Playing LoL

>playing LoL
>retard is feeding
>call him out on it
>keeps feeding
>tell him to git gud or kill himself
>retard costs us the match
>try to play
>you've been suspended
>get this bullshit reply

What the fuck? Why don't they audit the retards feeding and fucking over their team?

they did audit the retard in this case

Fuck you, retard. I have a gold ranking. Show some respect, scrub

>playing LoL
Sorry user, you are the retards.

copypaste your logs

Of course Sup Forums has to be contrarian and hate the most popular game in the world.

In this situation we ask to see the logs. Paste 'em, we know riot sent them to you.

Being a rude faggot is worse than being a scrub.
You deserved that suspension.

You are obviously not a good teammate and you should stop venting your irl anger in online games. :( gitgud...@life.

past tense. you HAD a gold ranking. for the next two weeks you're just some nobody who doesn't even have an account. go back to normal, we don't want your no level no ranking shit clogging up the game.

Handle your negativity like a normal person by bottling it up inside or going on a mass shooting spree, stupid

When did popular start meaning good?

>waaahh give me attention and respect
like a baby
here baby, have a (you)

why do people think its okay to be toxic cunts?

Like fair enough tell some retard to fuck off if they're being a dick to you, but telling people who are just trying to have fun playing games to kill themselves is pathetic.

Whats your IRL life like? Pretty sad and lonely? Would explain a lot.

Logs, faggot.

I've told plenty of people to kill themselves, haven't even been muted yet after years of playing.

Sounds like you went on a sperging spree of reeee. Try and calm your autism next time and it won't have to be like this.

Thanks for the laugh OP

I literally just told him to stop being a feeding retard

>nu-Sup Forums can't handle the bantz

what the fuck

You heard him Sup Forums, start making FIFA threads right fucking now

fp is frequently bp

>playing LoL

There's a difference between git gud scrub and all caps multiple lines of autism.

>playing LoL
>raging like a kid
>whining like a kid
Kill yourself 3 times.

>>nu-Sup Forums can't handle the bantz

Seems like you can't handle yourself in general if "bantz" means "I'm such an uncontrollable idiot that I spout bullshit that gets me banned in online games because nobody wants to put up with my shit"

"git gud or kill himself"

the only way people get as ragey as you in games like LoL is because they're virgins.

Maybe take the 2 weeks to try and get some friends huh

No really playing LoL past like season 4 is retarded, season 3 they basically cemented the awful direction they've taken the game down and you have no excuse having hope for the game in whatever season they're in now.

>playing LoL
You're the retard, op.

>post a thread
>quote everyone who doesn't agree with you and tell them they're dumb
Maybe you're the one who can't "handle the bantz", user.

I tried to get myself banned by being a giant faggot but it seems like as long as you spread out your faggotry, they don't give a shit.

>autistic verbal tick level shit talking

Keep crying kiddo.

>literally tell someone to kill themself
>in 2017
Looks like the real retard was you, kiddo.

OP, there's two types of people
There's those who will laugh at you for playing league, but this shit doesn't bother
And those who will applaud you for playing league, but will be triggered by this.
you can't win, so fuck off back to r .ddit along with every other person that plays your shitty chink game.

>Playing loltrash

fuck off from Sup Forums

>Call people fags and dumb niggers all the time
>Never suspended
Try getting gud

>work for a different moba company
>pull random ticket

>attached logs: games 1-20 within the last week
>Game 1


>resolve ticket

literally kys yourself.

You sound like an overbearing, and power maniacal, mall security guard pretending to be chief of police

Why are PC gamers so easily triggered?

this Sup Forums is for dark souls threads and console war shitposting only

mobas are bad because reddit said so

I think what bothers me the most is that the reply from the support is obviously just copy/pasted. Why bother introducing yourself and acting like you took individual, unique action by looking into the ticket if you're just going to use a prepared statement as a response?

But Sup Forums has warmed up to Overwatch quite a bit since it launched.

>playing LoL
>retard is feeding
>remove penis from mouth to tell him to get better
>cum in mouth makes communication difficult
>all he hears is GED GUBBUH
>lose game
>unstoppable anger
>only Sup Forums will understand my frustration

Reddit loves mobas, what are you babbling about?

It's 2017, if you aren't playing one of the many assfaggots that isn't complete shit, you need to kill yourself.

>blue is me; red is mr. toxic
>jackass is being toxic
>tell him he's being toxic and that I will report him
>he continues being toxic
>a few days later, I get banned

The moderation in LoL is a fucking joke

i mean telling them to kill themselves doesn't make you any better.

the introduction is ALSO copy pasted
you do not give these cunts the time of day, copy past the response and then keep going with the day.

a good customer service employee has different parts of his response already typed out or in macros, such as the introduction and closing, several generic responses, generic tech steps, links to websites, etc.

He only types out things that require individual assistance, and telling a fuckass to fuck off isn't one of them.

Feeding what?

lol k kid

I think the threads where a retard gets banned from LoL then comes to throw a temper tantrum on Sup Forums are my favorite threads; they have that sort of feel good feeling the at least your not anthony burch threads do, just serves as a reminder that there are people far more pathetic then any low I will ever reach

whatever you say kid


I only play monster hunter not casual shit like mobas.

Nice meme, idiots. I'm an adult so it doesn't bother me when some idiot calls me kid.

proud of u

lol k kid

The asshurt in this thread is off the charts from all fucking angles

>tell teammate to kill himself
>he actually does by letting the enemy kill him
What did you expect?

and you're proud of being a faggot?

Man you kids are an endless source of amusement. You rage the fuck out at video games thinking you're a pro just waiting to get to a high rank, get banned, then rage out some more.

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

nice try kiddo

I mean, that's fine too. I meant if you were going to play an assfaggot.

it gets me mad to. if you dont have a chance to win whats the point. guess people have alot of free time and dont mind wasteing it

I wish being toxic was a bannable offense on Sup Forums. Screw you people, at lease the people in the /vg/ general are nice.

I wish I could just shittalk every retards and shitters in sight without any repercussion. Good players are alright.
Videogames used to be better

monster hunter is LITERALLY the call of duty of japan.

you do realize this, dont you?

pls be bait

lol k kid

Jk mister please be nice i wasnt serious


>Sup Forums hates LoL

why, it's playerbase is literally Sup Forums incarnate

Found your problem, Reddit.

Generally a single report doesn't result in a ban, you've probably been reported a bunch before this

it has to be, no way someone is that unaware

lmao not anymore shitstain. You have nothing now that you're banned. I would only get bronze and I would still be better than your now no-ranked ass as for as I know. Fight me faggot. That's what thought

>Sup Forums hates itself
are you surprised? nobody who looks in a mirror and sees Sup Forums could possibly like what they see, even if they don't realise they are looking into a mirror

>kys is considered bantz now

Where did it all go so wrong? Where's the creativity?

>gimme my internet safespace

>call of duty having anything on the same difficulty level as a 140 zinogre
lol k kid

>playing LoL
haha oh wow


>random faggot that reeks of autsim tries to play big dick williy
>proceeds to be mercilessly defecated upon

>t. underage
That was literally the internet before all the normie phoneposters came.

>be shit at games
>hide behind gestapo whenever someone points it out
>feel good about getting anothing toxic player banned

literally u

Sup Forums and is ilk lost its creativity years ago. Most of the OC makers went to Reddit for sweet karma and getting their e-penis sucked. Now Sup Forums is even more derivative and stale than Reddit.

Why the fuck do I still come here?

>Sup Forums defending fucking feeders of all people
ahahah, I've seen it all now
>muh toxic player, p..please ban!

you deserve your ban for being a bigger faggot then him

Your first mistake was playing a shit genre like a moba/discount babies first rts/'whatever the fuck you call these shit games.

Your second mistake was saying "git gud or kill yourself" in one of those games that have all been confirmed to be hugbox safe space enviroments were shittalking for any reason gets you a ban because your being 'toxic'.

you argue like a child, that guy's right

>I have a gold ranking
not for long with that behavior :^)

Stop playing League. Im honest. I stopped playing League and I feel so much better. Games last too long to invest your time and effort in.


I get enough of this shitheap browsing it. Sup Forums is insufferable to play games with.

>Guy is having a bad game, getting ganked without any help from team
>Shit talk and tell him to die, making him play worse most likely
>Get suspended for being a piece of shit.
>B-but I was in the right here
Fucking LoLfag cant even see his own retardation.

This a ene is one of the few jn rick and morty that pissed me off "hurr if we give a robot sentience we must then treat it likes its living" fuck that robots sre fuckng slaves

Today OP was a special kind of fag.
An underage, fresh off the boat, Sup Forums kind of fag.

/vg/ is just as toxic and I see lots of problematic posts there all the time. That's why I stick with the discords. You can make your own group and kick out any trouble makers and rude people. It's so much better.

Let us be the judge of that log in and show us logs m8


And bait poster

Just drop the game.

>tard is upset because he can't handle being responsibile for his actions
>this should be protected
shit talk people all you like, craving protection from the repercussions of your actions is literally 8 year old territory