Can we all agree that Action RPG is the best genre?
Action RPG
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I don't know. Dragon's Dogma is an amazing game though.
RPGs in general are top tier
but a good action RPG like DD will stay with your for a long time after you stopped playing
it does require a lot of attention to detail though
The genre needs a gentle push
I prefer SRPG instead. How about RPG's is the best genre?
i like you guys, let's be IRL friends
I cant tell if I'm really bad at this game, or you're just supposed to read the wiki before playing.
>get the quest to go to the bottom of the everfell.
>get to the bottom.
>its a bunch of infinitely respawning tentacles.
>run back up to gran soren
>get the quest to kill the leader of the bandits in the castle ruins.
>He runs up and oneshots everybody in my party, one at a time, including me.
I am hoping for a Dragon's Dogma sequel on the PS4.
It's certainly up there.
The game is pretty challenging in the beginning. Just level up your characters and pick easier quests.
that bandit group is famous for fuckin new players, just pick them off and power through
It's getting announced next month at E3.
no. sports games best genre.
RPG is a stupid name for a genre. Every game has you play a role. Adding action to it is even dumber since nearly all games have action and combat.
A Dragon's Dogma sequel would be one of the few games I'd be willing to purchase a console for.
hey its that guy that doesnt like names of things
Who cares. You still know exactly what people mean by "RPG."
DD combat was a bit too strict on level progression for my taste.
But it had all the aspects of my personal 10/10 game, it just didn't nail them all.
Crafting felt useless, exploration (rooftops etc.) didn't reward you enough, and the monster mounting should've been more fleshed out.
Worst part was that all the sub-plots seemed to be missing their finales.
Yea but a role-playing implies you do more than just take a role, you define it. You control how they interact, with whom, for what reason, how they grow and change, etc. Of course a lot of games have mechanics like that today but you'll notice they say "we added rpg mechanics" and not "we turned into an rpg" The mechanics only add imersion, the purpose of the RPG is that it is an extension of yourself
the game was planned to be a super massive skyrim-killer to end all skyrim-killers
unfortunately, the team just wasn't good enough, and many compromises had to be made during development
I feel You, the game has a lot to be perfect and the witcher 3 killer... but there's something missing
Too much positivity for dragon's dogma in this thread.
This guy will tell you whats wrong with the game because I can't be arsed.
>rpgs are the best genre
oh boy it's this autist again
We know the game isn't near to be perfect, but i was so fucking good to be from modern capcom,
is this your way of saying i agree
>this is his actual opinion
You're technically not wrong but what else would you call it?
Quickly name some PC Action RPGs worth playing.
post what your idea of the best genre is then? until then i wont be taking you seriously bro
>people who post "hahahahaah"
Yes. RPGs that go too hard into number crunching stat rolls are retarded.
>guys stop liking this game, here's a 30 minute video explaining why you shouldn't like it
I feel like starting a new game+
I never bothered with side quests and I feel like I missed on a lot of content
Pics of that character? Looks rad as hell.
Why is it so hard to find decent action combat rpgs? I love them, but they always end up being either a button smash fest, Or have no gear depth.
I just want to be able to run 4 man dungeons with people and have a good time.
>says action rpg is the best genre
>posts one of the most mediocre action rpgs
No, just Action.
Dogma is actually a great example of what can go wrong when you add all the number fluff.
>retard with shit taste links to video of retard with shit taste spouting his shit taste
Someone who thinks a 30 minute video is too long clearly has never properly played and rpg.
Fuck off back to overwatch.
>being wrong and dumb
mediocre compared to what lmfao
did anyone ever make a mod for the pc version to put the WIND back into this game?
There are more "umms" in that video than final fantasy titles.
Tells me how poor it is.
It's too long for a video that's supposed to tell me that I'm wrong for liking a game.
Also I've never played overwatch.
>i can't enjoy the game because everything must be perfect or otherwise my autism will be triggered
And this is why Matthew is better. He accepts that a game has flaws but don't let them get in the way of his fun.
>never played Overwatch
Now who's the real casual?
RPG = Branching story affected by the players choices in dialogue and actions, character progression through XP/levels which unlocks abilities and item progression through loot and/or crafting. All these elements are found in nearly every single game on the market but only RPGs combine them all.
Can't you all just have good taste like me? Can't you all just be cool like me?
Is Warrior total shit and not worth leveling? Should I go assassin for melee damage?
Character's fresh, so not many shots yet.
Also, need to fix the butterface.
Warrior was worth it to me just to hit that perfect arc.
Warrior is certainly playable but it suffers due to most of the harder enemies being designed around pinpoint damage, which it is shit at.
It does at least get some crazy items in the expansion to compensate for it somewhat, but only being able to set 3 skills and having limited options to ever deal with encounters will never get better.
Fuck, looked cool as hell except the face. What armor is that?
You can have my character user.
No there isn't.
Mediocre in terms of action rpgs, you sperg.
The combat is all style no substance. The only thing that matters is grinding levels and gear. Your own skill doesn't.
The story is a complete mess with arcs just stopping unresolved without payoff or consequences and the tone is all over the place, one time feeling like your average generic fantasy mmo only to shift towards trying to ape the dark and gritty feel of Berserk for a brief time.
The climbing mechanics are just a poor imitation of Shadow of the Colossus.
The pawn system is half baked and disjointed from the setting. It feels like they were trying to make an mmo, initially, but then had to recycle it into a single player game.
There are some good elements in there and it's a nice looking game (for it's time and platform), but overall this is neither a good action game nor rpg.
What would you consider a good action rpg? I think Dogma is pretty great personally.
shut the fuck up kid
>tfw having female character
>whole squad is all cute girls
>get my ass wiped by ogres all the time
>especially in those mines you have to get through
>had to borrow my friend's lvl 100 warrior just to wipe the ogres for me
literally no reason for weapons to have any sort of stat enhancements other than padding
Thanks, but I already have my own.
>Maiden's Camisole
>Maiden's Petticoat
>Scholar's Bangle
>Battle Greaves
And of course Silk Lingerie.
And look, I found a cure for the butterface!
Jesus guys.
Can guys wear that outfit or somethinf similar? I wanna make a Hercules.
Yeah, I'm reinstalling right now and I'll make a new one.
It'll be you one day too.
Don't forget you're here forever.
you mean content.
Where do you get that sword?!?
Name ONE Action RPG that has actual GOOD RPG mechanics and stat systems.
I heard we are posting oldies?
Just finished DD, i cried a little
Interesting world, engaging story, memorable characters and quests.
Combat may not be complex but it works and provides an equal need for personal skill as well as gear/level progression.
I fondly remember even the average fetch quests because they were interesting and unique.
In DD quests almost always boild down to kill X amount of this, go from A to B or bring me this item and there's no personality to them.
>quests completed: 60
Did I miss on a lot? Granted I didn't even bother with expansion.
get the fuck out of DD thread if you don't like it faggot
So it sounds like you prefer Capital RPG lower case action. I prefer the reverse. The action elements are way more important to me so I'd rather play Dragon's Dogma. All I need from the story is to send to places to fight fun enemies and give me cool gear.
so where does dragon age fall on the spectrum? No gear depth/dull skills yet fun dungeons? I like the idea of single player mmorpgs if fun.
It's not a Dragons Dogma thread, you baby.
I tried to be creative.
Dragons dogma 2 when?
How important are the stat growths for stuff like HP Stamina in this game?
That's pretty dope.
Most of the quests you probably missed were just the "kill x enemy, escort y npc" quests from the boards. Also play the expansion, it's unironically the best part of the game.
I would even settle for DDO at this point. The entire time I was playing DD I was thinking about how sick co-op would be. That shield or sword launch ability seems like it was made for co-op.
Well, in that case Dark Souls wipes the floor with Dragons Dogma.
Or Shadow of the Colossus.
Can I jump to expansion right after opening sequence in New Game+? Also I didn't explore that wakestone world much, I killed the eye, hydra and some other enemies but some door remained closed. I guess it's just place to grind.
The character creator was crazy fun to play around in.
I cant help but feel like DD was good because it was rushed.
Given more time I suspect Capcom would start adding needless fluff and ruin what made DD fun in the first place.
Plus given the direction DDO has gone I am not looking forward the idea of a DD2 where its wacky anime tier bullshit as you fly around a monster punching it to death.
fucking navajos
I disagree there. I've been on the souls bandwagon since demon's dropped, but the games are mechanically really simple. Do I need to master perfect parries in Dragon's Dogma? No, but it's fun as hell and takes me back to dmc a little bit.
I think Dark Souls is one of the greatest games of all time, and although DD's combat was shallow it was still really fun.
That said I think Grand Strategy is the best genre.
>tfw no Dragons Dogma 2
>tfw Alchemy class was wasted on the DDO shitpile
I found the quick dungeons rather fun. Mostly because it gave a bit of challenge.
Gear progression is slugish as fuck so far to me. The combat is tab-target though with action abilities and actual hitboxes.
It's pretty much similar to XCX in that spectrum. Also I enjoy offline MMO type games as well. But I would love it more if I can have a online dungeon mode with them.
Similar to the way Destiny does it where I could queue up to play events with other players.
>playing that shitty ripoff when windjammers exists