They really had no fucking idea what to do with him after his debut, did they?

They really had no fucking idea what to do with him after his debut, did they?

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Surprise!! Lawboy

Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice did a good job with him though.

Is the black part of his clothing or does he have comic book shading?

>Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice did a good job with him though.
Are you fucking kidding me?
>Dual Destinies
O fug im edgy now because my best friend I've never talked about before is dead :DDDDD i will never bring this up again btw
>Spirit of Justice
Did I mention my surrogate dad is a terrorist from a foreign country and my surrogate brother is a famous prosecutor? Also they're both so important to me that I'm going to stay in their country and revolutionize their law system, also even though I've only taken on dumb cases that Phoenix Wright could solve in his sleep I'm somehow a good enough lawyer to both beat him in court and beat a queen prosecutor who can literally rewrite the law as I'm facing off against her!

Do you realize how often this applies to the series? There are A LOT of characters and plot points that are never brought up again, a lot of backstories that are created out of thin air, and a lot of "underdog beats the establishment" stories.

Probably because the original writer wasn't involved with Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice.

For Apollo it makes no sense though. It might make sense if he was the sole protagonist of games 5 and 6, but he wasn't. They had to shoehorn in Athena and Phoenix as protagonists for some stupid reason. His character arc is random and disjointed as a result, and what he does at the end of Spirit of Justice does not feel earned at all.

>character arc is random and disjointed as a result

For Spirit of Justice, no it's not. For DD his role isn't as significant but his story is not "random and disjointed".

>what he does at the end of Spirit of Justice does not feel earned at all

Sure it does. Even if we ignore all the previous cases he worked on, he still had to put in a lot of work and go through a lot of shit to conquer that last case. It was far from unearned. You're forgetting that Phoenix took down Von Karma, a super powerful undefeated prosecutor, in four cases. He literally started as a total rookie and ended up defeating the most powerful prosecutor in the land, in one game. One game. And then in the bonus case he took down the chief of police. This is not a series where realism applies.

>You're forgetting that Phoenix took down Von Karma, a super powerful undefeated prosecutor, in four cases. He literally started as a total rookie and ended up defeating the most powerful prosecutor in the land, in one game.
And it feels more believable because he's the protagonist the entire time. Apollo has one case in Spirit of Justice, which is a bog-standard Phoenix Wright case, then he jumps from that to the fucking insane roller-coaster nonsense finale.
>And then in the bonus case he took down the chief of police.
Well, Yamazaki was responsible for that and Spirit of Justice

Also, what the fuck was with the rakugo case? Why was that thrown in? It had nothing to do with anything.

>Spirit of Justice fags still insisting their game is good even though the honeymoon is over
Fuck off.

Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice were absolute crap, OP. Get over it. Retards will defend them, but they're the worst entries in the main series. The clown case in Justice for all is better than the entirety of DD and SoJ.

This is correct.

>Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice were absolute crap, OP. Get over it.
Why are you telling me to get over it when I agree with you?

Are DD and SoJ worth playing? Doesn't matter to me if they're worse than the other games, they're all fun.

AAI2 > T&T > PW > AJ > JFA

If AAI2 is your favorite game in the series, then yes, you'll probably like them.

DD is alright and SoJ is great.

In my opinion at least.

Go play AAI1 fag
They're all "good" and you'll like them if you're a fan of VNs, but DD has a kinda fucked premise desu senpai

Don't forget about the crossover.

>Ace attorney gameplay with a layton ending
The best

You know what i really appreciate about the new games?

No Mia. Mia annoyingly knows too much. I feel compared to her whether its Apollo, Phoenix or Athena, none of them feel like they got ahead of the answer way before you.

1) His game got hijacked by Phoenix due to Capcom's meddling, so he never got proper development in the first place.
2) The writers changed after AJ

Dual Destinies was okay, but SoJ just traded his POS family for another POS family. Dhurke is an awful foster father that puts his blood family before Apollo at just about every step of the way, and his big "saving Apollo from drowning in the mountain" moment was his fault in the first place. He took Apollo there so that he could get his magic orb and then go right back to Khurain. He endangered both Apollo's life and Maya's life.

>It's a "I only like the original game the rest are garbage because reasons" episode

Pic related, your taste

But what about playing Ace Attorney, ONLINE? Roleplaying improv cases completely created by players, with every character in the series being playable.
It's lots of fun please join our server

But we're giving the reasons, user. If you prefer the newer games, make your case_____.
>emotions replacing evidence and mom issues

Christ I'm glad people are coming around to how shit SoJ is. GameFAQs still rides the game's cock

I forgot to add an image, but heres a screencap from one of our cases.
Also there's some case recordings here twitch tv/toodamnsmug/videos/all

>emotions replacing evidence and mom issues

Literally the plot of AA1 if you replace mom issues with dad issues, you literally have Edgeworth's entire character

Face it faggot, you're just wearing rose goggles.

I think SoJ succeeds because its the only game of the series where the Circus case its alright.

Unironically one of the best games of both series. Great character interaction, fun gameplay (though often easy), a couple tearjerkers handles suicide much better then SoJ and some good mysteries

I got super butthurt while playing as Inferno Cop the other day and promptly uninstalled. Not sure if I plan on reinstalling anytime soon.

6-2 is definitely the best and most solid case in SoJ by far, but AAI2 had the balls to revisit 2-3 and did pretty well.

Edgeworth wasn't a batshit insane faggot teenager with a le ebin emotion necklace that doubled as a free lie detector, you nigger. Athena isn't even close to smug, either.

>PW Layton crossover is good
>SoJ is bad

I knew Sup Forums was contrarian but come on lmao


>I don't like it because teenagers


>any game with layton in it

I too enjoy crossword puzzles with lazy writing 8 different times for full price

Reminder Franziska deserved to get shot and that Shelly De Killer is /ourguy/

>a literal redditor actually likes DD and defends athena's bullshit non-character
President of the United States, Donald J. Trump :^)

I'll take that as a compliment, thanks.

Okie dokie then, thanks. Taking the plunge, hoping for the best.

I thought JFA's overarching plot was booty so I bet I can handle it.
I played through AAI on release but I've forgotten most of it, I need to replay it before ranking

Will look into this too, strange concept though. Come to think of it I should finish the second Layton trilogy as well.

first case is good
second case is good
third case didn't do a whole lot for me besides the ending i guess but i understand people liking.
fourth case is straight up bad. Only good part of that case is questioning the vigilantes and the framerate dies during this part


My biggest gripe with this game is how much of a gigantic Gary Stu Layton is.

Athena has plenty of character though

You might not like said character but its definitively character.

Don't remind me, I'm still frustrated by how hard they fucked up this.

The puzzles are good but holy shit the stories are nonsense.

>The magic works because nobody can see black and also everyone goes into a coma when a bell rings

You fags can fuck off now.

Autism, screaming, and a free lie detector does not a character make. She's like Trucy but without introspection or an ounce of self-awareness.

>Bad taste in characters
>In games
>And in Ideology


Enjoy living in a third world country, burger.

Triggered amerilard lmfao

bash the fash white virgin neckbeard genocide now

dual destinies had a couple good cases (DLC case and case 2) while all 5 of Spirit of Justice cases really good

If I don't know the memes will I get bullied for playing wrong

No, don't worry. Everyone is pretty kind to new players.

It absolutely a character makes.


It's Sup Forums, which means it's guaranteed to be an elitist community gated by discord

They essentially took all the handholding Phoenix/Trucy/Klavier did in AJ and fused them all into one single character (Layton). It was seriously fucking annoying how he didn't let you figure out any single fucking thing on your own.

The best case was the Golden Court simply because Layton wasn't there. The ending of the final case was incredibly retarded, but in line with the endings of most Layton games. Overall it was pretty bad.

Olivia Aldente is a top tier semen demon though.

I'd suggest replaying a case or two of AJ, trucy doesn't do anymore than Maya did in terms of how much help she'd give tbqh.

They had no clue for sure, but after SoJ I'm completely fine with him. He worked out well.

Honestly AA7 should be an Athena game to give her more depth too.

I would actually like an Athena game for the sole reason of seeing Athena getting into a catfight with Franziska Von Karma when she makes her return

During the start of the game Trucy explains more or less the gimmick of the game so that probably is what he is talking about.

Rank the gimmicks user

Magatama>Logic Chess>Mood Matrix=Divination Seance>>>>>>>Perceive

>an athena game
Nuh uh, no you don't. If she's in AA7 it better be to kill her off or at most to be a witness in one case, her emotion wheel of current year can't be allowed to continue.

>her emotion wheel of current year


do not reply to Sup Forums

I'm not sure if a tutorial should count, but whatever.
Logic chess > Magatama > Divination > Percieve > Power gap larger than your mom > "Mood" Matrix

>2) The writers changed after AJ

God dam, so that's why everything after AJ went to shit

There's no need to be upset

speaking on a pure gameplay basis i hate Perceive.

There is no engagement to be had with it and it ends basically in glorified "Wheres Waldo" games looking for someone's sweaty armpits or demon hand.

You say that but AJ is far away the worst game in the series with a single good case

>after AJ
AJ is worse than the later games.

>nobody cares in the first game
>proceed to give him 2 games worth of backstory
>All the characters related to him end up more interesting than Apollo

>take a stadium
>say it represents a certain amount of people
>doesn't take size of people into account

Perceive can be great when used correctly. Apollo catching the witness doing something related to the crime like Olga rubbing the back of her head where she was hit. It should've been like that every time.

It's way better than DD on account of it not having athena's faggotry desu senpai.

Yeah most of the time it was something like
and then Apollo magically understands the answer for some unexplained reason.

>he was friends with edgeworth when he was a kid and had a batshit crazy girlfriend in college

>his mom was a magician('s assistant) who had a family full of asswipes and his assistant is his half sister and when he was a kid he ended up living in bumfuckistan where he was raised by the best defense attorney in the country and his adopted brother eventually ends up being his rival

It has the Gramaryes' faggotry which is even worse.


The main issue with the Mood Matrix is that it's simultaneously braindead easy and ridiculously dumb.
There's no punishment for failure, meaning there's no reason not to just spam every option just to move on.
But if there was a punishment, I'd blow my fucking brains out, because some of the solutions are really non-intuitive, and there's so many possible choices every time.

They got close to making it work with Blackquill's testimony by having you alternate finding inconsistencies with Mood Matrix and breaking contradictions with Evidence, but the way they made you do so felt clunky.
Not to mention, the Mood Matrix has next to no presence in SoJ, so they felt no need to fix it.

If Athena really is the focus of AA7, I hope they take a good, hard look at the Mood Matrix to try and make it work. Finding emotional contradictions is a concept that's pretty great on paper, but it's just been awful.

It really isn't.

Make me choose between Athena and Klavier&Gramaryes and i'll pick Athena everytime.

they played him completely wrong

>so what's his gimmick
>he screams a lot
>that's enough next character

more interesting than Apollo? absolutely.

they wanted to make him the new Phoenix
but fans wanted the real phoenix instead, so they sidelined him
its a shame really

Or they could say it broke or something and go back to real evidence like in AA and AJ

Good, then you can take your shit game and your reddit spacing back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.

I think its really funny you put AJ in the list because its the one game that started the whole evidence isn't everything ordeal.

>reddit spacing
I still don't understand this meme.

This. They did a good job making Phoenix a kind of likeable loser protagonist not seen in many adventure games at the time. His inner monologue and mannerisms were unique and relatable. For Apollo it felt like they just copied a generic VN protag, put him in a red suit and said "fuck it, good enough".

There's nothing to understand. If you want to start a new line of text, you press enter once. If you want to let everyone know you're a pretentious faggot piece of shit with bad taste in video games and presidents, press enter twice and make sure to not attach an image.

Godot was a shitty prosecutor who didn't even try to win the cases. HUEHUE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE HUEHUEHUE

wew, nice arguments.
Athena is dumb, loud(specially in DD), but at least her game isn't led by the worst prosecutor in the series with the worst clients in the series dealing with the dumbest crime in the series.

Can you truly defend any case in AJ that isn't the first one? 4-2 is quite possibly the most forgettable case in the game with possibly the worst client in the series. 4-2 is unredeemable trash and people say a lot about non evidence being a thing in DD but 4-4 has no actual climax. DD might have you dealing with emotions but at least you interact even in a flawed system with them. AJ just ends after Kristoph shits on you

Wow it's almost like he cares more about testing Wright than actually winning.

I agree he's fucking shit

Godot is shitty because he's a defense attorney pretending to be a prosecutor. And he's actually more competent than Franzy and Klavier somehow.

He didn't want to win, he wanted to be proven wrong about you being an unworthy successor to Mia.

>Anti-Godot fags

No, he wanted to prove Phoenix was an incompetent jerkoff

>People seriously didn't like Punished Apollo

>Your best friend dies and your coworker is acting Fucking weird and lying to you and some piece of shit blew up the fucking court room so you can't properly find out who killed your best friend

have people finally stopped pretending nahyuta was a good character yet, nigga had like three good moments in the entire game

At least Nahyuta had a great reason for being a fucking prick unlike Godot