How scary is Silent Hill 2~4?

How scary is Silent Hill 2~4?

I haven't played a single horror game, but I heard about how great SH2 is so I wanted to give it a shot

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They are all absolutely worth it.

How scary you'll find them will largely depend on the kind of person you are, really. Some people swear up and down on Silent Hill 2 but it's my least favorite of the classic games. It really says a lot about who you are as a person which game you prefer (as my favorite is Silent Hill 3).

And why aren't you interested in the original?

I don't think any Silent Hill game is especially scary. It's more like a nightmarish tragic drama-

I'd say they keep you tense more than scare you, but they are very unnerving at times. Best horror games ever made.

They're all pretty spooky. Horrific nightmare monsters that make the radio you carry all staticky and weird, ghosts that haunt your house in 4 depending on what you do, and the most haunting and best soundtracks of all videogames. I love how bleak the games are, especially 3.


about why i'm not interested in the original, it seemed like it would run too badly on emulator + my friend was recommending me to play 2 and 4 at least, so I was asking about them

is it a jumpscare game? I can kinda play soma but not those games where boo spook games

>is it a jumpscare game?

No, this isn't YouTube reaction bait trash like every horror game from the past however many years.

Inb4 infographic

They are scary.

If your definition of scary is jumpscares and gore, this is not your kind of scary. This is more psychological horror that spooks you with it's atmosphere and the feeling of helplessness.

Personally I think SH1-3 are the best horror games ever created, and I would encourage any fan of horror to try them out. 3 is the most scary of the bunch, but SH2 has the better story and atmosphere. SH1 is somewhere in-between.

And if you happen to like the first 3, SH4 is different but good enough that you might wanna give it a shot. Ignore every other game with Silent Hill in the title.

1 really isn't all that hard to emulate. The story of 3 doesn't have the same impact if you don't play 1. 2 is kind of standalone but obviously some "lore" of the town is established in the predecessor sums up sh2 pretty well

>How scary is Silent Hill 2~4?
Great, but varying levels of scary. SH2 is the least spooky of them all, and it is praised for totally different things than its scarines.

SH1 is still the best one, and the one you REALLY need to start with. Period. Here, I'll even leave you the SH PC Guide + DL links:


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
You can now see some decent emulator settings for SH1 as well in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Also give the new PGXP emulator a shot for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.

No you silly cat. SH games are the OPPOSITE of jumpscare fest.
Their horror is purely atmospheric and disturbing sort.

Silent Hill 2 is fucking amazing

3 is scarier, but 2 has that sentimental atmosphere

What the hell are you babbling about?
SH1 is a PS1 game. It's been easily emulate-able for well over a decade now. Go play it, now!

SH2 is a great cult-hit of its own, but you will miss a big chunk of its appeal if you start with it. Hell, you may even get bored out of your mind because of its slower and more calm pace and style. The release order is quite literally a must, and I really would recommend RE-PLAYING each one of the SH titles before moving on.

And no, SH1-4 are not jumpscare walking sims nor Amnesia-style trash. They're pure oldschool survival horror titles; think Resident Evil 1-3, but with way more psychological mindfuck feel and style, and no macho MCs with heavy arsenal.

SH2 is fucking overrated. literally not a single scary moment in the game. 3 is legit and 4 would be good if they didn't put the weird ass game mechanics in it

>literally not a single scary moment in the game
Jumpscare babby detected

Don't listen to this fag and start with 2, if you like the series you can go to 1. It's not a direct sequel and references can be enjoyed both ways.
SH2 is just a way better game, much more modern,easily accessible and arguably most memorable of all the series.

Not very. They're more about the story and atmosphere.

Also SH2 has by far the best soundtrack in the series, and arguably one of the strongest soundtracks in all of gaming.

2 > 3 >>> 1=4

I NOPE'd for 2 years in one of the first apartment buildings when I played SH2 in 2004. The scariest part was checking a locked door, walking a few steps and hearing someone trying to unlock that same door from the inside.

When I finally got back to playing it, I thought I was ready for anything, but then I had to get rid of the radio in the final stage.

LMAO kid
Wait until you play 3

That game scarred me for life
Those bleeding walls, fuck me

>calls others a fag
>is a neo-SH2 faggot
oh the irony...

SH1 > all the rest.

-Largest, most interesting and varied town sections.
-Best pacing out of the whole series; the slow beginning and Apartments in SH2 really grind people's gears.
-Great, varied major locations (School, hospital, sewers...)
-Better enemy and boss variation, all of 'em are fairly dangerous
-Nicely balanced difficulty, both action & puzzles.
-Scary as fuck, full of mindfuck parts as well
-Great visual design, full of small details.
-Awesome soundtrack and audiowork in general.

And no, SH2 is no more "modern" than its predecessor. They were literally released two years apart, and the gameplay is EXACTLY the same in the first three games.

dude you should play thief deadly shadows
>haunted orphanage abandoned after a fire
>picking a lock on a door
>someone starts knocking angrily from the other side
>objective: go to the morgue

I played other SH games, but the other parts were pretty unremarkable compared to 2.

Scariest part of 3 for me was the mannequin.

Scariest part of 4 was the water prison when you jump down a hole and get to see the twins right off the bat and when Walter keeps chasing you in the final stages.

Homecoming was just trash.

anything released after SH4 was pure trash, and should not be even worth mentioning with the Team-Silent's games.

Are you saying Shattered Memories is trash?
I disagree with you and I'll dance on your grave.

Start with SH1 then. This series is very story and characten-driven saga, and while not all of the games are directly connected when it comes to the casts, they still have connections in the background. And I honestly think that SH1 is the best designed introduction to the Silent Hill. It kinda gets "to the point" faster, is better paced and directed when it comes to actual gameplay, and it has just about perfect balance of psychological horror and the terror-kind scares stuff like Resi is better known for.

Just prepare to learn the "tank controls". Assuming you didn't start playing games just last month, they should not be a big challenge after 15-20 minutes.

Oh, and in case someone didn't mention it yet:
Stay the fuck away from the god-awful "HD" "Collection" on PS3 / 360! Seriously, just don't even think about them.

OK fine, SM was an exception.
Doesn't mean that 99% of the other SH-stuff released after #4 wouldn't had been utter mess.

don't argue anons, you both are disappointment to your parents after all, because SH3 was the last one worth a shit

no matter how long you repeat the 13 year old meme, Silent Hill 4 was and still is a fine horror experience. And it was always meant to be a Silent Hill -related game as well. And yes, it beats the living crap out of anything released later on.

Silent Hill is not even made to be scary. It's about weirdness and uncanny stuff.

...which all makes it scary.
Seriously, SH are some of the few games I could only play some 30 minutes tops at once on the first playthroughs. Some of the areas, like the school or sewers in SH1, still unnerve me to no end.

I wasn't aware that there are memes about this 2bh, those must be old as fuck. But The Room is pure trash, let me tell you why:
>chocolate guy
>unkillable zombie goasts during puzzle segments
>exorcism shit so go collect candles faggot
It was worse than any previous game in every possible way. Better than any other after it, sure, but that's special olympics gold.

Then i must be fucked in the head, because i love the otherworld's aesthetics, i don't even know what it's called or if these aesthetics even have a name, but it looks awesome.

It's about dream-like state at its core, when you don't know what's real and what's not. Or going crazy which is basically same thing. Psychological stuff more than imminent danger, turns out it works pretty well for slow paced exploran games with wonky controls.

Why there were only 4 demon rooms in SH1 and not 7?

Demon rooms?

not scary, more like unsettling

Same. I get this almost euphoric feeling whenever I look at the otherworld aesthetics, and that never happens with me with other kinds of art. Silent Hill 3 especially had some fantastic enviromental design.

Special mention to the EU boxart for SH3.

is 3 scary(er?)

>chocolate guy
...and one NPC somehow ruins the whole game for you, because?
>unkillable zombie goasts during puzzle segments
There's like what, two of such "scenes" at all?
Plus the Ghost are THE freakiest enemies to ever spawn from SH series.
>exorcism shit so go collect candles faggot
No one's forcing you.

tl;dr: you got very superficial reasons to hate the last great SH game.

Not him, but yes, SH3 is the scariest game in the series. And it should be played after having played SH1 AND 2 to fully appreciate it.

>Plus the Ghost are THE freakiest enemies to ever spawn from SH series.
Just play Fatal Frame if that's your kind of thing. FF2 is almost on the same level of quality as SH1-3.

SH2 is psychological horror done extremely well but SH1 is probably the best heart-racing classic horror of the series.


>literally one jump scare the entire game


>Only jump scares are scary
Eat shit faggot



That shit isn't even scary, fuck you retards.

>triggered Heather fag

I want to impregnate Heather.

fuck off empty hero

not op but I wanna play just because it's scary
will it still spook me after all these years?
because I've played a 8 year old horror game and it had me laughing instead of being spooked because of the graphics

I'm not a graphics!!! fag but it does make up for the mood

Stop shilling your shitty channel.

SH1 doesn't really hold up. The animations alone make it more comedic than it should be.

The other games still hold up.

>will it still spook me
What games do you find spooky?
Because what you find spooky might not be what another person finds spooky. Some people swear that Condemned is the scariest shit ever created, but that game didn't even phase me. On the other hand I found Fatal Frame 2 absolutely terrifying, but if you're not into supernatutal horror or japanese ghosts and you prefer jump scares you might think it's lame.

I already did, but oldschool ghosts aren't really the same thing as being turned into undying meat dolls for all eternity.

Thanks guy

considering we've only had Amnesia-like trash for the past 8+ years, I'd say Silent Hill 1-4 should be right down your alley.

I've had many 25+ yo players play them for the very first time just recently, and not one of them has NOT been spooked by them.

Ignore fags like. Silent Hill is a prime example of graphics being very secondary in creating of unnerving atmosphere.

Going into these games with the SCARE ME SCARE ME mentality is not really going to work.

>I've played *a* 8 year old horror game
..which was?
>it had me laughing because of graphics
>I'm not a graphix!!! fag
yeah, right.

Now, THIS is pretty much the worst you gotta deal with in the original SH games. The art-style is always top notch IMO, and the console's limitations are cleverly used to create haunting atmosphere (darkness, fog, messy environments...). The sequels being next-gen titles, they pack notably higher poly & -res visuals, that rival even some modern titles with their character animations and lighting effects.

The true cream on the top in SH however is the superb audio world of Akira Yamaoka. The OST work of his is already legendary, but the individual sound effects and always slightly "off sounding" VA don't pale in comparison either.

This too. And I'd say SH games do fine job luring you into the mood and nightmarish situations.

>The true cream on the top in SH however is the superb audio world of Akira Yamaoka. The OST work of his is already legendary, but the individual sound effects

I'd say sound is a great part of what makes Silent Hill great. I heard Yamaoka recorded 1000 different footstep sounds to guarantee the footsteps would never repeat.

>The true cream on the top in SH however is the superb audio world of Akira Yamaoka. The OST work of his is already legendary, but the individual sound effects and always slightly "off sounding" VA don't pale in comparison either.

Except for the horrendous songs with lyrics, specially the terrible songs from SH3.

Lyrics were a mistake.

This is why SH2 has the best OST.

>How scary is Silent Hill 2~4
it's kinda subjective if something scary or not
they are great games though
also you should play sh1 before sh3 and four is worse than the first three, so a good place to start is sh 1 or 2

True. I've for long said that audio can often be even more important aspect in vidya than graphics. You know how in some shooters, gunplay feels very satisfying, while in seemingly similar other title it can feel very flat? A lot of that has to do with audio effects.

>I heard Yamaoka recorded 1000 different footstep sounds to guarantee the footsteps would never repeat.
it's said plain and simple in the Making Of Video of SH2.

I quite agree, but at least SH4's Room Of Angel was pretty sweet song.

Silent Hill is not a horror game. It won't scare you. It's a puzzle-adventure game with a macabre theme.

either your sarcasm levels are off the roof, or you are dead inside.

Game is not very scary. The atmosphere and soundtrack is crazy good.

Horror games aim to scare the player. It's not enough to have a dark setting and story. Silent Hill doesn't even have jumpscares.

You are the worst kind of faggot. Neck yourself.

>How scary is Silent Hill 2~4?
SH2 = least scary of the original quadrilogy. It's more of a "sad love story" with disturbing and highly psychological imagery.

SH3 = almost as scary as SH1, with which it's the most similar style-wise. Way more terrorizing and nightmarish,

SH4 = totally different gameplay style, but I'd say it captures the actual nightmare feel. Some of the freakiest ideas and designs of the whole saga, IMO.

Uhh... you are extremely wrong. About all things.

What a great counter-argument, buddy. Silent Hill fans are the worst. Cancer of the survival-horror genre, even though Silent Hill is not even a real survival-horror game.

>Some of the freakiest ideas and designs of the whole saga

Oh yeah, those ghost wheelchairs going back and forth and that giant head were soooo great.

>one scene and one rare enemy type negate all the rest of the game

Sh2 is freaky as fuck if you like movies like eraserhead or cure

Your opinion is absolute shit.

>SH2 less scary than SH4

Get fucked, retard.

good bait, what is a good (survival-)horror game then

Fuck off.

>get fucked, retard
I just got yesterday. Stay mad, kid.

Your mom doesn't count, retard.

>Silent Hill doesn't even have jumpscares.
>What is the locker room in SH1?
>What is the manequin room in SH3?
>Implying jumpscares aren't the laziest form of horror

5/10. Made me reply

Not everyone's into incest like your family, boi.
And still doesn't change the fact that SH2 is the least scary game in the series.

Outlast, Amnesia, Resident Evil 1-3 and 7.

why wouldn't incest count

so two jump scares in a series that long seems pretty tame

>hates jumpscares
>ma deep symbolism!
>ma heather!
>ma sad story about physical manifestation of emotion!
>songs by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn!

Is there a more pretentious fanbase?

If you weren't an inbred retard from your incestious family then you wouldn't have those shitty opinions, fuckface.

>looks like Kurt Cobain
>Nirvana released In Utero
>Walter is trying to get back into the room, aka his mother's uterus

Japs are alright in my book

cmon, you could've least tried with some obscured shit like white day or something actually good

>fucks his momma, because can't get dick wet otherwise
>thinks SH2 is scary
wew lad


Let's not forget the lack of an otherworld.
Or when it turns into a escort mission half way through and forces you to backtrack the entire game.
Or the shitty sound design, where dogs sound like a panther, patients burp and tumor guys sound like monkeys.
Or the lack of bosses.
Or the OP axe weapon that you acquire right in the beginning of the game.

Sh4 is fun to play once, but trying to replay it or analyzing it makes you realize how crappy it is. It's a fun experiment at best.

>Let's not forget the lack of an otherworld.
So what do you call the Walty boy's dream lands then?
>escort mission
never been an issue. Way more tolerable than escorting 1-hit kill bitch like Maria. At least Eileen's unbeatable and can fight too.
>shitty sound design
only thing where I kinda agree with you, but only down to the generic sound library yell and the panthers.
>lack of bosses
now there's something I've never seen anyone complain or even mention about.
>OP axe
not exactly received at the beginning, but it is deliciously fun.

I've had no problems replaying it three times already. Will prolly do another playthrough in near future.

garbage opinion worthy of ridicule

If you're expecting endless jump scare fest, you'll be disappointed. SH are all about spooky atmosphere, uncanny enemies, and some pure mindfuck parts.

SH4's environments are so shit that i only paid attention to Walter's stairwell part.

Silent Hill fans are the most pretentious by far.