>pick up KH1.5 for PS3
>figure i'll play KH and barely touch Chain of Memories at all
>play KH1 then start playing CoM out of curiosity
>after several failed attempts to get into the GBA version, find myself having some fun with the 3D edition
>understand how the game mechanics work
>fast forward a few days and I've played CoM for 30+ hours and KH1 for only 5
why did nobody tell me this game was good? i've been missing out this entire time, what the fuck.
Pick up KH1.5 for PS3
Other urls found in this thread:
CoM is highly controversial title in the series.
I wasn't a big fan of it, and hate the combat system
>Think I see Sonic for a moment
>Click Thread
>It's Donald
Did I gaze into a dark timeline for a second
op here, i like this game better than the original kingdom hearts at this point DESU
Combat is a hit or miss for people. I don't really mind it.
Most, however, got pissed off at the difficulty spike while fighting Vexen again.
Riku's mode isn't much better at relieving that since his card set up is predetermined. At least you get to fight Zexion in this one unlike the GBA.
>difficulty spike
just pack ten sonic blades and two elixirs and 3 cures and you've just defeated 90% of bosses in the entire game
Same here, what the fuck is going on?
The game is great, but the plebs cant into it because it takes more than a couple seconds to understand how it fully works.
I love the music too, the dearly beloved for COM is great and I find it really strong for some reason, and the final bosss music, Lord of the castle, is pure kino.
>dbs's animation isnt that bad
CoM's the shit
It lost a little of it's novelty since BBS happened 'cause up until this point CoM was the only game with the high tier magics like Raging Storm, Holy and the other OP shit, but even then the card system by itself is pretty satisfactory when you understand it
Also i really love the story, the Disney world stuff is pure filler but i absolutely love how emotional Sora gets in the main stuff, a far cry from how he's being handled nowdays
Also Marluxia is best girl
i bet you prefer asuka over rei
Rei 2 > Asuka > Rei 3 >>>> Rei 1
com is literally the worst kh game, worse than re:coded. are you people high?
they are high user, we all know kh1 is best kh game
>not kh2
>he doesnt pack 0 cards to btfo ANY attack including DMs
Except Days is the worst game in terms of gameplay
they cant use DMs if they cant move, which is what happens when you spam sonic blades
At least i could understand how the gameplay works in that game.
I'm also playing it on the PS3 OP.
Just beat KH1 and am about halfway through CoM. So far I enjoy the card system and really enjoy the map cards and how you can decide how each room will behave.
Deck building is fun, and so are sleights, but man its pretty annoying to have to think on the fly and use cards in a really tough active fight that involves dodging and learning boss patterns and stuff. Normal fights are fine but I find the bosses sort of wonky cause they move with the speed and patterns of a traditional KH game except you have to shuffle through cards while also fighting them. Adds an extra layer of difficulty that doesn't really need to be there.
Re: Coded is definitely the worst, I was at least able to finish Days
that's the fun of it tho
CoM is the best KH game, both versions of it. It only gets better the more you play it and the story is great. Also, the remake has some of the best character animation in video games.
Thanks for proving yet again that the people who hate CoM are just retards who couldn't figure out how to play a simple card game for children.
I feel like I would have preferred some sort of ATB card system honestly.
Best KH game coming through
what are you, a roxas fangirl?
i just beat kh1 again for the 5th time on ps4 like 5 minutes ago.
died a billion times on the last heartless mob. that shit is fucking LONG. then i died about 4 more times on ansem after darkside. then died more than 10 times on first final ansem before donald and goofy.
that shit was fucking hard. the final ansem fight especially since it's basically an MP conserving battle.
git gud
Man, the gameplay in Days was trash, but it had some good concepts that I wish they'd try pulling in KH3.
days would have been great if it were on psp
CoM has the best writing in the series, hands down. Gameplay is fine, it's pretty satisfying in both the GBA version and the remake to spam Trinity once you get it, since the enemies will just scuttle around trying and failing to attack you.
>why did nobody tell me this game was good? i've been missing out this entire time, what the fuck.
Even now, there are people that still view all of the non-numbered games as spinoffs when the reality is that they are all connected. Because of that, they may have avoided that and not mentioned it believing the non-numbered games hold no value to the series overall. That's one reason why you may hear stories about people being confused about the story going from KH1 to KH2 without having played CoM. Along with that, there are people that are going to go straight Kingdom Hearts 3 from Kingdom Hearts 2 without having played BBS, DDD, or 2.8, and will repeat what happened with 2. Don't be one of those people.
I hope you were on Proud.
for what purpose
of course
fuck you i am good.
now beat KH2FM on Critical and finish the optional bosses as well
quality content there
Though I'd probably rate CoM at 2nd worst in the series, its still far from being worst, because there's a big power gap that separates Days from the rest of the series.
The whole game is one giant casual filter.
damn why so much days hate in this thread? it's not that bad.
The story is alright, but the combat is fucking abysmal, my main gripe with it is your damage output sucks ass, some bosses have fuckhuge amounts of HP compared to how much damage you deal, and can take what feels like forever to kill, I have tried equipping everything possible to give me a shitload of strength, but even with all that, I still feel like I'm doing almost no damage with each hit, it sucks, and it sucks even more when you try unlocking characters, mainly Sora, who is fucking damn near impossible to unlock without having 3 other people to play with, because 90% of the missions can go straight to hell with how bullshit they can be for a single person to try and get a gold crown on them.
It's completely justified, the game is the worst in the series for so many reasons, mainly the gameplay.
>Mission structure means you need to do the same things over and over and over again.
>Mission requirements for the crowns can be absurd at times.
>Stealth missions where the guy you're tailing instantly flips around with no warning.
>Base level magic is the only kind worth using because they decided to have the -ra and -ga variations have some sort of gimmick for multiplayer but it makes them completely useless, especially Cura and Curaga.
>Unless you play Saix with Mystery Gear and 4x Critical Strikes you are going to be doing chip damage to enemies.
>Magic deals more damage than any normal attack ever could and is extremely limited.
>Every single multiplayer character unlock barring Saix is nigh unusable or far worse than simply choosing Roxas due to being weaker or having slower attacks.
>Story goes absolutely nowhere for hours at a time, then picks up, and then immediately drops again.
>Secret boss is just a bigger recolor of a Wyvern with a bloated HP pool and insanely high defense.
It's just not fun.
KH2 > re:CoM > KH > 3D > BBS > Days > re:Coded
>coded worse than days
Absolutely fucking not, user.
i'm not okay with "just slap some blox in the kh1 levels and call it a new game"
Its still leagues above Days.
But Days didn't even bother slapping any blocks in.
at least days tried. it may have did things poorly, but it was trying to at least provide a new story and a new experience. coded is just a complete rehash of kh1 but worse and with idiotic platforming. let's not even bring up the keyhole minigames or all of olympus colisseum
I find Coded to be better than KH1, I think it plays great, and was disappointed that it got turned into a movie along with Days. I don't really care about the plot not being important for anything other than the epilogue of KH2, I've always played the series for gameplay rather than story.
Also fuck you Olympus Colisseum was fucking great.
Coded was by far the best use of the command deck system.
It was actually possible to combo into commands and each keyblade felt so unique.
I can only hope we get something similar in KH3 with unique keyblades.
Can someone please post the Terra helping out Osama image?
I remember being frustrated by CoM until the mid point when I finally understood the card system enough to git gud
I beat the game and the bosses were actually real challenging, especially in Riku's case, but I refused to SUBMIT
I ended up liking the game but didn't feel too strongly at the time, but now I'm remembering it actually a lot fonder than before, maybe even more than the two mainline games. What the fuck happened?
To each their own I guess
I didn't really enjoy Re:com but if you did I'm happy for you
I loved the GBA version but hated Re.
Literally every room is a half room with the fourth wall and ceiling cut out with nothing there but a black void.
>hate game because no ceiling
are you autistic
It's a pretty good system all things said and done. There's more customization and the limits/sleights flat out just look and flow better than KH1.
Shit, I constantly got told it was awful but didn't realise it was this awful
Never used my DS enough to want to buy Days, but sounds like I dodged a sack of shit game by not bothering with it
Its basically mindless grinding with moments that might potentially have story in them piecemealed throughout
But destiny islands is an actual world in it making it automatically the best :^)
CoM was a pretty fun game, but I haven't touched the HD version yet. Sleights are pretty neat
Did I play the same game as you anons?
I get the tale doesn't move the plot but it was still a little fun side game envisioned by a drunk man. & gameplay was fun as fuck.
Honestly, I think re:CoM is worse than the original. I don't really like the original game, but everything about CoM's design reflected the fact that it was a GBA game and I didn't think any of the game mechanics transferred over to a proper Kingdom Hearts 3D environment at all
i didnt even know until reading this thread that anyone else liked re:coded
>designed for a gba means that it's automatically better on gba
Not really, user.
>Chain of Memories was my first KH
>Sora slowly loses his memories/gains new ones
>He goes through all of what happened in the first game
>Twilight Town was not one of these
>what the fuck is Ansem
I had absolutely no clue what was going on. Still loved it. People who hated it couldn't understand deck building. That shit was great.
The more you know...
Was always a patient person so I didn't let it being filler cloud my fun.
Move 3D to behind Days and you have yourself the correct list there, user
just imagine going into KH2 as your first kingdom hearts. that was utterly ridiculous
>okay so i'm roxas
>this is kind of boring
>what's going on
>who's this guy with a cloak
>what the hell are these things are they the heartless ive heard about
>whats happening
>wtf are all these clips of donald and goofy in dreams
>whats going on
>whats going on...
>whats going on
>whats going on
>i guess im sora now
>whats going on
>whats going on
>hey valor form is kinda cool
>oh shit dude mulan world
>this is fun
>still have no idea whats going on or why
>The Zero-One
>At Max Drive every tack is an undodgeable crit
That was some hilarious action replay-tier shit and it will always have a special place in my heart because of it
Every KH's story is crazy.
Man. I really hope the Osaka team doesn't fuck up KH3. I've been waiting way too long for it to be anything less than KH2.
when i was little i did actually rent kingdom hearts 2 on a whim as my first kingdom hearts game. i didn't think the beginning was boring. i liked roxas and the slice of life stuff, and the mystery was really cool.
but yeah, after that it switched to roxas and i never saw sora again and i really missed roxas
What's with the square enix teams?
Why is one so much shittier?
reminder that if you dont like chain of memories you fall into one of two camps
>you dont have the patience to try and understand a system thats not even complicated and are garbage
>you understand the deep intricacies of the battle system and find it to be lacking or flawed
unless you are #2 your opinion is genuinely wrong
It's more of the direction of KH thats shit. Every game outside of the two main numbered titled are handled by different teams. BBS and DDD, along with ReCoM, are all developed by the Osaka branch of SE, which has brought unfun balance issues to their games. Such as invincible dodging and over powered go-to spam moves, like surges and balloon.
is DDD any good at all? it's $30 at my local gamestop, worth that?
Play the HD version or don't bother, honestly.
i don't got a ps4
No point in getting the 3DS version at this point when the 2.8 version is a straight upgrade with more content, runs and looks better, etc (along with coming with 0.2 as a GZ game for KH3).
If you like BBS, it improves and does some things differently from that game.
CoM is junk but some of the more overpowered sleights are fun, does Lethal Frame ever show up in the series again?
Re: Coded is one of the better KH games though, as is CoM. They both shit on Days, BBS and 3D
GBA CoM is the best non mainline game