Fire Emblem Heroes

Are these semen demons worth pulling for?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not unless she's on there

What is happening in this picture

Wait since when was Mae added?

How many points extra does filling a slot for a unit give in the arena? Ex: If I have a Ryoma with no assist skill, how many points extra will I get if I give him one?

Battle damage

Maybe if you're a redditor

>tfw getting diamonds from seeing girls crying
Is there a name for this fetish

What day will they pop up?

Humiliation? Perhaps more general bullying?


Do we get our 10 orbs after maintanence?


Probably, nothing is confirmed though



I'm the guy here:

Any tips on what to do with my units? I have no idea how to git gut at this game

I have been out of the loop for a week or two, redpill me

Are their boots full of cum?


any news on her stats or skills?

That's an impressive boobplate.


I thought I was the only one.

We're apparently getting 10 free orbs?

Anyone got an idea what's better on Nowi? I got both Fury and Tri adapt, is it just preference?

Yes, along with 5k feathers, thanks to the Omikuji thing

Tri Adept specifically for Fulcion user counter
Fury for everything else

standard japanese orgasm

So is the general summoning strategy to summon everything but colorless orbs than back out?

>-att +res Ryouma
>-att +res Azura
>-att +res Effie
>-att +spd Hector
Fuck this stupid fucking game holy shit.
When the fuck are they going to put in a IV reroller? I'm so fucking tired of all my good units getting gimped.

>rolled all my orbs for Ike
>rolled what I gathered after for Hector
>Hector banner about to end

End me.

So I whaled for the first time today with $40 and got a +Def/-Res Ryoma and Cordelia, how'd I do?

Ryoma prefers +Atk/-Res, but a long as he's not -atk or -spd he's not bad by any means. Ryouma is that good of a character. Can't really speak about Cordelia

Your 5* selection is, to be blunt, lackluster. Fae makes a decent counter to Blue Mage memers with Lightning Breath, Bucina is basically just Linde-lite, and Bunmilla needs a -Blade tome and a meme team to really work out.
Of your 4*s, Olivia's probably the best Dancer in the game with Inheritance in the mix, Cherche makes great use of a Brave Axe, especially on Flier teams and if she's +Atk, and Nino is a good Infantry -Blade Mage with the proper team buffing her.
As far as your 3*s go, you have an ample supply of Moonbow and a few buffs and -Breakers, but they're generally not great overall.
I might honestly suggest rerolling while the Hero-fest banner is still up, aim for Ryoma and/or Hector if at all possible. Linde is going to be in two banners in the near future as well, and she's the strongest Infantry Mage in the game, so she's worth aiming for as well. As for getting gud, you'll need to be more specific on what you mean by that.

>tfw -atk Ryoma after 60 orbs

>not saving them for waifus
Honestly if you have a half-way decent team you don't really need to roll for anything because this game means fuck all.

>Was thinking of dropping some money for the hero banner
>Saw the prices
>23 orbs for 18 leafbux
20 dollars should get you 80 orbs, not fucking 23. If they guaranteed 1 5 star for 20 dollars then it'd be slightly better but as it stands it's about 4 dollars per character and that's fucking outrageous.

How would one get Lilina to be their girlfriend?

Steal her hat.

4* +Atk/-Def Nino
4* +Spd/-Res Olivia (Give her Hone Atk 3, what are you hoarding that SP for?)
5* +Atk/-Spd Lucina (Spring)
5* -Atk/+Spd Camilla (Spring)

I'd compose a Marth/Lucina/Nino/Olivia or Marth/Sharena/Nino/Olivia team, Nino as your focus.

You have enough green mages and weak red coverage, as Olivia isn't suited for combat without Triangle Adept or a Ruby Sword, since she's so frail defensively, which is where Marth comes into play.

Your Nino can kill a lot of things with Olivia's Hone Atk 3 (+8 Atk) and Lucina's Rally Speed (+4 Atk +4 Spd) due to Gronnblade, compared to Camilla (Spring) with no Skill Inheritance. Slap a Fortify Def 3 or Fortify Res 3 on Lucina for more damage (+4 Atk +4 Def/Res), or utilize Sharena's innate Rally Attack and Fortify Def.

Whether you choose Lucina or Sharena is up to you; -Spd hurts Lucina's ability to double, but Seal Res 3 and Olivia's Dance will allow her to ORKO the reds you face, although Vantage Ryoma will be a problem. On the other hand, Sharena will need 22200 Feathers to get to 5* and compete.

Check the wiki's Strategy and Builds pages for what some ideas, in terms of roles and Skill Inheritance you need. For example,

>every 5* I've rolled lately has had shitty IVs
>the 4*s are usually godtier -HP + Atk
>all out of feathers
Fucking end me.

Golden week sale had a really good banner.
Ike came out and is good.
Hero Merit is a thing.
Xander GHB came out and Xander is really good.

Upcoming 'perma death' event where losing a unit during a section of the event will make it unusable for the remaining sections of the event. Details are foggy.

The thing is I don't get all the skills, inheritance builds and such.

And should I really reroll? I have put in some hours into this game, and I have almost 20 orbs, which is what you get when you reroll afaik?

Be Roy.

My best red 5* is Roy, my best blue is Catria, my best green is Cecilia and my best colorless is Kagero. They still work but I want less specialized units. Also it'll be a billion years before they add Tinny.

My attempt to fix healers in this current meta.

Weapon: Silence
>Mt: 3
>Prevents a unit with a weapon targeting Res from making any actions for 1 turn.

Weapon: Berserk
>Mt: 3
>If the target is within 2 spaces of their allies, target automatically attacks their weakest ally the next turn.

Weapon: Hex
>Mt: 3
>Halves target's HP for 1 turn.

Weapon: Entrap
>Mt: 3
>Warps target behind unit for 1 turn.

Weapon: Enfeeble
>Mt: 3
>Inflicts -2 to all stats of the target for 1 turn.

Assist: Rescue
>Rng: 3
>Warps the targeted ally behind this unit.

Assist: Restore
>Rng: 1
>Removes status staff penalties on target (Berserk, Silence, Hex)
>So it's different from Harsh Command.

All of these will not work if the target procs Aegis/Sacred Cowl for balance's sake.


>Olivia isn't suited for combat without Triangle Adept or a Ruby Sword
I need to drop a hero with those skills and then inherit them into her, right?

>Slap a Fortify Def 3 or Fortify Res 3 on Lucina for more damage
Same thing here?

>Sharena will need 22200 Feathers to get to 5* and compete
Which I think will be pretty tough. I wanted to get my Nino to 5* because he usually kills a lot, and I'm still not even close

I'll give those links a read, thanks user!

Be Kiran and brainwash summon them. But you can never fill the void of not getting your best friends affection.

>If you abuse a healer, or are an abusive healer nobody will ever know

Dark, but I bet being a healer sadomasochist is the shit.

Y'know, scenes like that are probably well-animated because people like you have a fetish to see girls squirm and despair.

Her sadness is on your hands, user.

Is there ever a reason to keep Lilina's standard tome?


>The thing is I don't get all the skills, inheritance builds and such.
That's a bit of a problem. Best I can suggest is to learn to use some battle calculators and use the shitty English tier list site as a wiki for stats and skills, which some user linked here Typically, the meta at large is geared towards getting as many OHKOs or ORKOs as quickly, efficiently, and safely as possible, so most builds gear units up for that.
Rerolling is ultimately up to you, you do have both of the best Spring units right now, and they're limited time only, so that's worth keeping in mind. Creating a second account could get you more useful units straight out of the gate though, like Ryoma and Hector, and possibly Linde soon after. If you still have orbs right now, or easily available Story orbs, I'd strongly suggest sniping orbs for Ryoma right now.

>my created weapons have name
Nice fanfic you nerd

Ryona is a patrician tier fetish for gentlemen with good tastes, everyone else is just a healslut.

>I need to drop a hero with those skills and then inherit them into her, right?
>Same thing here?
Exactly. You can look up the list of skills on the wiki and see who you need to sacrifice to inherit said skill. You'll have to sacrifice a 5* Hero for a Ruby Sword+, so opt instead for Triangle Adept, and you'll see...
>Cordelia, Sanaki, and Selena have Triangle Adept 3 at 5*
>Roy has it at 4*
The other user mentioned how much Moonbow you have, which is a really good skill you should put on your main team.

>Which I think will be pretty tough. I wanted to get my Nino to 5* because he usually kills a lot, and I'm still not even close
Yeah, I'd get your Nino to 5* first for more DPS, and then you can focus on Marth or Sharena. The former gets Falchion, more vitality with Renewal 2 and the ability to kill Manaketes, while the latter can give you a solid melee blue with some nice buffs and damage mitigation, but you already have Lucina for blue coverage.

Cheers mate

>t. FE newfag

So what was your Hero Fest haul

>2 Ryomas, a +DEF/-ATK and a +SPD/-RES
>+DEF/-SPD Hector
>+HP/-SPD Olwen
>+RES/-HP Ninian

Wish I'd gotten Azura instead of Ninian but still the +SPD Ryoman and decent IV Hector where worth it

Be Eliwood's son

120+ ORBS


Olivia, Barst, Frederick all at 3*. Yes I got multiple Barst. I sold them all for feathers.

>+Atk -Hector
>some SI fodder I guess which I mostly need to bring up to 4* but don't have any feathers so they're worthless atm

Fucking nothing. My ''best'' was a neutral 4*chrom

Sick! Thanks!

>Feathering units
>Feathering units that are easy 1st stage Fury fodder

You did get everyone right?

So I have this +Atk/-Res Nino lying around. Should I invest in her? Which units pair well with her?

Barst has reposition, no? then he's worth keeping around

Spend probably 60-80 orbs sniping blues and got a shit IV Azura right as I was about to give up.

Also, does this game actually detect if you're sniping and give you less of the colour you're looking for? I only ever got 2 blues at the most and I don't know if I was just unlucky or if advanced jew tactics were at play.

Two Lazlows, a Sophia, a -ATK 4* Kagero and a 4* Clarine.

At least I had an Azura from an earlier pull.

I've had an off-banner Ryoma for a while now, but I got jack shit for the rest. See for my results. Hector literally never.

You must allow her to marry Eirika, or else she'd be too useless to attack others. If not, the I would not invest in her.

How's your cavalry team going friends? You ARE using me instead of that shitty Camus rip-off right?

Tfw about to try for my 4th Hector

I already put Reposition everyone I want, plus I don't want to use feathers to pass down their good skills.

One hector, a -spd/+def one to replace my -atk/+hp one.

Can't ask for much more than that. Don't care for lobster lord, already have ninian and like her more than azura. Don't care for takumi because K L E I N B O Y S

Eirika or Ephiram are best with her.
Maybe Mist or anyone you can give her Spur def/res to.

>Main account
>One -atk Hector

>Secondary account
>TWO neutral Hectors and one with +atk

Welp, guess I'm doomed to not have a good mage. If I fail Permadeath mode all because I don't have the top-tier mages, then anyone who tells me itherwise can go fuck themselves

Whoops, confused Barst for Bartre somehow. Still, ez Reposition and 2nd stage Spur Atk at 3* is pretty nice, and 4* gets Spur Atk 3 even.

Best unit in Echoes. Very good growths and very good spell selection, with access to Ragnarok

>stupid anime fang

It's shit

I was just kidding a bit. Go for it if you really need a mage. The problem with Nino is that she's gonna need to be babied because of her low HP and her low defenses. Eirika helps a lot because she turns Nino into a murdering machine.


>The look, known as the 'yaeba' look, is well-liked by men who find it 'childlike'
That's how it works in Japan

Eirika and Ephraim are the best because Sieglinde and Siegmund have built in Hone Atk 2, which allows you to slap another Rally and Hone/Fortify to buff 3 stats at once on Player Phase.
Anyone else is limited to 2, like Sharena with Rally Attack and Fortify Def, but you'll likely have a Dancer with a Hone/Fortify to give her more kills and buff her Atk more (Azura with Fortify Res 3, Olivia with Hone Atk 3, Ninian with Fortify Def 2).

Good thing there is zero waifushit in Echoes and you just purposely let her die and be done with it

As usual, 3DPD ruins everything.

It's still shit

Well its either your protective instincts going off or you just want to dominate women

either way you can't even call that a fetish since thats the standard, even if a little exaggerated

its well animated because her emotional breakdown is an important scene

Whatever helps you sleep at night, you sick fuck

>beating women is standard

Im considering drawing lewds or porn for orbs...

>dominating means beating

Do it fag.

dont believe you

the fuck she crying for?

that's called taking commissions, retard. post your work