What are some of the most mechanically satisfying RPGs out there?

What are some of the most mechanically satisfying RPGs out there?

Etrian Odyssey
I perfected turn based JRPG combat.

The World Ends With You


FFVII, really

>I perfected turn based JRPG combat.



There are people in this thread who didn't pick best girl, Bianca.

Labyrinth of Touhou

Pic unrelated, I presume? I mean don't get me wrong it's a great game but mechanically it's nothing special.

Bavely default desu.

>best girl

Best horse-slut, you mean.

Just balanced enough in favor of the enemies to make it hard, but just balanced enough in favor of the player so that a good one will be able to push through. Shame it gets such low reviews from people who don't care about the gameplay and only wanted a story.

Suikoden 1 and 2 for auto attack alone.

Shin Megami Tensei

Pulling off some of those 6/7 part combos is so satisfying

Oh baby who is this qt?


I recently played to the end of disc 2 since I haven’t played it since I was 12 and wanted to test Adrenaline playing a PS1 game.

I struggled to figure out why I remembered loving LoD as a kid. It definitely has some features I like a lot, but overall it just misses the mark so much.

If Bianca is a horse slut then they're all horse sluts

>Not Debora

Infinite Space DS

>only wanted a story.
It's a RPG, what the fuck did you expect with shit story?

my man

Infinite Space would've fared much better on a different system.

It's オウラン。

BoFIV. Battle system is quite fun with how you manage two rows of characters and how you combo magic and special attackers.

the one where its not turn based

Debora has the most personality

>picking BLANDca
I seriously hope none of you did this.

Ogre Battle 64

My brother.

Best friend
Best girl
Best family

Dude, it's literally stripped down Wiz6-8. Come on.


>because fucking platinum refuse to do anything but formulaic rehashed cuhrayzees that are clonesof each other with a different skin slapped on top.

>heyguys rember how we came up with that original space opera epic IP? LET'S sit omit forever and do nothing with it for ever. And ever. And ever.

They should just find a studio to turn it into an anime. The gameplay isn't really worth trudging through to get to the story bits.

Ayyyyy there's the good taste. The kids look the best with black hair too.

On a newer and more powerful platform (like pc/ps4/xbawxwan cough cough)
The gameplay could've made far deeper and more challenging.

They could Even add some classic cuhrayzee mechanic flair they're known for with some kind of 'nerves of steel' metre charged by entering commands at the very last second. (Like viewtiful's awesomeness performance metre). Or some shit.

The point is they COILD do something with the IP. And it'd be cool.and fun.

But they won't. Because fuck diversifying their product lineup like any responsible company.

>Ranting about a game you like and being mad at Platinum without knowing that most of the key people who created it was from the developer Nude Maker who collaborated with Platinum


I really need to sit down and finish this game.
And then start a new one with different characters, to see how fun playing through it quickly can be.