

You feed way too much gold and the stats are only a bit useful. If you have a big lead and get picked off, along with your necros, you have just handed the enemy a way back in.

Although, with tower armor changes, rat is back. Could be viable again. I think Armlet into MoM is better, though

The entire pro strat is that if the enemy dives the wards, you can counter initiate because most likely somebody can't blink anymore
In pubs they just walk to the wards, kill them, and your team don't react.

Same reason Wisp/Oracle is almost unplayable in Pubs as support.

i just hit 4k mmr. next is 5k. but holy shit people are toxic and stupid.

Meh. I find those people really irritating but calling roles is as legitimate a way to determine them as anything else. It's faster too.

Other than that, it's mainly "wasted potential - the game" which is pretty sad but not as bad.

medallion/crest has been even better for me, the buff helps the wolf take a lot of tower shots and the range lets you stay out of the armor buffer zone

>HoTS does DoTa's core concepts way better than the original game does itself.
No it doesn't, what are you talking about? It's even missing some of the core concepts in Dota, such as (unequal, which is the point) resource repartition between team members.

I know you're probably trolling but it's not like this argument isn't frequent.

I dunno, every time I just used necro/travels at the right time. Necros + wolves helped with teleporting enemies, even if someone like pudge uses his ult one me, I still have 4 units kicking his shit.

I usually just hang out with the pushers, sprinkling stings and then suicide bombing with Gale and Nova

>playing Dota 2
Looks like you're already the faggot op

If you play solo just go mid. Actually just go mid every fucking game because if you're not retarded you can control the game so much. Just shitting on the other mid player causes the enemy team to argue and say "report x mid" and causes them to argue. If you're not a bumbling retard and can play heroes like Arc, Storm, Invoker and Puck then you can easily carry yourself to at least 4k.

Day9 is almost 3k and knows how maybe half the heroes work. I see so many retards with 1000+ ranked matches and still stuck in 2k.
>play 2k smurf as storm
>enemy DP just fucking walks into my remnants trying to manfight me
>feeds like 5 times before 10mins, enemy team calling for reports, morale at a low for them

Because Lycan ulti doesn't grant phased movement, what could be a DPS train ends up with each unit pathblocking each other, meaning little to no DPS.
So its a bad teamfight item, in a game where many games are decided by teamfights into taking towers.

Its still situationally good, as Truesight is one of the strongest mechanics in the game, Necrobook by itself has limitations.

> Not playing all random
> Dealing with a pro pudge and invoker every match
Winning is a coin flip anyways
Might as well let jesus take the wheel and go balls deep in RNG?

Solar Crest is pretty OP right now. Although, I think a certain weeb is taking it too far by building it on literally everyone

Just micro your units to the side or something and that shit can be used against enemies too.

Because I can't micro. I used to play All Random until the day I got Beastmaster, Visage, Visage again all in a row. I've been practicing micro after that shit show, but I just cannot get the hang of it

>reddit sama
i dont know about the scientist but the 'wolfs need nor armor' meme died with that item

My top hero is CM with a 56% win rate over 201 games

Not everyone is a crybaby carry player

The thing is, you got options. Desolator and Crest both increase your DPS far more than Necrobook do, due pathing.
Echo Saber guarantees 2-3 hits due the 2 0.7 100% slow procs.
Same is true of a naked Basher.

Necrobook get you in the situation where you can use it to manfight, but can't use it to chase, do mobile fights, or use it as anything but a glorified lategame Gem.
Its good user, but not great.

Just pretend to be a retard and feed without making it obvious
As long you make it credible you won't get penalized even if they report you.
Helps end the game faster

Because the devs focus on arcana skins and not improving the actual system so the game would be playable. Just adding a small option for preferred role before queueing a match would improve the game tremendously.

Remember to always last pick legion jungle my dude.

Explain that image. What does it mean by trebuchet?

>Because the devs focus on arcana skins and not improving the actual system so the game would be playable.
Not the same developers, unless you mean that Valve should work on improving optimization to counter the performance problems caused by all those stupid items they keep adding.

Adding a preferred role option would be awful.

why have they still not fixed custom games since the ui overhaul?
almost makes you believe the game is still in beta

They don't give a single fuck about custom games.
They will never fix them, and if for some miracle they do fix them. they will break again next update

They are:
1. Pretty
2. Extravagant
3. Extraordinary
4. Represents their city states

Because custom games are fixed by people who make them?

A roaming support doesn't need any exp, in fact it's better if you are lower level because you respawn faster and the enemy team will get shit for killing you. For example pudge needs to farm lane creeps just for quick lv 2 and if he isn't going to harass mid when he has both hook and rot he can delete the game. The problem is however even when you play a roaming support well and create so much space your team keeps on farming jungle even when they don't need the items to take objectives and win the fucking game. But even then you can go on winning 20:6 and one bad teamfight will fuck your shit up because of comeback mechanic.

The comeback mechanic is so powerful that spectre will have a good time even after a bad laning phase and if you don't take objectives fast it's radiance time and you can say gg.

>Adding a preferred role option would be awful.

valve is lazy and their employees work on whatever they want

Do you want to wait like if you would pick random draft on a russian server with chinese language?