Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?

Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?

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she's not real dumbass

Because she a few years older than the MC which implies experience in the sack.

Also might be into cosplay.

Intended or not, this was the answer to OP's question.

You know what else implies experience in the sack? The fact that she was a literal whore.

thick hair and big tits is good genes

same reason why Haru is also goat

tfw you will never have a maid-sensei gf

>Kamoshida fucks his female students
>"Fucking Monster! Steal his heart! Send his ass to jail!"

>Sadayo fucks her male students
>"Best teacher ever!"

I'm going to protect this smile!

Kamoshida forces himself on to his students, Joker pursues Kawakami.

Double standards are grand is it not?

>sexual harassment vs mutual feelings

Cutest sensei

This movie is friggin' hilarious, by the way. Should be in the next Kingdom Hearts.

You have bad taste, and you have a mommy complex because you have the emotional maturity of a child.

You're a fucking moron. Kill yourself.


Thanks for the armchair psychology, user!

Here's the difference. Kamoshida raped pic related and sexually harassed the sluttiest party member despite her asking him not to.

The MC intentionally called Kawakami to his bedroom over and over again, went out of his way to erase her debts, and it was his decision to start a relationship.

No problem user. You'll notice that infantilism is quite common on Sup Forums, and pretty much everyone who makes garbage threads like this one acts the exact same.

>only character besides Yusuke where the response I feel closest to is the best one
>Cute smile
>Grumpy in the cutest way possible
>Floofy short hair
>Not real

I just got past Hawaii too.

Freud pls go

Cake teachers are proof that there is a God and he loves us all. Every time a cake teacher and her student have loving sex, a angel gets its wings.

Child molesters aren't cute

I agree you're not cute at all.

>muh Oedipus complex

Every statement Frued made about the mother has been discredited by modern psychoanalysis. The average man is sexually repulsed by his mother, people who invoke Oedipus Complex's are simply trying to justify their own desires.

In short you need to go back to ribbit.

wtf I love God now

I agree, Kamoshida is ugly

So angels never get their wings? :^)

You missed my point entirely.

Freud tried to clame that every male was attracted to their mother. I'm simply stating that people who choose Sadayo are immature and seek the sort of motherly love most people gave up in childhood.


First result for "statutory rape" on google news search. Happened just under a month ago.

Female teachers are the highest demographic in statutory rape convictions.

But you said loving sex.

I knew she was best girl when I first saw her.
>Tfw I've spent more than 60k on ordering her and gave her both the Heart Ring and the Heart Necklace
She's worth it all.

Agreed, women are fucking disgusting rapists.

>Wanted to cuddle and love Toriumi with all my heart in 3
>Pissed when I never got to have dinner with her

5 has redeemed that sin.

That's because women are stupid, overly emotional and illogical

Male teachers would also hang their students but most of them are smarter than that

It's amazing how retarded you have to be to not only go to jail but ruin your career and entire life to bang some brat


But nothing about her is motherly.

She likes the ultimate face beautifier too.
I forgot to give her the expensive akihabara electronics though.


Well, also they're surrounded by young bois just hitting their sexual prime, in 'fuck everything that walks' mode, women don't start being attractive until 25 at least when they learn to properly apply natural looking makeup.

female students also do that

Also what?
Women are fucking hags at that age
That's disgusting


Sadayo is too perfect to be real.

>Expensive electronics
Isn't that just the facelifter? Or am I remembering it wrong?

Not if I protect it first!!

Oh women are ugly as shit until they learn to dress modestly and wear makeup in a way that makes them look attractive.

Women younger than 25 all use way too much foundation and don't understand how colors work. They have no aesthetic sense.

I mean if you like the trashy slut millenial look then that's your thing.

Aren't there some really expensive gifts in the electronics store you can buy? I always forgot because you can only buy them during the day. IIRC.
Thought one of them was supposed to be a Roomba or something like that.
I'd check but I finished NG+ and have no save files that I can hop on.

This post reads like a bad case of anecdotal evidence.

I don't know why, but Kawakami's


s in the first parts of the game when she has to put up with you are just the cutest shit to me.

>"Is this a... castle?"
>"Oh god he must have hit his head on the way to school. I'm going have to put up with this for a whole year."

>Women are fucking hags at that age
That's some shit taste, user

>ywn have a teacher that will discipline you with her axe wound

why even live?

Go outside once in a while, look at some women, the attractive ones are all between 25-35.

Her work as being a call-girl has made her petting skills that of a seasoned porn star. Being single for as long as she has, as well as not having much money, means she is likely an excellent bargain shopper and definitely passable cook. Then she has the fuwa fuwa hair of Haru without the five head.

Literally no problems here.

There are a robot vacum cleaner, the laptop repairkit, the facelifter, and possibly one more thing. Of course I can't remember what it was when I need to.

I know how you feel. I also found her complaining that the known delinquent student goes in her class to be endearing.

Who is the Rakugo collection CD for?

I feel bad because I bought and gave out most of the gifts so I'm left with like a fucking vase and some CDs

>mc just stares off into space imagining things...
best mc

>Joker fucking spacing out, nigger what the fuck.

Kawakami's lines still literally make me diamonds though.

I disagree. You're projecting. Please stop it, you're embarrasing yourself.


It's the Digital Camera. I need to remember to buy those and give them to her, see how she likes them since the expensive stuff is romance only. The Crimson Lipstick is a romance only gift, but she has the default "I really liked this" quote and not unique dialogue like she has for the necklace, ring and face beautifier.


>you slack off in class

Bitch I got the highest test grade in the school cause I fucking study!

Also your cute face distracts me.

Go outside.

>slack off in class
>don't have any good books
>don't need tools


>implying he isn't putting the entirety of his focus into calming his raging erection

I think they fucked up and possibly put her too far away from Joker or forgot to pose him properly. In that same date the second she leans forward, Joker starts looking at her which is odd. He's looking at all the other girls who I think are closer to him in the other dates.

Is there any video with all these dates with Kawakami? I'm not talking about christmas and valentine's day

>literally refuses to believe she loves you
>still threats you like a child
What a fucking shit. Only cucks with mommy issues would choose that

>rape=consensual relationships
Sometimes i forgot i am in Sup Forums

Haven't found them myself, probably buried in a let's play somewhere.

Nap time!

Please tell me nobody here pursued a relationship with that ugly alcoholic reporter girl

What does napping do? I never did it.

Literally nothing. Even morgana tells you it was a waste of time, basically

Gives two notes of relationship with a random social link.

Drunk chicks are usually more open to do kinky shit
>tfw still can't unhear Yukiko

I'm also an alcoholic so it's a match made in heaven.

>waaa where muh uguu highschool models

Are we still pretending based Mr. Hiruta wasn't the best teacher?

>slick and charming educator who uses colourful language to engage his students
>handsome and well-kept
>runs a fair classroom
>biology teacher with rad as fuck drawings on his blackboard
>doesn't go full autism like the older guy who fucking lobs chalk at you or the gyaru English teacher
>doesn't fuck his students like half of his coworkers
>doesn't dickride Shido in December like the other teachers
>probably part of the Phandom

I have. She's not that bad actually.

She's dedicated to her job.
She can hold her liquor.
She's not ugly, you take that back.
She already has her own place.

She's certainly no Kawakami, but she's not godawful.

The hypocrisy of you cucks is astounding.

She was a maid who did cleaning. She was about to become a whore but MC saved her.

I feel like I'm supposed to hate how smug this motherfucker looks, but I can't. He doesn't talk down to the students and readily praises diligence.

I remember him cheering for Shido at one point, pretty surely. Though he also had that moment where he reee'd at big bang burger being in trouble.

This smug motherfucker is second best teacher
Plus, biology is top tier

>Call Kawakami over to give me a massage
>she goes home
>call her back to make me curry
>while she's making me curry go hang out with my girlfriend


You monster.

You are assuming anyone here played P1&2.

Never played a persona game or 'weeb' games for that matter until earlier this year when I played and loved Nier and Yakuza. Is this one worth picking up? I need something new in my life.


It's not at all like Nier or Yakuza, the dungeon crawling is turn based like old school JRPGs and it has a heavy "dating sim" style element as well

Its a fucking good game and series though, give it a shot


Any Doujins of her?

Any of the redhead one?

There's one but not scanned yet.

They made a pachinko machine for kids?

Becky > Kawakami


And those that have call Lisa used goods on the flimsiest evidence while you have a literal whore being called a goddess.

How about Becky with Kawakami's hair?

>Men and women AREN'T the same
