Tifa will have massive physics-enabled bouncing juggs in the remake, and it will be a tremendous success because of it

Tifa will have massive physics-enabled bouncing juggs in the remake, and it will be a tremendous success because of it

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>this thread

You mean this post

the whole thread everything screenshot the whole site

>he's a tit guy

talk about shit taste

i support gay rights, fight on brother


more titty monster please

square has learned from yoko taro and will do everything to market tifa as #1 vidya waifu.

>great tits

>but her limit break sucked

I felt bad putting her on the bench for 90% of the game

Tifafags proving once again why FF7 fanbase is cancerous

They care more about their titty bitch than how much of a fuck up the remake will be .

Couldn't be my favourite FF


great critical thinking user

7 is a garbo FF bud.

I can't wait until Tifa is flat as fuck so i can laugh at you shitters

Yeah. That's what I'm talking about.

damn you changed my mind bro i cant disagree with a review like that

AC Tifa is so underrated.

It'll be a tremendous success if I can have Tifa bounce her jugs on my cock
Screenshot my post

Time for lewds.

>something can't be my favorite because other people like it

>implying FF7 remake will ever happen


>tfw they won't give her red eyes in the remake

please dont remind me that this game is coming out
its gonna be so bad

>tfw they are going make tifa a generic asian lady like in AC

gotchu senpai



Fucking nightmare chinky porcelain doll Tifa from AC is so disturbing to look at. Those fucking giant soulless eyes.

cant unsee

hes so busty

You've absorbed too many memes. Take some vacation time away from Sup Forums to detox.

I want to _be_ Tifa

Can I mating press you, user?

Does her delicious armpits smell like rainbows after so many battles?

I want to mess with your fun bags


>Take some vacation time away from Sup Forums to detox.

Possibly by taking that time to buy and enjoy Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

What if they redesigned Tifa so that her weight was more evenly spread out?

>Tifa will have massive physics-enabled bouncing juggs
>NA localization is canceled because the west gave into pearl clutching thundercunts
>FF fans kill themselves on mass making Sup Forums just that much more tolerable.

>gf is tittymonster
>Tifa is the easiest character for her to cosplay as

Feels good.

has there ever been good tifa cosplay?

tifa boobs are a peaceful thing user

The world will end when SJWs infiltrate japanese game studios

That one looks good to me.

put me in the screencap

>it will be blamed on "too much risk to localize due potential low sales"

On-model Tifa or fanart Tifa?

Why? You'd be the lustful desire of all guys

oh man, id love a game where i seduce guys

party with all /v!

As Tifa?

np m8



Besides memeing about Tifa's tifas, is there anything you ACTUALLY fear will not be in the remake for whatever reason that you think made the original that much better?

>[current year]
>something as glorious as breast physics by a company that isn't made by someone like Team Ninja
I want to believe. But I cannot.

I can't wait for the inevitable backlash that will bring Tifa's reveal, squeenix is fucked at any way they go:
Original Tifa:
>SJW: OMG!!! that's so sexist! we are way over this kind of objectification, this isn't the stone age anymore! let's whine and bitch untill she gets a normal outfit
AC Tifa:
>what the hell man!? how comes everyone got their original outfits but my waifu? I'm going to whine and bitch untill she get her old outfit back

My bet goes to AC in the main game with the original as a preorder bonus

A good game. They took a turn based RPG and turned it into an action one. If Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus were any indications, Squeenix's FF team doesn't know how to action RPG.

>they add her to dissida and doalr

she's the best female you could possibly be

As always the Latinas pull it off.

Turn-based combat.

How would you seduce boys?

literally the only reason to play the remake is Tifa bouncing tits

barrets foul language

The only winning move is not to release her in the west

Gold Saucer.


I kinda meant stuff we don't already know isn't gonna be in it. My fears are:

>gold saucer minigames are different/shit/DLC
>Fort Condor changed to be something 10x easier and stupid
>Barret being basically Mr. T
>Shoehorn compilation characters in there

id just make my boobs swing and bounce a lot, exaggerating my movements

Danielle Vedovelli is the closest we will ever get to real life Tifa.

judging from the thread, you would just have to stand around to seduce boys as tifa.

Would you be subtle or blatantly showing off?

Nah man, there are better. She seems like she'd have constant back pain, and only shallow losers go for the tits meme.

>>>Fort Condor changed to be something 10x easier and stupid

Now THAT, I wouldn't be surprised if they cut it entirely.

Walk into a public square
Slowly take your clothes off
“Please fuck me” written on my belly


Honestly, all the weird-ass one-off minigames are probably on the chopping block. Not that I really mind.

>She seems like she'd have constant back pain,

Quit it with this meme. Back pain mainly only occurs due to rapid growth over a short period.


That's not even seducing. That's just plain being a whore! You'd be a shamless slut as Tifa?

too flat
too ugly

with that size i could be pretty subtle about it
she's strong so no back pain, that's why they get pain

>all the weird-ass one-off minigames are probably on the chopping block
Nomura loves weird minigames, I doubt he would cut them

What if boys started approaching you? How would you deal with them?

>You'd be a shamless slut as Tifa?
I'd take it in every hole until my brain stopped working and then kill myself before the baby is born

This, by a UK girl. What is pretty amazing is that she is actually ugly as shit. (See orig08.deviantart.net/855e/f/2017/046/c/2/profile_picture_by_andybsglove-daz6vt5.jpg )Still in this cosplay...

You horny bitch.

How horrible. You'd become some useless cumdumbster only used to recieve random men's seed?

Can these ERP faggots fuck off to /trash/?

ill be like a kind nurturing mother and bring them into my home, feeding them, then bathing them, some soft romantic flirting throughout, then cuddling will eventually lead to sex

Reminder that cowtits are for fags, DFC is true patrician.

>not being one boob flat and the other boob cow masterrace

Cid's god damn excessive fucking swearing.
Spoony Bard classics such as "This guy are sick".
Honey Bee Inn group room.
Ability to go on a date with Barret.

Would you take the lead? Or let them discover your body themselves?

So a breast cancer survivor?

just nuke this thread, fuck

The only winning move is to give her a benis.

i imagine them being intimidated by my attractiveness so id be in charge

Would you let them enjoy your rack?

my threads dont usually last this long