Can Nintendo be stopped at this point?

Can Nintendo be stopped at this point?

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The fuck kind of headline is this? Three times it mentions the game but it never fucking names it

Gotta get them clicks.

how are they gonna do RE7 on Switch?

>Good VR game
I can't even guess what game they're talking about.

PSVR game? Why is that important, Switch has no VR. Is it just to slim down the games it could be?

Is it talking about Thumper?

Damn, sony is really losing alot of games to the switch.

>disgaea 5
>senran kagura
>dragon quest
>project diva
>I am Setsuna

Looks like especially japan is dropping the PS4.


>VR game
Who fucking cares?



I'm guessing RE7 if this is actually supposed to be impressive. Thumper was already announced for Switch, and that is literally the only other PSVR game I can think of that is any good.

>dragon quest
That was lost to Sony not the other way around and it bigger than all other games combined.

>Looks like especially japan is dropping the PS4.
The PS4 never took off in Japan to begin with, they still make PS3 games for fucks sake.

what kind of retarded broken english headline is that?

Yes, actually

>project diva
It's not Project Diva on the PS, it's the chibi one on the 3DS that's getting a port.
Also, it's shit because it's way too fucking easy.

>Switch VR
They want the google cardboard audience?

Wasn't lost to Sony at all. DQ has been multiplat since forever.

Jesus christ these pro Nintendo click bait articles are fucking terrible.

when did Sup Forums become nintendogaf?

The 50 people that own the 50 Switches that Nintendo produced will surely be happy.

Seriously, where the fuck are the restocks? Amazon has literally been out of stock since launch.

They are that desperate for games.

They will find a way

a lot of the textures and effects are toned down when in PSVR. if they use that version i can see it happening.
Capcom is good at optimizing and pushing handheld titles like which i think is the only 3ds game to ever be ported to ps3/x360/ps4/xbone/windows

It's gotta be Rez Infinite, right? That's easily and objectively the best game that PSVR supports.

The hint is "Amazing"

But Thumper is coming to Xbone?

Yeah, Japan is basically done with Sony at this point
They'll still get a few things here and there but that's it

Is that game even going to have PSVR support, though?

>Soon be playing one of Sony's best PlayStation VR games

How do you technically play a PS game on a Nintendo console? Let alone _VR_?

I don't understand this headline at all.

Also, how the fuck is Nintendo getting a SCE first party game on their console?

It's bait. Report and sage.

>Journalist promoting console war shit posting

Journalism is dead My journalism professor said Buzzfeed was a good source. I don't want to be a journalist anymore.

I got one on Amazon about 9 days ago

Sign up for nowinstock alerts boo

The game is Thumper.

Now if only Japan would drop the 3DS also.

Buzzfeed is weird because they run the entire gamut from actual, real journalism to worthless, shitty clickbait. They probably have the widest range in quality of articles out of any reasonably popular news/"news" website.

Is that the game where you are a rabbit and shoot other rabbits?