So they've cut the map rotation waiting time down to half. That means it's now 2 hours instead of 4...

So they've cut the map rotation waiting time down to half. That means it's now 2 hours instead of 4. That's still not enough and a painfully long wait.

>map rotation still exists to hide the fact the game only ships with 6 or so


The best part is when all the """Free""" DLC is done and the number gets bumped to 12 maps, they will still have the rotational period because Nintendo is fucking retarded. I bet they are still going to restrict gyro controls to the x-axis as well for some retarded reason. Its fucking retarded when Zelda, an adventure game, has better and more fluid gyro controls than Splatoon, a shooter.

How many maps did the first game have in the end

>I bet they are still going to restrict gyro controls to the x-axis as well for some retarded reason.
What the fuck?

Okay. Map rotation is still a thing, but are the GAME MODE rotations still a thing?

>Gee I'd sure like to play some Splat Zones
>Aw darn It's payload

I will drop this game if they still do this shit

In the demo period for splatoon 2, you could only use gyro if you wanted to look left or right. Moving your controller up and down didnt do anything and you had to use the control stick for it

> fucking retarded when Zelda, an adventure game, has better and more fluid gyro controls than Splatoon, a shooter.
It doesn't. They aren't even close. Zelda's gyro has no sensitivity settings and is slow as molasses.

t. 1000 hours in Splatoon, 500 in BotW

>tfw fell for the Wii U meme
>about to fall for the Switch meme because I really want to play Splatoon 2 right when it comes out and enjoy all the splatfests and stuff
I'm about to spend $360 on one game, fuck me.

Wasn't the time that was the matter, it was the selection. Bump that up from 2 to 4 with an option to change gear in the lobby and they'd have been set.

'Fell for x meme' doesn't mean what you think it means


Sensitivty doesnt matter when you cant fucking use the gyro along a certain axis.
>hurdur just get good
No, fuck you, go eat soup with a fork. Get good fucking spoonfag.

>I'm about to spend $360 on one game, fuck me.
Right there with you. But think of it the same way I do. I'm basically paying 1.30$ for each hour of gameplay. Seems pretty great if you compare that to other forms of entertainment.

Your controller is malfunctioning, call up Nintendo for a repair.


That's not true.

The gyro in WWHD and TPHD was perfect, why did they fuck it up?

Are you shitting me


Reminder that only ADHD ridden CoD babbies who want to vote skip maps and game modes instead of learning and getten fucken gud at them dislike the rotations

Couldn't it just be like MK8 style where you vote?

No child, veterans of the genre like having variety as they learn. Playing the same maps gets incredibly stale.

The rotating maps are fine. The time it takes for them to switch should be an hour at most. Thirty minutes would be ideal.

Ayy lmao

If you're a veteran of the genre you'll be in a team setting up scrims anyway, not playing solo queue

Damn sight better than 4 hours, but it should be 1.

You almost have 300 hours on the last game, why is buying it for just that a bad value? It's also coming out near launch so there a good chance of a sequel or a lot of DLC coming out before the end of the console.

That just means people will pick the best "deathmatch" map over and over forever and never let anything else get time. Rotating maps is fine since it forces you to adapt your playstyle and think about what weapons you want to take into the current combination of maps. But it needs to be quick rotation so you aren't stuck playing the same shit for hours like the original Splatoon.

I don't know why they wouldn't just port over all of 1's maps too.

MK8 gives you a limited pool to vote from though, you rarely play the same level twice within a set amount of time. It keeps things very varied which is what Splatoon needs.

Good riddance to be honest. Port Mackerel and Saltspray were fucking garbage.

Don't you go talking shit about the Rig, son.
They sure as fuck better port Warehouse verbatim into it too.

fuck you i like them in splat zones

Lol youre a fucking idiot