

why do people pad out these lists with so many multiplats, vaporware, and unreleased games?

wtf? When did the PS4 get so many games?

Nice anime and blockbuster collection.

how do we stop sony?

I don't even mind that part, But I wished they at least had a standard of quality.

I mean, there's some good games in that collages and then there's 4 Gundam games? Fateshit? Mikushit? a motherfucking SPIDERMAN game? FUCKING DRIVECLUB???

That mikushit is the best shit on the console.

how to stop Sony?

Pic related. Plus Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Now post Sony's first year.

Driveclub is funnest of things.
BTFO Driveclub


Two ports, literally what and kiddie shit.


>only original game
>basically a port
haha wowe

nice collection of arguments

The definitive version of both of those games are ONLY available on the Switch.

>Wii U Mario Kart
> Not 60fps constantly
>Bad battle mode
>No Dry Bones, Bowser Jr, Inkling etc
>No double items
>Not portable

>Wii U Zelda
>Framerate is still bad
>Not portable
>On Wii U

>literally what
Pretty much OP's pic

>kiddie shit
>M-m-mario and Splatoon doesn't count!!!

Nice redemption for a lackluster launch lineup.

haha sonybro

The best parts are the multiplats with "only on playstation" on the top.

Why do people argue about different systems? Do people really just not own every system? They're only like 4-500$ each.

>Kiddie shit
Video games have always been kiddie shit. Guess who CoD's primary audience is.

I miss him

Sup Forums is full of edgy teens and post white trash.

where's berserk?

GOOD! And now present my graph will every PS2 game


>hasn't been good since double dash
>fucking lol
>fucking lol
>1 was shit and this looks just as bad
>on the wii u, pc, and is mediocre as fuck
Switch is stronk!

Future Tone is one of the best rhythm games available, driveclub with all the DLC is pretty great, Gundam Breaker 3 is literally one of the best PS4 games, Gundam Versus is yet another great gundam fighting game, and the two SRPGs are pretty decent.
Sorry you literally have shit taste friend.

>all those multiplats

At least try, sonyger.

>BING BING WAHOO! spinoff rehash port
>babby's first '''''fighting''' shovelware
>babby's first cowadoody
>babby's first Ubisoft open world port

Sorry but your list isn't going to appeal to real gamers and the adults, Nintenkiddies.

Sure does feel good to have a ps4 right now


Well then make one for xbot then




>only exclusives matter.
life must be boring for cock sucking fanboys.

I just wish Yakuza 0 would fucking going on sale somewhere

>Cuck of Duty
No thanks, faggot.


Shitposting doesn't change the fact that Nintendo Switch's first year shits on Sony's.

Breath of the Wild: 97. Over 3m copies sold currently.
Mario Kart 8D: 1m copies sold in only the weekend.
Splatoon 2: The first one sold 3m on a dead console. Will do even more this time since it's only gotten more popular.
ARMS: Will be Splatoon again and ponies will be BTFO again
>Mario Odyssey: The first sandbox Mario since GC and will get 98 on metric. Sony tears will be great.

You do know most of those are available on other platforms right? Heck, some are even HD remakes of old generation games.
Lots of sequels too...

The only ones i actually going to miss this gen are RDR2, the Spiderman one (if they actually succeed at making arkham Spiderman which i very much doubt) and the FF VII-R (But not really because they are 100% sure to port it or remake it for the next generation).

None of those is actually out yet though... so, 3 years in and still only promises.

Good point though the ps4 has almost a 4 year headstart....switch can have the best -launch year- of all time now all it has to do is keep it up

I'm not even shitposting but those with switch can only cling to that for so long.

Well it's not Sony's first year anymore, Nintendo isn't fighting 2013 Sony anymore so releasing a bunch of shit games won't cut it when the PS4 literally has some of the best games released in 10+ years being made this year.

what went right?

>when the PS4 literally has some of the best games released in 10+ years being made this year.
Like what?

Beard or Alive Extreme 3
Tales of Buresria
Valkria 3 Revolution
Just to name a few

nice try, quality over quantity. The switch has a better line up by far

The Switch isn't fighting Sony at all. You can't get what Nintendo offers out of a PlayStation. No portability or Nintendo games.

Sony competes with Microsoft.

Jesus Christ this is some bad bait friend

>'Hey look at me I'm hating everything in this thread people are discussing!' LOOK AT ME

Some of you are just so sad its pathetic

>Hatin' on Odin Sphere
I'm an idort, but why do white people always have bad taste?

Might just be xbot shitposters mad they wont get to play it

That's just my guess

listen, stop making thread with like 40 games photo shopped into a picture to justify buying something.

I keep saying this, I'm probably going to keep saying it

Its easy to troll xbots when they like shitposting that 'ps4 has no games'

So that picture up there is a perfect counter to their shitposting

What do they do when its linked? Talk shit about the games in it

Its all they can do

A lot of those games in that list are going to sell a lot, just telling someone to not do something on a -chan board- won't get you very far

who fucking cares, you autistic fucking faggot

>shitting on Dragon Quest Builders.

Damn dude, no boundaries at all.

>a perfect counter to le ps4 no game sis posting an image where at least half the games on the list are multi-plats

Wow, you sure showed him.

>Its easy to troll xbots

don't you mean PC?

Xbox has no presence here beyond just being a talking point.

You care enough to tell them to 'stop making threads'


Someone redpill me on Dragon Ball Builders. How is it? What do you do? Do you have a story and direction or do you just build and do whatever like Minecraft?

I mean the games in general, doesn't really matter to me if they're on PC

Its always seemed like xbots were the ones who got the most mad because of the shit Phil does or has been doing.

I never really consider PC users because most games that come out they're able to get in one way or another

I like it, there's a pretty 'simple' story there but it looks like what minecraft 'could' look like.

There's a story with a few levels and then there's a 'free' mode

I think its pretty fun.

there's way too much blue/black boxart, get some other colors

>Screaming like a literal 8 year old

Wew lad, when did Sup Forums threads devolve into school yard shouting?

are xbox fans even real anymore?

Obama is black

It's always been this way user

Don't even count that on ps4 the only playable version is the vita one the ps4 is a buggy unplayable mess

>the ps4 is a buggy unplayable mess

Wait seriously?

Yeah. It's fucking embarrassing that they released it in the state they did because it's a really great game

Ps4 is pretty based atm, i bought one in 2017 and i get to play HZD, BB, P5, Nioh and multi plat games. Wtf did people who bought the ps4 at launch pre 2017 play?


>don't you mean PC?
This, it's so easy to trigger pc cucks on Sup Forums.

ps4 jailbreak when?
I need my sweet pirated games on ps4

Two wii-u games, a sequel that's indistinguishable form the original, a shitty virtual on clone, and mario.

Keep panicking, pony.

>a shitty virtual on clone

Ok fuck off. I'm no nintenbro but ARMS is the kind of shit this industry needs more of. More completely insane new game with brand new gameplay and aesthetic. Shit on Mario rehash #3783 all you want but fuck you for putting down new ideas.

it's entertaining to see the ARMS shitposting change as we get closer and closer to the launch, first it's not a game, then it's shovelware, and now it's a virtual on clone
it's only gonna get better once it's out