Dawn of a New Day Edition. Below you'll find a new cancer-less Discord link, which is part of our current attempt to abandon ship, save the threads, and start anew.

ID: 4895 - 8402 - 8244 -96
PASS: rage
RULES: standard Sup Forumskend

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it ded

long lost oldfag here. why did these go away?

melee player here
I hope you guys have fun

no hatred here only fun
I hope I get to play you guys in melee sometime


I now want an action adventure game starring Captain Falcon and Bowser working together.

joinan soon

Let's go senpaitachi

No 3ds? My internet is shit, having troubles with lag and really shit at the game cause n3ds...

sorry no 3ds tourney mode

when's teams?

>new discord

fuck off

Even then, I don't think you'll be able to find 3DS players here
Sorry m8

Dude. We're trying
Play in tourney, post in thread, or fuck off


>my special brand of discord has not been tried before

kill yourself, i give this shit threads 2 months at best

be kind and rewind

How do I into ZSS

how many are playing?

4 rn



alex is that you? :o



just so happened to find that hat

return it

Got a surprise for you aloof

Reminder that Smash is not a serious fighting game so play casual and have fun

Shut up fag

ur a butt

I really wish they'd release sm4sh on switch.
I would like to play some for fun but I cannot be fucked to set up my Wii U.


>play as lil mac
>vs a spammy sonic, a spammy meta knight, and a faggy mario

fuck you i deserved the win

>playin as a faggy lil mac

Actually Bowser is getting his own spin off game on the Switch. Shouls be fun.

>losing to a faggy lil mac

Drag I know you're mad about that lil mac kill but can you not bring that into other matches

I'm down to join if the Discord has improved. Invite doesn't work tho, post a new one

>double teaming

double niggers

Game type: TEAMS AT LAST
Tourney ID: 6075-2383-0524-40
Password: rage


living like larry


Ijust wanted to say, sorry for encouraging the discord slitting and other shit.....

muh B

I keep getting invalid ID

comfy weather here in LA

cozy shade of grey

0254, not 0524


Guess i'll drop in for some rounds since it's been a while

Oh no


we had a good start at least

ditto denied

it's time to EXPAND

teams is the fucking worst


Ryan can you kindly hop off this gorilla dick, I'm trying to recover

I literally did anything I could do keep you off
Even if that meant death


Sorry peach
My roy is kinda garbage

is k im just going randoms

so tired. until next time