Where were you when Treyarch saved the franchise? Again.
>Nacht der Untoten
>Shi no Numa
>Kino Der Toten
>Shangri La
Where were you when Treyarch saved the franchise? Again.
>Nacht der Untoten
>Shi no Numa
>Kino Der Toten
>Shangri La
Other urls found in this thread:
>saving anything
Fuck you nigger. Literally all people want is zombies.
Enjoy you rehashed shit. Wait not even rehashed, just re-released. Gay boy.
I'll enjoy it more than you can imagine. These remasters are gonna give me hundreds of hours of playability.
>nacht again (already had assets from Revelations)
>Origins over COTD/MOTD (just pay the fucking royalties.)
>Not releasing it as a standalone knowing half the playerbase traded in Blops 3.
>Not just making a COD Zombies standalone game with all the maps.
When was it saved user?
If anything, Black Ops 3 is still the most popular Call of Duty at the moment in terms of players.
But I hate CoD zombies
I'd rather have spec ops missions
Nacht is not great but it's unique at least. Origins is by far the best map, mob is second but it's not super close. Call of the dead was absolutely terrible.
They picked the maps they did because they're the important maps in the zombies story, they all have the main 4 characters (Dempsey, Richtofen, Takeo, and Nikolai)
oh boy old maps but worse now
>he didn't play The Giant
They're g.o.a.t at remastering old maps
>have to buy BO3, all of its DLC and DLC you've already bought previously to have every map
Have fun kids
So is anyone hyped for infinite warfare dlc3 it WW2?
Black Ops 3 was pure FPS-kino though. Almost didn't buy it since every non-Treyarch game since MW2 was dog shit. There's still quite a few people playing it.
oh yeah putting worse weapons on maps is goat
>Black Ops 3 was pure FPS-kino
Fucking stop. The game is the definition of average.
Advanced Warfare was the last good CoD game.
>when double pack-a-punch exists
>when the KN-44 is a wall gun
Nothing besides the old ppsh can compete. BO3's assault rifles are the best ARs have ever been in zombies. Shotguns too.
>Kino der Toten
LMAO even COD is picking up Sup Forums meme. How uncreative do you have to be?
black ops invented kino
origins is treyarch's best work and if you disagree your taste is S H I T
>have season pass
>not included
Haven't people already remade all of the maps in the map editor anyway?
I loved the movement mechanics in advanced warfare. Made the battles much more interesting.
So is BO3 worth getting on PC?[spoiler/]
Is it paid DLC?
I own the season pass
If I have to pay more for this that's bullshit
The first two maps don't have the original characters, unless they retconned them to
It is worth getting for PC, I am pretty sure people have masde all the clasic zombie maps and a load of new ones with the mod tools. You can acces them all through custom servers.
holy fuck yes moon was so fucking cool but the graphics were kinda shit and dated, but blops 3 has amazing art style and graphics
nope. gotta pay separate. my favourite zombies map (call of the dead) isnt even included so Im not spending 20 dollars on it
Buried is fun but it's so fucking easy.
Verruckt was retconned in the B01 version, not sure about Nacht
20 fucking dollars for this?
Fucking assholes
Treyarch are fucking cancer
Weapons were supply drop only while in infinite warfare they're all free and the variants can be crafted
Black ops 3 was so dull and boring, no idea why people shill it
Awful maps, broken shotguns, terrible balance all around, specialists, broken streaks etc
>it's a RAPS episode
Fucking dumbass the seasons pass was for 4 fucking dlc packs. This is basically a extra add on. You dont need this shit.
only good map is Nacht Reimagined mod for WAW
Black Op 3 still has players? I thought everyone moved on to Infinte Warfare
I would pay for a zombies collection with all the maps and mods support
sounds fun to me
i am that duck.
>it's a dlc for blops 3 and not a standalone like rumors suggested
Well, at least I saved some money then.
Yeah okay but where's the new maps?
Is your definition of 'saving' "repackaging the past and selling it again for full price"?
>No 5
Oh yeah, maps I played years ago, this pathetic franchise is saved for only $29.99
It's bonus shit that was never going to be part of that pass. They said 4 DLCs, they gave 4. Supply drops are entirely an Activision thing, they pretty much had no say at all.
Maps were pretty good, great art style for the most part, they're just all 3 lane maps. The weapon balance was god-tier and constantly changing, you could use almost any gun and compete.
Specialists broken? Never, all the weapons have huge drawbacks. Streaks broken? Never played the game much, did you? Launchers were broken, you could take down the best streaks in seconds with the blackcell which you unlock early.
No one is playing IW MP. I got the game for £8, played the SP and then tried to play MP but there is hardly anyone playing it. It took like 5 minuets to find a match and even then it wasn't a full lobby and ended up being 3v2.
Activision pissed off a lot of customers with the way they packaged MWR. BO3 is still the most populated COD.
FINALLY, best map is back. Blops 3 is finally worth playing.
>Hey guys, treyarch re-released all their odl as fuck zombies map YET AGAIN, and the're only 15$! TREYARCH = GODS
Jesus Christ how much of a god damn shill are people that talk like this?
>Hating on the Kino of Zombie maps
It and Ascension are the best maps in the series
Still a decent amount playing on PC.
You're wrong about everything
Supply drops are awful because of Treyarch
If it's activation, then why are they so much better in infinite warfare?
Weapon balance sucked because they kept redoing things for no reason
Maps were awful, not fun at all
The new weapons were pointless because it's rng to get them
Awful streak balance as usual from treyarch
Again, a very poorly made cod game overall, since zombies and campaign was also shit
I have around 100 hours in BO3 and 600 in inifinite warfare
It's just that much better
This is a good thing for people who like Zombies and don't want to spend 15$ for one zombie map and 4 maps for the shitty multiplayer
IW's was better because of the shitstorm that BO3 supply drops caused. Isn't that obvious? There's nothing good about IW, it's the worst COD ever made and by a wide margin. It has literally one viable gun, if you aren't using a KBAR then you're not competing.
You get all the others in 1 dlc?
Blacks op1 was the last good cod that had effort in.
The rest are all shit and none of their maps are memorable
Oh wow, I had no idea it was this fucking bad
I rape people with all weapons even shotguns
Why don't you get gud user?
Post K/D
I just really like the setting, buried western town with interlinking cave sections sounds kickass.
the caves on buried were fucking awesome especially on grief nobody would bother you up there because nobody knew they existed
There you go
I really love Infinite, BO3 really disappointed me
My most used weapon is what most people call the worst gun in the game
So go figure
So fucking lengthy. You could build that fucking speaker and just camp between buildings with your team. And God help you if the other team has paralyzers.
>Shangri La making a comeback
Finally, now everyone gets to experience narrow hallways, napalm zombies, fast fuckers, and the 2nd best Wonder Weapon
You think that's competing levels?
I play for fun and use whatever I like and in 9 out of 10 games I'm top 2
I get called a hacker a ton
My point is not that I'm the best cod player ever you cunt, but that you can use whatever and do great
So yea, you don't have to use that one meta weapon to rape in IW, as I said
Yo I never played IW is that character in the background glitched or does it actually look like that
It's a robot that turns into a dog
>kino is back on the menu!
Best fucking map.
Why does it look like parts of it didn't load in right
Why does it turn into a dog
Based taste.
All the "muh boots" faggots need to fuck off and accept that cod shouldent be realistic, the one game where they embraced the arcadey feel it should have, led to a cod game that felt more fastand dogfight gameplay then Halo.
NA-45 and XMG were glorious and some of the most exciting weapons Ive played with in a mp shooter for a long time.
Now sledgehammer have to cater to the bootfags and make a bf1+bo1 ripoff.
The design makes sense for a robot it is a machine
It turns into a dog because it's fun but kinda useless compared to the other shit it can do
Cod being realistic doesn't matter
Sledge and Nu-IW are incapable of making god tier maps
Will these remasters have Gumballs and PaP for the WaW maps?
But IW maps are good tho
AW maps were shit and also BO3 ones
probably gumballs but no pap for the waw maps. Blunderboy said he didn't wanna fuck with the maps too much.
That is true but sledge are good at making god tier specials which treyarch for the most part lacks.
Yes yes it does. Especially when your rvals are realistic and full sci-fi. WW will just feel like a bf1 rip off thats cashing in on WaW fans
All recent IW maps have been shit.
>shangri la
please dont remind me of the asspain from that map. Literally a map that left me with a sore ass from all the beatings.
Wonder if that means they'll disable the PaP related Gobblegums for non-PaP maps
I didn't play the dlc maps for IW
But the base maps are good
>But IW maps are good tho
They're bland as fuck and are forgettable.
Few years down the line no one will want these maps remastered
Implying zombies is good in anyway and making it seem good that you idiots will buy these maps again and again every year. Youre the reason cod is shit
I don't mind as long as they're good maps
They also look amazing, so much detail on them
Fucking kek
>Shitty DLC
Who cares?
>Call of the dead was absolutely terrible
Take it back you piece of shit
Daily reminder this is the best map that ever came from this shitheap of a franchise
it was comfy tho and the wunderweapon was neato
Morons who traded it in will have to double dip.
Honestly 3arc are geniuses.
Holy fuck do you mean Call of Duty™ Black Ops™ 3™ Zombie Chronicles™ New DLC is coming in may?
The award winning shooter that conquered thousands of gamers hearts and thumbs will return big time with a side mission involving zombie killing with your friends?
Thats amazing.
I will sure check it out.
>he won't be playing the new dlc
What are you poor? am i right guys?
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See you in Hell™.
When are they going to make a standalone zombie game? I prefer that. They can make a pretty good game out of the idea if they tried.
Asshurt detected
Ya finna mad bruh
Nope, sorry.
Jumpfag detected
Hows it feel being 12
So once Lost Planet 1/2 gets on the PS4 there will be absolutely no reason to own a PS3.
This stage in horde mode was beyond fun
Nope again, sorry.
Real talk tho, the map is good.
>3 shit maps
no motd
no call of the dead
fuck activision