>tfw seeing denuvofags right now

who cares I finished it when it came out and the first is better

humanity is dead


Fucking poorfags man, gtfo

>literally having the brain finctions of a 3 year old who can't into delay of gratification

I care.

You paid 60 dollars to rent a game from denuvo, I'll play it and own it for free and forever.

In the meanwhile I bought games like TiTs 3rd, Toukiden and Atelier which have no DRM.

Get rekt.

If the crack gives better performance than the steam version I'll definitely be downloading.

>tfw ayymd

>who cares
Pirates, I imagine.
You fucking idiot.



>justifying being a poorfag and a filthy pirate by trying to make it about "delay of gratification"

Pay for your games, poofag.




>pirates still won't get Ending E

Your loss, you are denying yourself a singular experience in gaming by being cheap.


So you bought utter shit and are pirating something actually good on some sort of deranged principle?

Did I get that right? You bought fucking Atelier?

I'll play 99% of the game and watch this ending on youtube.



I'll have this game forever.

post tfw you're a denuvofag

Humans are dead
Yorha dies
2B dies
9S kills A2

>watch this ending on youtube.

Sorry user, its an experience, you either play it and experience it, or you might as well not bother.
I feel sorry for you, you are missing out.








>giving a shit about mediocre weeb game

But I can just pirate it as well, it costs nothing, I think we remember that.
That means I got everything the game can possibly can, including its pirated version.

so you think that paying 60$ for ending E is all you have to feel superior to pirate fags?

wew lad.

I love spoilers user, tell me more.

No really, I do, I knew about Renner and Bert way before the manga because of discussion boards, please tell me the whole game.

I'm from a time where most people were poor and we didn't have too much money so we bought magazines with walkthroughs and I used to read them and imagine the game.

I love spoilers!!!

I'm not feeling superior to anyone, I'm just telling pirates that they are missing out on something as of this moment, is pretty damn unique in gaming.
So being "proud" about getting the version of the game missing the most unique thing about it, is not as good as a deal that they should be proud about it.

Still gonna buy it, because I can.

Will not judge those who can't, I've been there.

>buying denuvo games

oh user... you'll just send a message that you want more DRM, stop being stupid.

I also buy my games now that I have money, but I make a point about pirating denuvo games.

>have part time job
>that's right, not even full time
>still make enough money to live in a decent apartment, buy any games I want, and regularly upgrade hardware

how do poorfags even exist

what is unique about that? I already saw it on a video and its fucking normal.

you must have been blown away when you had to look for that code on MGS in the cd right?

impressionable bitch.

i'm playing this game for the gameplay, and being able to do it for free makes it all the better, specially when the devs disrespect the costumers like this putting this denuvo bullshit.

That OP girl looks mighty familiar...maybe it's just coincidence.

I knew patience would pay off. Feels good man, still gotta go through my backlog though so it'll be a while before I get to it.

>bought the game on release
>still haven't beaten it because life
>threads are going to be nothing but spoilers for the sake of spoiling now

Thanks a lot denuvo.

>he rents games from Steam

NEET's and underage boys

>be high class
>goverment policies doesnt let me use my credit card online
>no imports whatsoever

fuck you Maduro

Where do you live.

>I already saw it on a video and its fucking normal.

good job proving you are a child and as such bereft of disposable income and thus spend your time doing this - justifying your pitiful opinion and behavior to me, an anonymous person on the internet

grow up, pretty sure you won't even like the game and will be back here whining like a bitch about it

Must be nice living in first world.

>make 1500 a month in full time job
>pay 200 food
>100 energy
>100 water
>100 internet
>200 transport
>700 rent

>a PS4 is 1500~
>a gaming computer is 3000 at minimum
>games prices go from 80 to 300

I pirated Berseria and loved every one of my 73 hours on it, I'm sure I'll love Automata too :)

Stay mad haha.

Why would I be mad? I enjoyed the game to its fullest several months ago in february, with full online capabilities, and an actual taste in vidya.

Maybe you are projecting.

I also unironically love spoilers, before seeing movies I usually read the entirety of the movie script beforehand.

Of course you're mad, you're trying to shame others on a thread about a cracked game, if you weren't so fucking butthurt you wouldn't be here.

You paid 60 dollars for a fucking DRM rotten game, I'll get the game without the hindrances and for free.

Again, stay mad.


I'm advising, not shaming. I paid $120, I bought it twice. Not having online is a hindrance, go for a walk, you need to calm down and you don't even have your copy yet.

hahaah being this butthurt user, its hilarious, keep posting.

>keep doing what I'm doing

Oh user.

>le epic spoiler trole XD

Glorious Noreg. Got lucky there I guess.

Damn man where do you live?

So what makes ending E so special pirate fags cant get it?

Is it related to chevos or some online shit?

oh boy because we totally need more threads about this shit game

Online shit. You have to request help from other players.


SE was waiting for this to get refunds from Denuvo and release a version without denuvo just like it was donw with Doom

Buying Atelier isn't something to brag about.

This is the first time I pirate a game in 3 years and the reason it's gonna be Nier because Denuvo didn't make this game availabe on the SEA and Asia regions in steam and all the way up to now.

You don't want my money, denuvo? you won't get it.

Brazilian detected.

I'm brazilian too. If you are not brazilian i bet it was a close call.

For one thing you can't actually get it. It's a bullet hell segment that's damn near impossible to do alone. After dying a certain amount of times (and being asked if you want to give up each time) you will be asked if you want help from someone else. Select yes and you will get help from other players. After you have beaten this segment you get the final ending and afterwards you'll be asked if you wish to help someone else in the world in the same way that you had just received help. Only this comes at a cost, you can only do it if you allow the game to delete all of your save data.

So basically, you have the choice to give up everything you gained from the game after spending at least 40 hours on it, just for the sake of helping out some random person in the world, it might even be some total asshole. It was a wonderful moment really and possibly one of the most memorable and unique experiences I've had in gaming personally. Of course that's because I went in to this game blind and didn't even really expect that much from it. It wont have that same impact on anyone in this thread because they either pirated it or they willingly let themselves get spoiled on it. That's a shame but I doubt these are the kind of people who would really appreciate this game anyway so it probably doesn't matter.

>Tfw you patiently waited and bought other shit

Too bad the games shit, not even worth a pirate
The only appeal is the ass and I can look at that for free

>tfw brazilian
>tfw want to buy a good tablet to draw but they cost fucking 4k+ here
>tfw I could get it for 2k if I were an ameriburger

I want to kill myself and every fucking politician of this hellhole.

what do they fucking do with taxes for fucks sake?


lmao all the idiots who paid 60$ for this

I bought the game cause I wanted to show my demand for more of this game/series.

Glad you're able to enjoy it though, cheers.

the timing is great. I personally played it months ago when it actually released. But this way even poor people get to experience this great game.

And if they don't like it, at least they didn't squander money on it.

Well if its on PC you can just savescum anyways right?
I actually know a few people that backup their save data after each game session. I cant be assed for that kind of shit.

Seems like a neat concept that definitely has a large impact on the player, especially console players, but is also completely retarded.
What happens when
>theres no one online because its dead
>the servers are down
>you have no decent internet in a rural area
>your too poor for internet

I seriously cant stand content locked behind an online connection unless playing online is the entire point of the game. I prefer being able to turn off all the lights and be alone in my game world. Not constantly reminded that online features exist. So in this game I would just be frustrated by it since its predominantly a single player action game.


This. Enjoy it my friends.


Wasn't the port garbage?

>poorfags, shitskins and underage finally get to play a good game

*clap clap clap*

you just gotta have connection with the right people, fag.

Fuck Maduro

2b dies
humanity is dead
pascals village commits suicide
you kill pascal

I don't get it, if you wanted to play it so badly why not just pay for it? You intentionally steal from creators you like?

Time to play this. I ain,t paying 80 canabucks for a budget title.

Why aren't more Japanese publishers bringing games to PC? I can't possibly think of a reason

>you kill pascal
i let him suffer

Does the crack work with the steam rip version of the game ?

this. you can just walk out of the room

Oh man...

y tho

if he wants to die so badly he can do it himself


at least not the type of stealing you are thinking about, im not the bad person here, cmon

Denuvo lasted long enough to do its job


>pay 60$ for game because I want to support Taro
>download denuvo crack

They are though. In the recent 2 to 3 years, a lot of japanese AAA games were released on Steam. A lot of these are ports of older games, but more and more new Japanese games will become PC multiplat in the future.
Nintendo and Sony are desperately trying to bribe/blackmail the publishers to keep their games exclusive, but the money that can be made with PC releases seems to be worth it.

I don't give one iota of a shit about that game and won't play it even if I can get it for free, but I'll still pirate it out of my sheer hatred for DRM. We are living in a dark age of media.

If we don't reject DRM now, in a few decades we'll finally realize that a huge portion of our entertainment media is lost for no good reason. Not because it was in a very limited run, not because of source material being stolen or degrading beyond copy-ability, not because no-one gave a shit and it was lost and forgotten through the years.

Media, not just games, will be lost because it was locked behind DRM so some scumfucks could make a few extra pennies off of it. We are relying on, by the time it becomes public domain, rights holders to do one of several things. To release it DRM-free sometime down the line, to remove DRM on existing copies, to provide offline consume-ability of media that requires connection to a server, or for a pirate group to do any of that work for them out of the kindness of their hearts.

Thankfully the last of those options tends to happen, hopefully up until they enter public domain and die a natural death (i.e. people stop giving a shit). Imagine if everything in the public domain stopped existing. No old copies, no reprints, not even the idea. Think about how much of that stuff influences current content creators, or is still good to experience even today.

The inability to build off of previous works spells the death for cultural evolution. We'd be stuck with simplistic stories, with no way to explore past that. Any one example is trivial, if this game ceased to exist it wouldn't affect shit, but the individual examples as a whole creates a devastating effect.

Ya is crackd but 50 GB thats a month of download for me.

But if i like it and runs good on my pc i will buy it in the next steam sale. like all my games.

Remider to pirate first and buy later anons!

At this point, only poorfags or uninterested people haven't bought the game. I'm actually glad that more people get to enjoy it now.

By the way, avoid threads such as these if you pirate the game now. Some faggots will spoil.

There's a repack going around that's 22gigs.
Fitgirl will probably upload a repack too, which should cut down even more.

Wise man.


>6hour installs
thank you god for 50mb/s

Only if you have a shitty CPU, mine takes a couple of minutes.