Why do so many games feel so empty, soulless and passionless now...

Why do so many games feel so empty, soulless and passionless now? Feels like the only games with any visible effort are indie, GTA V and Persona 5. Maybe Titanfall 2. Last AAA games with this feeling were Halo 3, RDR and Assassin's Creed 2.

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you lost your childish sense of wonder.

I think most developers lost their passion for video games, and now, all they care about is money

>Persona 5


there are good games out there that youre just not finding, you seem to underestimate how many games are being made now

AAA is going to be hit or miss, just the way it works now

i may be flammed but i think overwatch has some care like tf2 had before so far

GTA5 is like the definition of empty, soulless and passionless.

AAA today are a never ending research for the perfect Least common multiple.
They keep simplyfying more and more in order to see how far they can pull out gameplay and devotion from a title in order to be playable by every vegetable on the planet

No one lives forever...

Play Prey.

Games are literally going through a second reneissance. There are more good games now than there have ever been before.

Play better games. Be more selective.

What might also help is taking a break in a new area like literature.

Persona 5 is one of the best games ever made

Of course, since there are all the old game plus one good game/year that cames out

They still exist OP.



That's just the LA setting.
My cousin's are 12 and 14. We were playing Tekken 3 and talking about how EAfront was compared to Battlefront 2 and speculating how EAfront 2 is gonna be way worse. We also lamented the death of split screen and how Need for Speed ended up. It's not just my young adult cynicism.
Didn't play it so I didn't say anything. Blizzard does seem to polish their stuff though.

EAfront 2 has offline split screen.

Talking in general. It's just that and CoD.

>modern SWAT game

>mfw this the reason why I completely lost interest in the Pokémon franchise after Sun / Moon

I can't even stand to look at anything Pokémon related.

>$0.04 has been deposited into your account

Nioh just came out and is way better than halo 3 rdr or asscreed 2. All 3 of those games were kind of crap to be honest dude.

Hey now.

Indie games seem to pick up where the golden age (ps2) left off.

That's not the only reason. Games today lack cheat codes, hidden content, developer messages, and just generally small things that make the experience unique.

Saint Row 4 had DLC cheats, wish I was joking.

You want novelty, since you've experienced so much of what video games have to offer already. But the industry doesn't like offering novelty. It's risky. AAA titles requires investment, and it's much easier to convince your investors to sell an old experience to casuals who aren't sick of it yet, than to create a whole new experience that you can sell to those dedicated players who have had their fill of the old experience.

That's why the best developers are indie devs, or private companies that don't need to concern themselves with return on capital, giving room for the devs who actually love video games to create stuff that they genuinely feel that other people who love video games would love playing.

Larger interference from executives.
The original vidya execs who were the entrepreneurs, the thinkers, got replaced by old media jews.
Shareholders got a better understanding of how this stuff works and how to better jew people.
Marketing as a civilian form of malicious psychological warfare exploded.

something like this would literally never happen these days, anyone who says the decline of vidya is on your perception of it is objectively wrong.

>Glorified visual novel simulator
>Best game
Nah. Persona 5 is just an anime.

Just look at the threads. No talk of gameplay. Just waifus.

>Assassin's Creed 2.
but AC4 was MUCH better

Everytime someone on Sup Forums bashes indie I'm left wondering what fucking games do they even play?

Overnormie? LoL?

Indies are basically all thats left

Because they are.

Games are made for money 99% of times now, for a broad audience of children.

Before, they were made by a niche group of nerds for a niche group of nerds, and happened to get paid for it.

The industry grew and it'll never ever go back. Just enjoy the occasional games with a shred of personality or life in them that slip through.

A part of it IS you growing older, but there's a definite difference between new and old games that's not just nostalgia and children's ignorance. Go back and play old games that you haven't before and you'll find that funny feeling regardless. It's a game's 'soul' for lack of a better term.

Indies honestly have a similar problem to AAA nowadays, thanks to patreon, kickstarter and early access.

Devs are greedy as fuck, And in the times they aren't, most indie devs or indie dev teams just can't produce something to the level of quality and content a real team can.

>fails to list a single game he plays
probably a self hating assfaggots player

Indie devs don't suffer from the same thing AAA studios do, that is inability to make a fun game

>playing video games at all
they all fucking suck dude

not him, but what about ukulele ?(cant be arsed to look up actual spelling)

design wise it loks much worse than what rare put out 15-20 years ago

Most Playstation exclusives like BB, P5, Nioh all feel like they have effort and polish put into them. Some games on PC would be TW3, Prey, Vermintide, Civ. Not all AAA games end up being shit with no passion you just have to stay away from the huge moneygrabbers

Pretty sure Rare didn't make it. Could be wrong. I was under the impression that it was a bunch of people from the Rare team that got a kickstarter to make it

Then why do I see more incredibly shitty, souless, blatant cash grab survival sandbox games coming out every day made by indie devs?

Nah, you're right though. Indie games are totally fun on average, totally. Look, I love a good indie game as much as the next guy, but I can count good ones on one hand, which is fucking stupid considering how many more of them come out in relation to AAA games.

>Indie devs don't suffer from the same thing AAA studios do, that is inability to make a fun game
This is a really stupid statement. AAA devs can still make fun, well-made games, they just do it a lot less rarely nowadays. It is a lot to do with the growth of capitalism and the internet, and this affects indie devs too. It ESPECIALLY affects indie devs, because most of the time, they need crowdfunding and early access shit, and that is exactly how you get a shit game.

exactly, his point was that indie devs can't put out a product like actual studio devs, which apparantely you disagree with

BB was okay. Nioh was shit, you're retarded.

ugh don't fucking talk to me.

>but I can count good ones on one hand
So do so and prepare to get BTFO, because one hand is all I need to count the good triple A vidya from the past decade.

>individual game proves me correct
>larping as another guy to validate yourself

You think Civ, Nioh, and Vermintide are shit. Do you even play video games mate

Don't know if this will help, but playing nuzlockes restored my interest. I haven't played it normally since black and I think it's payed off


Those are three drastically different games that excel in their genre so I'm simply asking why you limit yourself to such a small area of games. I would imagine you probably play dwarf fortress, graphic novels, and old jrpgs

Your taste is garbage and I play a lot of indie games.

>Before, they were made by a niche group of nerds for a niche group of nerds, and happened to get paid for it.
But what's stopping anyone from doing this today? I don't think it's that simple, those groups of nerds from the 90s were actually a "AAA" studio at the time and usually had tons of people working there. I'm playing through Diablo 2 and there's over a 100 people listed in the credits. Look:

>Diablo 2 mobygames.com/game/windows/diablo-ii/credits
>Planescape Torment mobygames.com/game/windows/planescape-torment/credits
>Baldurs Gate mobygames.com/game/windows/baldurs-gate/credits

Even Ultima 7 from 1992 had tons of people working on it, Doom is one of the rare exceptions. Gaming is in a weird spot, indie development is extremely risky and hard and AAA is too expensive to risk, there need to be more mid-budget studios

Oh god he's serious
Hey somebody come get a load of this guy
>y-you must p-play n-nerd shit
bahahah. Btw you can't play graphic novels you underaged fucking retard. Stay in school

Every playstation exclusive that comes out I buy a ps4 and return it as soon as I beat the game. Nioh I returned the ps4 after a single day.
I'm not even going to address vermintide if you think that's a good game you might have downs
>inb4 h-he posted a frog
yes to demonstrate how little I think of you

This is fucking sad mate. Play better video games.

>samefagging like this to validate yourself
No one with a modicum of intelligence would think nioh and vermintide are good

Oh my the amount of autism in this post

Nioh and Vermintide are both good. Some good indie games are risk of rain, Valdis Story, Darkest Dungeon etc.

You just have bad taste.

Lol, fuck off meme prince

I can just picture this fat fuck going into the same gamestop over and over again buying and returning a ps4 and pissing off the employees so much

you need to get it together.

>you have b-bad taste
hahaha. so sad. It would be believable you were two separate people if you didn't bring up vermintide every time. Vermintide a game with



We are two different people. All of your refutes have just been calling the games horrible when clearly their scores speak for themselves

>Why do so many games feel so empty, soulless and passionless now?
Because they are.

Very very convincing post pajeet

You're having a meltdown because a couple people called out your shitty taste.

Name some games you like, I did so and you should be able to as well.

>y-your having a meltdown
>meanwhile he's over there samefagging to try and validate his abysmal taste in video games
no one likes vermintide, no one plays vermintide.

Debates in the thread I have won: 1

Fine, vermintide aside, Nioh is great BB is great, Warhammer Total War is great.

Was your argument not that only indie games are good?

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound in this thread? There are multiple people calling you out and you are trying to critique AAA games without naming any indie games you play and say you buy and return a ps4 for every exclusive

2late I'm the winner of this debate good day sirs

Faggots put in there place:1

vermintide is the mascot game of the nigger

It's always disappointing when you realize you were talking with a kid.

>expecting triple A to actually succeed

I mean, it's no secret these companies do it for the money, so why are you surprised? Are you dumb?

Yoko Taro would like a word with you.

taro has fucking sold out for meme money

>persona games


I always see her like this in this picture ..

second post best post

You grew up

itt: Genious games the likes of we'll never see again


You can't be serious