Bioshock Infinite

Still the best video game ever made.

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Not really. It's pretty good just really average gameplay

even that is too much credit

Being contrarian just for the sake of it is nothing special

people will say this about Shit in the Wild in a 2-3 years.

This game is like the epitome of normie-core mediocrity. The absolute casualization and sterilization of an otherwise somewhat interesting franchise. Literally a theme-park-tier shooting gallery with a pathetically self-indulgent TIME TRAVEL ending that doesn't even make sense if you take the time to actually critique it.

Still the best waifu ever made

is there any porn of this girl?

None. At all.

Bioshock 1 wasn't casual?
Fuck are you on about?
Even that was casual mode system shock
Eat shit

Story was enjoyable, even if predictable. Ken Levine sadly has very limited information on quantum mechanics so the ending is kinda lolwat.

Gameplay is lacking. Only a few Vigors stand out. Same with guns. Jumping on rails was okay always felt super arena-ish. Would've liked to see it expanded.

Enemies are super bullet-spongey. Even on the easiest of settings it takes way too much ammo to kill the base level grunts. Mini-bosses feel a little repetitive. Handymen are tedious.

Elizabeth was well done and the Luteces were enjoyable. Comstock was kinda beige in his performance. Troy Baker was okay but very Troy Baker. If you've heard him once you've heard him every time.

DLC is super enjoyable though and really rewards you if you've played the first Bioshock. It should've been one release however.

Also the people that spam the 'that card' meme are reminders we're on a site full of kids 18 and younger.

>Wave shooter with no level design
>Best game ever made
If you say so...

if it didn't get downgrade, sure it would be somewhere near top 10 list of all time.

That aesthetic setting though

That guy always makes clickbait shit video's
He's really insufferable

Every time a new console or anything comes out, he finds like 10 clips of it not working and I guess that means it's a wide spread issue

So fucking retarded

About the point you're making, that wasn't the game, that was all scripted to hell to show it off

That's pretty obvious

I'm yet to see one source that confirms that 2K didn't make the game they planned to make from the get go

you are actually right about the new console clickbait videos but I firmly believe that bioshock got downgraded.

Beautiful game. Everything else is shit, though.

It's either that or they scammed us with the pre release "gameplay"

Either way the game we got is pretty meh and somehow rose than bioshock 1

I like bioshock 2 the most, it's the only game in the series that I replayed multiple times

Also it has goty dlc

The DLC for infinite was also amazing but the issue is that it's not standalone

>focus-tested, retard-proof, poorly written, preachy, "cinematic", AAA westrash
>best game ever

i was super dissapointed

game was fucking boring

I thought it was going to be extremely fleshed out and great, it fucking was the exact opposite

all games get downgrade user. less or more. believe that. we only know 'more' ones like witcher 3 and watch dogs 1. but every game are budged from somewhere in the project. beacuse every studio wants to make best game when neither developers/artist nor time/money is sufficient.

I disagree. Thematically it's muddy without a strong overarching idea that really binds it together. Columbia doesn't have the degree of pull in the story that it should; ultimately it feels like window dressing and that's it. Combined with the "lol quantum mechanics" angle that it goes with and the story, and the ending in particular, feels almost nonsensical. Combat is downright disappointing with nothing to set it apart from other shooters; even vigors, which should theoretically change the game, don't really do much to offset how brainless combat can get. As an example, I've found that the battle with the Siren/Elizabeth's Ghost Mom is best settled with the fire grenade vigor spammed until everything is dead.

The final battle on the airship is the only one that really requires you to understand how the game works and pull together all the disparate combat elements that the game has thus far given you, and even that isn't terribly interesting. The rail system, despite being nonsense in terms of their design (if they're supposed to go across and around the city, they shouldn't all be just one big loop).

It's a gorgeous game to look at though (at least at a distance) and the writing for the Luteces and Elizabeth isn't half bad. Beyond that, I genuinely wouldn't recommend it.


true patrician taste. pls user recommend me some ps4 games.
I recently bought INSIDE btw.

>no dick

I know the game was pretty meh, but all of those videos are people going out of their way to be contrarian

Infinite got so much praise and was talked about so much that people who have that contrarian itch stepped out of the woodwork's to attack it

It happens a lot with games

Especially totalbuscuits video
It's when I realized that I maybe shouldn't listen to the cunt
He even said that titanfall 2 had a bad singleplayer, but only because he read online that people really loved it

Such an asshole

You're right and this is why we need consoles
They're limited, which means developers can't go crazy with development making the best game ever, only to screw it up because you don't have an infinite budget

Ken Levine and the devs of bioshock infinite actually dropped their name and the franchise

From what I read, it seems that Ken wanted to make more complex games that 2K didn't allow

Which is why they're re-branded now