PS4 game installation

Is there even a point to having physical game copies? I noticed with games like Uncharted 4, it still installs a whopping 60GB to the system. What's the point? I thought physical would half that or something.

I like your picture.

All PS4 games install the entire thing. I stopped buying physical when I realized this.

this is Asuka country

dont forget the 10gb day 1 update
gone are the days that
>put in disc
>play game


Saves you from PSN's shit download times.
Also you can resell physical copies, can't resell digital.

Nah, not anymore.

PC is even worse, physical boxes are literally just a box, usually merch of some sort, and a code for steam. (which means no refunds).

Digital will always be the way. I actually own my games, nobody can take them away or kill them. Also I can trade, lend, or sell them. Lastly I can look at my collection and the boxes :3

DMC HD Collection for some reason performs worse digitally and freezes regularly.

The disc copy still has slight lag when loading areas but is otherwise much more stable.

It's the only example I know of where it matters, though.

on top of all that the fucking games require you to insert the disc.

The point of having physical copies is that you can still play it when the servers go down in however many years.

>nintendo goes back to cartridges
>games install and take up all 32gb of the system's internal memory anyway because they made larger cards more expensive

Of course?

Otherwise you could just buy it, install it, and instantly refund it to the store while keeping it on your hard drive. Or you could lend it to a friend and everyone could play it for free at the same time. No shit you need the disc.

>installs the entire game
>still have to switch between disks to play game
fuck you Sony

potato internet connections
can resell them

not if they require a download for the entire game (THPS5, switch version of lego city)

The only reason that I still buy physical is that I can buy used physical games for at least half of what they are digitally.

Something feels good about owning physical for consoles. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned.

It's definitely more cumbersome but I like owning a physical box for console games. And you can get them way cheaper than digital, too, assuming it's not rare.

This is how it works on PS4 and Xbox One, it's still superior to digital because you actually own the license and can transfer it to anyone you want. If you were to for some reason get banned on PSN or Xbox Live, it would mean the end of your library as well.

Physical is cheaper anyway if you use Amazon Prime


I really, really like that image.

You can't save it

>Yui is mai waifu
>don't have Switch

Thanks, Lori.

>insert disk
>downloads anyways
>remove disk
>please insert disk to play

Still has those two upsides, but goddamn.

digital is more expensive

maybe steam has spoiled me but any digital "sale" for PS4 games is usually ass

whereas I just grabbed a copy of kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5 for only $30

PC is LITERALLY just a bunch of worst girls.

>no fun allowed
fuck off mai-chan you piece of shit

Don't give in to the industry's bullshit. Demand products that work straight out of the box.

Fuck digital. I want to OWN the things I paid for. The game industry is brainwashing orum dwellers into believing otherwise. For what purpose? Money.

It's in your best interest to revive carts. The best alternative would handing out digital cu l op h da kid Wai OK bar uh t gghhvbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtr

Because then they'd have to put a bullshit limit on how many installation you can have like old PC games and like what the Xbone wanted to do.

This is a proper compromise between the faster load times by having it pre-installed and not being able to use your physical media as you wish.

the top one looks like my gf except less blonde

You took this off the evangelion reddit you double nigger

ps4 sales are trash

3 months after the game drops you can get it for 30 on amazon or best buy when its still 60 bucks on psn

It's Iori

Wasn't it discovered that the PS4 has a cheap and shitty BD drive and that it installs to the HDD to avoid using it as much as possible? It's not even noise insulated whatsoever, when it's actually doing something it's loud as fucking hell.

But yeah there's pretty much no point in buying physical for the PS4 unless you like having game cases lining your shelves, the disks are are basically just physical DRM for your installed games..

>double nigger
Been a while since I've seen that one, good job.

Lego City was proven a hoax senpai

>unless you like having game cases lining your shelves
Pretty much this.


>resell physical copies
it seems that the majority of games nowadays degrade to about $10 in value after a few months, unless theyre the kind of game you wouldnt want to sell in the first place in order to play it. not worth it imo to have to store the physical media somewhere. but i mainly pirate anyway

Your taste is literally a pile of shit.

>Demand products that work straight out of the box.

Enjoy your shitty loading times and shitty streamed textures and overall shitty experience.

4.0 is never coming out is it

>actually own
Hahahahahahahah, not unless you wait for everything to be cracked

Rebuild 3.0 was almost 5 years ago

Jesus christ

my armpit fetish grows stronger by the day

He stopped working on 4.0 to work on the new Godzilla film.

He's supposed to start work again on it once he's done.

>shin gojira turns out shit

Do I have to be worried about 3.0 + 1.0?

You can sell them. They're aesthetically superior. You can loan them. They're not tied to an account.

Digital fags are cancer that deserve to spat on in the streets. Filthy fucking shitmongers that trade their rights as consumers because they can't wait the extra few hours to get a box in the mail.

Fuck you.

Ok how? I already only buy like 2 fucking games a year, how the fuck am I going to change anything?
Fucking antifa faggot.

>shin gojira turns out to be shit

It's about the same as the rest of the franchise, then.

Even 1954 Gojira is mediocre as fuck. The only semi-entertaining Godzilla movie I've seen is King Ghidorah, and it was only entertaining because it was so fucking retarded.

>Get 20% off all physical games on release thanks to Amazon
>Actually own my games (not dependent on access to servers)
>Can sell/lend/trade games with no limitations (b-b-b-but steam gives you up to 120 minutes)
>Used games are as cheap if not cheaper than digital games on "sale" but hold their price all year not just during the sale period

Yeah lets give all that up so you fatfucks don't have to take the disc out and put a different one in

No shit it does that.

Otherwise people would abuse the hell out of the system.
> buy game from GameStop
> install it
> drive around to all your friends houses installing it on thier consoles
> charge $5 to do the same for random strangers
> at the end of the period you are allowed to, return to GameStop and return the game for something else
> repeat until you have a shelf full of HDD's (since both Xbone and ps4 allow external HDD game installs now).

Installing the entire game off the disk feels silly, but disk drives arnt fast enough for modern games's amounts of data to be streamed. And complaining that you need the disk inserted even if it's not loading the game is dumb, the other solution is online activation codes and shit like Xbone was trying to pull before being BTFO