What are some video games that feature extinction events

What are some video games that feature extinction events.

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Ace Combat 4


>Deleting a good space thread while Sup Forums and tumblr are having proxy wars in every other thread on the board
Mods and janitors are fucking faggots, by the way.


please hit earth

France Simulator 2017

>This planet has been pruned or deleted

Armored Core: For Answer
or Nexus if the final "event" were much bigger.


Is PS4 Golden considered an extinction event even though it didn't finish?



What would happen if an asteroid going at 10 times the speed of light collided with Earth?

>What would happen if an asteroid going at 10 times the speed of light
It wouldn't

What are some threads that get deleted at 490 replies? Good job jannies.

Ask the dinosaurs
Oh wait

the chance of that thing hitting earth is as big as you losing your virginity


Objects with mass can't surpass the speed of light.
But it would be pretty funny seeing an object moving faster that the speed of light.
Basically it would be pic related.
That gray ball is an object moving faster than light, the figure that forms is what you would see the moment it passed in front of you.

I mean I'm no scientist user, but at that speed I imagine something like this

would a 2km meteor really be that devestating if it hit the ocean?
i mean it would probably kill off anything on that side of the planet, but would you able to survive if you were on the opposite side?
wouldn't the atmosphere just become burnt up

I hope someone screencapped the comment about diving in the lake to dodge the electric asteroid
My sides still hurt

Final Fantasy 7 TECHNICALLY has an extinction event, should you lose to the final boss. It's a meteor that would nuke the shit out of the entire planet.


>that guy from the previous thread who thought he will survive this in a fallout shelter
I wasn't fast enough to call him a fag.

>strg+f "final fantasy vi"
>no results

I hate this place

We're 20 posts in faggot

Technically, depending on where it strikes, he could survive as long as his supplies hold out

SOMA had one. All of Earth was extinct, and only robot zombies and limited copies of people's memories on floppy disks remained. No Humans remained.

Always loved how ridiculous this one was, best part that he can use it multiple times.


>Loved space and stars and shit whole life
>Panic whenever i see any photo made outside of earth

SOMA. The scenario is really cool.

Depends on if he was talking about the 2km in 15 days or the 2020 something one that user brought into the thread.

The 2k one is totally possible depending on location The dinosaur one was 10kish

>tfw the ayy lmaos will save us

>mass effect explained this shit in the codex
I loved that game so much.

World of Warcraft: Legion.

It's a funny feeling isn't it?
Especially all those things like quasars or black holes.

Makes you feel so insignificant doesn't it?


> Sup Forums thinks asteroids are hot shit

> Don't even know about GRB that could fry the whole planet from literally 10s of lightyears away any given time with absolutely ZERO warning

They travel at the speed of light btw

The planet would ring like a bell for a thousand years, all of the oceanic flora would die effectively removing the world's largest source of oxygen. If I remember correctly like 85percent of oxygen comes from the ocean. That's just one of the many things of course

More or less, although the wave of cherenkov radiation would be in front of the ship, not on it's back.

I might as well ask, what did the house Reddit built do this time?

Horizon Zero Dawn. kinda.

It wouldn't fry it.
A GRB would damage or even completely wipe out the ozone layer, so sunlight radiation wouldn't be filtered.
All of humanity would die of cancer.

>tfw the ayylmaos will be watching from afar collecting data and researching without doing jackshit because muh prime directive



Gears of War 3
Chrono Trigger
Dino Crisis 2
E.V.O: Search for Eden

Seriously though guys, there is not reason to be afraid of some small asteroid like GZ60. Its impact would only be 180 gigatons, it's kind of a joke among the rest of us.

The chances this happening is nearly 0 at least in the next 10000 years. Asteroids are way more likely.

Hubble Ultra Deep field, this was taken by just randomly zooming in at space.
Every dot is a galaxy.

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

>10k Asteroid hits us
>Wipes out big clumsy lizards and everything else that can't adapt
>Anons are trying to tell me a 2k asteroid will somehow destroy all life unanimously, burn the atmosphere to nothing, and just generally leave Earth little better than mars, if we even stay in one piece

Some of those renderings are genuinely the most scary and surreal things I ever saw.
Just look at this shit.

Pic related was a pic made in 1979 with a computer to calculate math and some drawing skills.
Pretty much the first ''simulation'' of how a black hole looks like.

Amazing how different everything looks

Wait, apparently it was just a big space rock
gg Sup Forums

The Talos Principle

And pic related is the most realistic simulation they made of a black hole for the movie Interestellar, although Nolan thought people would be dumb and wouldn't understand why one side of the black hole's light would be redshifted.


Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden. All games feature something or other, but his one was interesting since not only do you have to stop the event from happening, you get to see the results of the event and realize not only that humanity survived, they went through a few more extinction events and survived those as well.

What happens if you jerk off into a black hole?

it won't destroy all "life"
but it will burn up the atmosphere and the surface and the oceans will also heat up

>implying it isnt Sup Forums and Sup Forums falseflagging as Tumblr

It can get pregnant and then you're in trouble.

You have to pay dimensional alimony for the creature you knocked up in another universe.

Interstellar literally proved how they looked 40 years later

FF13 lightning returns. You can literally hunt every enemy in the game to extinction.

I'm struggling to think how a 2km or even a 10km asteroid is capable of wiping out the Earth. That's tiny compared to the size of the Earth.

Pic related is a black hole interacting with a star.

Why exactly would an asteroid a fraction of the size of previous asteroids burn the atmosphere up?

The movies (Stunts & Effects)

>When all you see without trying to be rational is a huge space eye floating in the emptiness of space

Nothing fills me with deep, genuine dread more than space shit.

What matters is the speed it's travelling at.