Meta thread

How about deleting one of the P5 waifushitpost threads instead of one that actually allowed

>thread IDs
This alone would vastly improve thread quality imo

Stop wasting your time with these "meta" threads, Hiro doesn't read them nor does he give a shit

Falseflag Wojak posts are the only reason to come to Sup Forums. Actual vidya discussion belongs on /vg/

Good luck trying to get a good metathread going when you put "waifu" in the OP, which autosages the thread.

posting in every meta thread

>the "Sup Forums hates video games"-meme that used to get posted ironically got taken seriously by all the newfags
>what used to be unfiltered, pure, hot RAGE got replaced by jaded, cynical shitposting
>Sup Forums now actively roots for every new release to fail
>any legit vidya discussion gets labeled shilling
>Sup Forums
>there was a time when the biggest annoyance on Sup Forums were tripfags
>consolewar shitposting
>babby was the last moment when Sup Forums was in it's prime
>when driven into a corner shitposters revert to spouting r-reddit, Xdrone, developer defense force.
>shitposters constantly making threads about e-celebs, SJWs, anti-SJWs, indiedev twitter bullshit
>BLATANT shitposting; This X say something nice, waifuposting, you did buy HER game right, Sup Forumssays game is bad but I played game and its good wtf Sup Forums, ...

got you in here didnt it

>babby was the last moment when Sup Forums was in it's prime
The golden ages happened following babby, Sup Forumsictory day, tortanic, golden poo, among several others.

It was like early gamergate or wrath of the lich king. The path we were on was going to lead south eventually. But in the early stages it was really fun.

Meta threads do nothing, you idiot. Mods will NEVER address the pity pleads of 20 year old virgins of a Chinese image board.

Just stop. You're wasting 1 of 150 threads we have on these boards.

>what used to be unfiltered, pure, hot RAGE got replaced by jaded, cynical shitposting
like fuckin clockwork innit

Makes no difference. Nothing will keep the thread alive. It literally cannot bump. You're a dumb piece of shit.

>anything that's not popular enough to not warrant a huge fucking general does not deserve to get discussed
>anything that isn't multiplayer with huge meta discussions or singleplayer with the most autistic fanbase doesn't deserve to be discussed
Sad thing is with the current state of Sup Forums I can't convince myself that your post is satirical

IDs defeat the purpose of the whole fucking website.

Randomly assigned ID numbers that are different for each thread allows for post accountability within the thread while also still remaining completely anonymous. It's the ideal solution to prevent shitposting.

>You're wasting 1 of 150 threads we have on these boards.

le duplicate image faec

>see someone shitpost about a game I never played
>wtf now I hate this game
>see thread about game
>parrot the shitpost multiple times so nobody is able to talk about the game since nobody is allowed to like what I don't like
When is contrarianism bullshit going to stop ruining this board

At least before people knew hating video games was a running joke and posts were kind of clever, now it's just copy pasting the same baseless arguments and blatant shitposting

At least those thread serve a purpose.

>A thread with civil discussion (until Sup Forums comes and shits it up) with the intent of improving the board is worse than the blatant shitposting left up
Every time some clever retard comes here and posts this and every time he's a fucking moron

>there was a time when the biggest annoyance on Sup Forums were tripfags
I can't believe I miss those days. The problem is all the same; normies flooding in and shitposting to fit in with other normies trying to fit in.

Also the garbage in which is apparently vidya, but not filename threads

the purpose of these threads is too get rid of newfags such as yourself who cling to "muh Sup Forums culture" and actually improve the board's thread quality

>Sup Forums is even more stale and derivative than Reddit
>the main OC nowadays is screenshots of twitter/facebook/tumblr/reddit/some random forum

Where did things go so wrong?


>being this new

>when driven into a corner shitposters revert to spouting r-reddit, Xdrone, developer defense force

>thread's on page 10

Oh boy, you're sure as shit wrong.

Everyone's ridiculing you for not knowing how to start a thread without fucking up by putting it into autosage. Moron.