Personafags, Nocturnefags, and Strange Journeyfags should bow down to the king

Personafags, Nocturnefags, and Strange Journeyfags should bow down to the king.

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Not as good as the sequel, persona 3-4-5 and devil summoner

>Persona 3 and 4

This and its sequel were fucking amazing games.
If I could forget about some games and play them all over again without knowing anything about, they will be among those.

>i want hitoshura to pound my boypussy
>i want the judge to slam me multiple times

I love these games, but still prefer games with negotiation.

Worth $30 for both of them? I heard the PSN versions have issues.

Games that i refuse to finish because of the encounter rate

Nocturne is the only ps2 one i finished

Never touching DDS again

Now that P5 is out and there wont be another in 10 years I hope they work on other megami tensei games

Like Devil survivor 3
Or a remake of if...

I honestly loved Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2, and hope they get an HD bundle treatment one day. The story just felt so engaging and good, and I loved how much freedom the combat system gave you with choosing your moveset.

But dat Raidou, dou.

I should add that I'm also interested in getting the Raidou games if they're better.


>locked party

that game is too hard

>persona 3 and 4
>not better
The original DDS is heavily flawed and while it has an interesting premise, never capitalizes on it beyond so rudimentary character motivation. Beyond that the only thing I would give it props for is the combat, but it plays so similarly to the other games it's not even worth mentioning. It's a strong entry to the SMT series as a whole, but it's not special either. Persona actually took the game and made something new and appealing

It's easier than Nocturne you nerd

>locked party

What did he mean by this?

theyre both too hard

Would I be a complete retard to start this game series from the beginning to the end?

I have a lot of time to kill and I never really gave these games a chance.

I don't think you have that much time to kill, user.

>tfw the best SMT games are the ones with the least story

You'd be a complete man.

Will ATLUS ever give us a story as good as DDS again? I want to believe SMTV will be good but idk.

DDS isn't that great. First one has a great setting, both have great OSTs and both have fairly likable characters, but they're lacking otherwise. They're good games, but not amazing and certainly not as good as many other MegaTen games.

There's pretty severe audio desync in the cutscenes, but otherwise they're fine. Raidou games work perfectly fine.

You mean from SMT I? Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei? The novels? Reading the Old Testament?

Then stop being so casual and git gud


The story in DDS was just okay.

This was my first SMT but I still haven't played the second part.

DDS doesn't feel like a goddamn slog to play through like P3 and 4

Yes. Use this instead

They both have their sloggish moments. I'd say P3 probably has more though. Have yet to play 4.

You might have a hard time getting into it if you do that. The older entries have their appeal, but they're pretty lacking in many ways.

I honestly have no idea how far it goes back, but I know there's too damn many and I want to play all of them. Persona and whatever else included.

Well I'm not sticking around too long, I might as well give it a go while I can

>Below DDS
You're lucky you even got to fight Demi Fiend, you filth

You can play them all, I just don't think it's the best idea to play them in release order. But if that's how you want to play them, then that's how you want to play them.

Don't kill yourself, also, it's a sin.

Is there any way to play this on PS4? I had DDS1 at some point on ps3 online but the framerate was horrible. Any updates?

I like em all

Got a chronological list someplace? I'm pretty keen on poor decisions
Not suicide chief, cancer

>It's easier than Nocturne you nerd
I fucking wish. There's far more legendary megaten bullshit in DDS than Nocturne.

I got this the other day, it's bretty gud. Hope there's more to the red guy than just turning evil though.

There was locked parties in DDS?

I know at some points you can only use certain people. I forgot if you were forced to have Serph in the party at ll times

Thanks, I'll probably buy the physical copies of Raidou anyways since I already bought DDS1&2 just now and they're not too expensive.

When is Raidou 3.
I want more of this

I don't, but the earliest place to start, to my knowledge, is Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei I which is based on the novel Digital Devil Story. I'll see if I can find a more comprehensive list. Hang in there.

I'm not too fond of DDS, but I was extremely satisfied with the explanation of Heats edginess, it was one of the high points of the two games for me.

It's a shame the story in 2 went to shit with the whole 'everyone dies but no wait you're actually all ok and are now fighting the big bad in the sun'. That and the fact that the main game is piss easy as you can switch skills on the fly as long as you've learned it. The other bullshit thing outside of optional stuff like the demi-fiend is if you're unlucky enough to dislike using Gale and/or Cielo and are then forced to use either of them (at a gimped level as they were unused) for basically half the game.

Oddly, you can take Serph out of the party.

You'd never want to do that, but you can.

The only thing I'd say makes DDS harder than Nocturne is the Demi-Fiend secret boss; otherwise just knowing what skills to have equipped before entering a battle and being smart about your set-ups will lead to easy victories.

Best final boss theme in the history of vidya?

Why is he crying?

Why does he have his mouth like that? Why does he look like a fucking retard?

What a horrible picture. Don't post it anymore.

Random encounters are a fair bit harder early on.

DDS1 has my favorite SMT soundtrack, by far

Yeah, DDS is way more "Know what the fight is before starting it" than any other Megaten game.

Optional bosses like Orochi or Beelzebub can only be damaged by one or two damage types, if you don't spread out skills properly before starting the fight, one of your teammates can be dead weight the entire fight and there isn't shit you can do about it.

I really liked these games and the fact that it was about hindushit for a change.
But in the end it's just the same game as Nocturne but without the fun of building your own party and interacting with demons.
Also the Mantra system while fun also made the games too easy aside from optional fights.

Thanks man.

Okay, I got a list.
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei 2
Kyukaku Megami Tensei
Shin Megami Tensei
Shin Megami Tensei 2
Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE
Shin Megami Tensei ...If
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Shin Megami Tensei NINE
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Revelations: Demon Slayer
Megaten Gaiden: Last Bible II
Last Bible III
Another Bible
Last Bible Special
Majin Tensei
Majin Tensei II
Majin Tensei: Blind Thinker
Majin Tensei: Blind Thinker 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs the soulless army
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon
Relevations: Persona
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 4 Arena
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Persona 5
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children: Red and Black Book
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children: White Book
Shin Megami Tensei Trading Card: Card Summoner
Demikids: Light and Dark Version
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children: Puzzle de Call
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children: Book of Ice and Book of Fire
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children: Messiah River
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children
Jack Bros
Giten Megami Tensei
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2
Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE

I think there's more, some of those are untranslated, one's a dead MMO and one's a Virtual Boy game, but this is more or less it.

I prefer Raidou 1's final boss music.

I love all the Megaten games that I've played, which is basically everything in English. Why do people feel the need to fanboy over one and hate another when they are so damn similar to begin with? With that said, my favorite might be Raidou 2 but I haven't played it in years so I can't explain why.

I hated the final boss in Raidou 2. I was enjoying the game up to that point, though not as much as Raidou 1, but that was such a lackluster way to end it.

>Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE

why is this on the list?

Jesus, I've got a lot to get through.
Hope I've got enough time

Yep, but I'd say that the Megaten series in general has final bosses with one problem or another. It's a weak point in the franchise in my opinion, but not a big enough one to get too worked up about.

Which one is the one with the pixel tiddies?
I mean, the one with lotsa pixel tiddies.

It's a MegaTen game, like it or not.

It's a good and frustrating journey. Totally worthwhile. Stick with it, user

>never bitten your lip before in your life.
Was it autism?

It was mostly just disappointing to me because I love Raidou 1's final boss. The only thing holding it back for me was the fact that no matter how good they made it, the combat in the game just wasn't good enough to offer a good fight.

Can You read Japanese?

If you can, play Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei -> Shin Megami Tensei 1, 2, and if.. -> Persona 1 -> Devil Summoner -> Soul Hackers

If you can't read Japanese just skip if... and Devil Summoner

Then play Nocturne -> Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 -> Persona 3, 4, and 5

If you want, play Persona 2 IS & EP and SMT: Strange Journey between Soul Hackers and Nocturne.

If you still have time after that play Radiou Kuzunoha 1 & 2 and Shin Megami Tensei IV & Apocalypse.

If you're into SRPGs play Devil Survivor 1 & 2 also.

Reminder you can get copies of DDS1&2, new, sealed in-box, from the Walmart website for $15 each. Both for about $31, free shipping.

>not starting by being in a Satanic cult where you learn to summon demons irl
LMAOing @ ur lyf

Nocturne/DDS1/DDS2 are my favorite SMT games but i feel that is a common opinion on them.

They're amazing games. Its funny if shitters in this thread try to go in on them because of Purseowners being angered. The only good Persona games are 2/5. 3 needed a update just to be playable since no character control is shit. Persona 4 is slow as shit and half the characters are head smashingly annoying.

>Atlus still refuses to port P3/Nocturne/DDS games to the PS2 games section of PS4

It would be free money every time.


Law > chaos > neutral

2 is even more of a slog than 3, except the plot is actually interesting throughout the game

and? you can get them for the same on amazon. they reprinted them. they aren't rare. Nocturne was also reprinted and goes for cheap too.

I got em off Amazon because the Walmart retailer selling for $15 had some reviews saying they may give you the wrong games and/or can be difficult at getting in touch with.

If you count all the games there must be over a hundred by now or something crazy like that, I don't think you'd make it. Though that's mostly because of all the obscure Japan-only mobile releases that no one really cares about.
Answering seriously, if you mean starting from Megami Tensei 1 then I wouldn't bother because a fair few games have no English translation and it'll take ages to reach the first game where the gameplay isn't a slog. Most aren't really connected anyway.
Some people actually seem to enjoy them though, so you could try I guess.

2 has better plot art style then 3/4 and Hitler. But yeah honestly 5 is the only truly good Persona game because of the beautiful demon models and mechanically it feels almost as full on as a SMT game. The only difference being the fact bosses are fucking weak as shit besides 2-3 optional ones and maybe the final boss.

Post objectively 10/10 MegaTen battle themes.

>Not Beezlebub theme/Metatron theme
>Not Divine Entity/Rare Devil
>Not the Velvet Twins theme

Wow its like you can't do what you set out to do Law nigger.

I didn't know they had been reprinted. There are still a lot of listings that are more expensive.

Yeah, the Walmart ones are through a distributor but both mine came in just fine.
>these aren't in the game
What were they thinking?



>Doesn't post them

He lost to a random encounter of digital devils he had a total advantage over.

>Was literally a dream
>Could've Gaea raged at any point if he felt like it also

>Have yet to play 4.
I'd say that Atlus' dungeon design peaked with Persona 4 to be honest.

>play normal battle theme
>DDS cast get instakilled from a single
Gaea Rage
>doesn't even use Fiends

>I was only pretending to lose
Go away demi-fiend.

You can't listen to this without getting hyped as fuck

sorry I know I'm late but
>devil summoner
>better than anything
that game was a real piece of shit. I heard the second one was better

Is this metal lord?

*resists your physical attacks*

Nice shoulders fag


I've played P3, P4, P5, SMT IV, and Nocturne.

I really wanna play the DDS series but not sure whats the best way to do it. My computer is basically broken so PS2 emulator is out of the window. I have a Vita and a PS4. What do?

Sounds like you gotta buy a PS2 or a PS3 mate

Aw man. There isn't anything in the PSN stores for the Vita or PS4?

I played 3 and 4 on my emulator than bought P3P and Golden for my Vita. I was really hoping to play it on the Vita, but I would even settle for the PS4.