Can we all agree the first one is superior?
Can we all agree the first one is superior?
even the guy that made the fucking game wouldn't agree with you
Music, story and banter in 1 is superior
I did like the bosses better desu
Only banter is true.
But not like the banter itself is a positive thing that makes anything better.
Nier Automata music is fucking shit with the only standout track being the Amusement park. It's shameful
>titled Nier Automata
>Nier isn't in the game
never played it
The only shit thing is your taste, son. Shame we didn't pay attention to your education.
I never noticed that isn't a cube but a book following him, and there's pair of eyes on the bottom of the image.
Never played the game.
Everything is better in 1 except combat.
Even then the first game has way better bullethell segments
>2 robots dealing with the existential hold of what it truely means to be human in a world of uselessness
>muh daughter
Yeah great comparison.
Nier COULD be the better game if it got a gameplay facelift. That's not to say Automata is perfect, (the level scaling and difficulty are very poorly thought out), but Nier plays like weeks old dogshite.
The original had better writing. You really felt the lack of Sawako Natori in Automata.
Interesting that you decided to make this thread just as the sequel became available to pirates.
The original has been available to pirates for years.
>he doesn't have cfw on his ps3
if you say no you're most likely a PC peasant who never got to play it anyway
I love the first and never played the second one.
Honestly all of the promotional stuff turned me off. It really just looks like a Platinum game about some sexy robot girl fighting other robots. I was really immersed in Nier's weird post apocalyptic magic world. I don't really find robot Bayoneta that appealing.
Am I misjudging it? Should I, as a fan of the first game, be interested in Automata? Or is it really for a different audience?
Emil shows up but he is just a merchant otherwise the game has no connection to old nier game
its probably the best sequel to a game I've ever played.
>Judging a Taro game by the cover
You should know better than this.
It has a bunch of other connections, that's just the most obvious one.
Not just the cover, but the trailer and demo too. I just want to know if at some point the game ever feels like Nier.
Nope. As much as I adore it, I liked Automata better overall.
It doesn't
>Emil shows up but he is just a merchant
>just a merchant
Sounds like you didn't do his side quest.
It does.
>2 robots who have almost little to no personality other than autistically shrieking whenever the other gets hurt
>a unique and memorable cast that all work well together, and are more likeable and relateable 5 minutes in than 2B and 9S are the whole game
Remember kids, it's not what your story is about that makes it good, but how it's told. Automata may be the more ambitious game plotwise, but Nier's storytelling blows it out of the water.
I have it and still haven't played it. Thinking of just selling it since it's got the super inflated hype price still.
That's not the storytelling you're criticizing there though, that's the characters.
Kindly stop being a contarian fuck head
The fact that Automata needed a stageplay, a concert, a world guide, and two novellas to just barely flesh out its world and characters should say enough
The game is able to stand alone without those just like Nier works without everything in grimoire Nier.
I think even Yoko Taro knew it was impossible to make a game as good as the original Nier which is why he did a 180 on everything.
Automata is still great but it just can't compare to Nier
Yes, the first one is superior.
Gameplay has a feel and uniqueness to it, better than mash buttan all combo rook same tryhard dmc of Automata
Weiss is considerably more interesting as a character than basically the entirety of Automata's story, and a far cooler combat companion that retardo gunpods
The music was better in the first one. The story was better. It felt more unique.
Automata literally survives on fapbait pandering fanservice
The first Nier was much better.
>Gameplay has a feel and uniqueness to it
Yeah, clunky.
>TFW nothing in Autoamta came close to the scene with Beepy and Kamil
Its not even Zelda cycle, Nier 1 actually is better
Just like it was better than Drakengard 3
2 was better
But that's not hard, Drakengard 1, 2, and 3 were all literally shit tier games with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Papa Nier is my favorite protagonist.
Both games are superior to the other in different aspects, though.
Is 2 canon? I haven't played it but never hear people talk about it and know Taro's involvement was very minimal with it.
Strange how Weiss magic feels considerably more fluid than anything in Automata.
Almost like you're shitposting! But why would you do that?
Even if it was canon, it's in a different timeline than the rest of the series because it doesn't take place after Ending E of Drakengard 1.
Nier > 3 > Automata > 1 > 2
It's canon but it is it's own separate universe outside the official timeline.
>better cast
>better music
>better story
>better use of camera changes
>worse combat
Yes, it was a better game overall. Also, the combat in Automata isn't as good as I hoped it'd be. It's actually really fucking boring imo.
Automata dropped the ball when it came to bosses, especially Adam and Eve. One thing Nier did better was that the enemy backstories and the way they are played out is better.
Like seeing Beepy and Kamil's interactions as opposed to a simple little picture book story about a baby monsters being dropped in the sea.
>Want to buy this game
>$45 for a 7 year old game
someone summarize Nier for me.
They have wild rides in terms of story. real good to watch not to play
>Also, the combat in Automata isn't as good as I hoped it'd be.
Yup, the entire game was mashing Square against enemies that were just damage sponges. The Hegel boss fight is one of the worst I've ever experience in a video game, compared to the first Nier which had fucking GOAT bosses like Wendy and the Shadowlord.
The only problem with Automata is that they called it a Nier game when it has almost nothing to do with the original Nier game and absolutely nothing to do with the titular character Nier himself
Like if Luigi's Mansion was called Super Mario World 3 Luigi's Mansion
All of automatas differences could have survived on their own as it's own titled game instead of needlessly being called "Nier", but because it didn't, it has devalued what Automata could have been along with devaluing what the original Nier was.
>3 over Automata
A father goes on a long journey and destroys humanity forever just to save his daughter.
Please, the first Nier had the same issues, with the lore scattered in Grimoire Nier and Drakengard and audio dramas.
>when it has almost nothing to do with the original Nier game
The whole premise of the game is a result of the events of Nier.
>titled Nier
>you don't have to name your main character Nier
I would actually watch that movie.
I found Zero, Dito and Ogra more interesting characters than 2b and 9s. We also have best girl in 3
>bu...bu but muh gameplay
Everyone knows you don't play a taro game for the gameplay
No because Automata didn't make me farm black pearls and eagle eggs for 10 hours so that alone makes it better
Things could've gone better.
I think once you get past all the sexy android girls (and admittedly there are a lot of them), you'd really like it
>tfw the twist doesn't mean shit to you because you listened to the drama cds and already knew that humans were dead
It is a Nier game though
Nier = Reject in French
Rejecting Automata (programming) is pretty much the core of the game
Just like Nier Gestalt is basically rejecting the original
Yes, the only people who will disagree are pc cucks
Not really. There's a very deliberate reason humans are gone and the title character's prior actions are the root of it.
how is the movie anyway?
There is a difference between lore, which only adds to the world, and having a characters backstory and motivations hidden in side material not featured in the game. The fact that you have to read the two novellas to not make 2E/9S not contrived bullshit is laughable
2 is the only Drakengard with a happy ending so far, it's also the furthest in the DoD timeline
It sucks to think that all this awesome DoD shit already ends well despite all the side games and prequels
This, otherwise I like Automata more. But they're so different its stupid to pit them against each other.
This I cant take their so called romance seriously because the game does bare minimum to even make it valid
sounds like the last of us.
I like both games, but I dislike 2B like crazy. 9S is much better.
we wuz scientist n shit
>The fact that you have to read the two novellas
What are these novellas you speak of?
Alien invasion thousands of years after Nier.
really how is that actually related. Replace devola popola and emil and it is explicitly and entirely different and unrelated game.
>Calling Nier's gameplay clunky is shitposting now
You've gone full hipster.
True but 3 is actually fucking shit and becomes borderline unplayable with the crap combat and terrible framerate. If you excuse that because you have a shit waifu from the game you should guzzle spunk like it's water in the desert and die.
It was done to give SE a reason to fund a Nier Remake using Platinum
It is all part of Taro's keikaku
But you pretty much have to read all the side material to the first Nier to understand Taro's dumpster fire of writing. Finishing Nier pretty much demands a visit to a wiki.
Oh I definitely noticed.
Rejeter = Reject in french
Nier would be more like deny
Are you talking about Automata's twist?
You could've known that if you played the first Nier. It was very obvious that humans were not on the moon.
I've only played this one before it became a meme and it's probably the worst game I tried to enjoy
Ah, there we go, thanks.
Its like the Diebuster to NieR's Gunbuster.
I am getting a game tomorrow. I know this topic has been done to death but Nier or Persona? My video game preferences mean I'd probably enjoy either, so which is better?
Yep, just taken to anime levels which people fawn over because they're weeaboos. Also Automata ending E is the same thing as Undertale's ending.
no one here would ever admit that though.
if by one you mean Drakengard, then yes.
Based Caim
As a fan of both I say persona based on how much time it offers vs nier. Persona 5 gave me 90 hours on my first playthrough