What a fucking video game.
This game had the best story in any Pokemon game ever.
Does the series just go downhill from here?
What a fucking video game
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super mystery dungeon is pretty amazing once you hit chapter 10, and the story is surprisingly deep for a pokemon game.
I cried a lot, probably as much as I did when I played explorers of sky.
Go for that one.
Op should play Gates to Infinity too. It's not as strong as Explorers of Sky but I think it's still worth a play.
I've only ever heard people talk shit about Gates, what would make it worth playing when Super exists?
The real problem with Gates isn't plot, it's lack of content and the limited pokemon selection. Assuming you pirate it or else get it cheaper than 40 bucks, it's fine. There's little nitpicks like no hunger for the majority of the dungeons and only one mission allowed at a time and paid DLC, but the game isn't half as bad as people say. It's got some of the best written side characters in the series and I like mechanics of making your own Pokemon Paradise and the Mysteriosity rating system.
Super wins in the gameplay category except for one unfortunately huge flaw in the 'Break' function
It's pacing is also bad; too slow in the start and way too fast later
It is most definitely a good game, though, and laid the ground work for massive gameplay improvements to be carried forward to the Switch, please God Nintendo
Sky is the fucking best, unfortunatelly i couldn't bother to finish super mystery dungeon, it just doesn't have the magic for me
That whole series is literally some of the best vidya on the market. I have nothing bad to say about any of the games, and each of the games deserves an 8+/10.
Yeah, literally all they needed to do to fix the break system is once you hit postgame if your player hero is higher level than the pokemon in question, it doesn't take breaks. Real easy fix.
>chapter 2
>go to elementary school
>chapter 10
>escape from Hell
I love the music in these games.
Seriously, listen to this shit
Having no request board fucking ruined Super for me.
this is my favorite song
It ties into the pacing issues, but I hate how they spend half the game developing the Serene Village cast and building them up only to ditch them almost entirely later.
Thankfully, the music is still gorgeous despite the compositional style change
>escape from hell
Shit now you have my attention
Shit pops off out of no where
If you're interested, I wouldn't linger in this thread long
you spend most of your time down there being the legendary dogs' bitch but then they realize you're the only hope so they combine their strength to get you and your partner out of there
It's called the "Underworld" in the English version, but in the Japanese version it's literally referred to as "Hell"
There was also the time in Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky where you go to a dystopian future where time has stopped completely and the world is filled with nothing but hostile pokemon and those who serve evil Dialga
One day we'll get this kind of thing again
They won't forget PMD
every mystery dungeon game has the same story formula
Super wasn't that long ago and was fucking good.
one of the biggest things that turned me off for super is the fact that they went from the 2D art style to 3D, it's really nit picky i know but i just cant get behind the new direction it took
This made me appreciate the ending of Super more.
It's not you that has to go, it's me.
I readied myself for it because I knew it was coming, but I was genuinely shocked at such a simple twist.
>that post game where you bring her back
How do you deal with the whole Pokemon series moving from 2D to 3D? Or even most vidya in general?
You choose your partner's gender when you say they're Cool or Cute at the beginning, user could have easily had a female partner.
>he didn't have a "cute" snivy partner who learned Attract and kept that move the entire game
it's like you aren't a completely degenerate piece of shit
hilariously enough the final boss can actually be infatuated
How is the post game? I remember with Red MD I spent a lot of time trying to get one of each Pokemon.
There's a shitload of quests to recruit every pokemon but I've heard that other games in the series had much better post games. I couldn't tell you because this is the only one I've finished.
It caught me off guard too.
"This is it, Its time to- Wait... wait what? WHAT. NO. YOU . NO. GET BACK DOWN HERE YOU."
I want to try it, but fuck emulating handheld games and the aftermarket prices suck.
hack your Wii U
Gamestop has it for 25 bucks if you're American.
I'm not.
is PMD the kind of series you should start from the beginning?
If you have a 3ds it's possible to inject any GBA game presuming you can hack that shit, I recently played through Wario Land 4 with that method.
Rescue Team, then Explorers, then Super
You can skip Gates, and maybe play it after everything is said and done
SPMD was my first in the series and I fucking loved it, make of that what you will.
The Special Episodes in Sky were TOO fucking good and I have no goddamn idea why something comparable wasn't in Super or Gates. Could've done one with Espurr where we learn some more about her and how she thinks, since she's actually stupid fucking clever and caring, just stone-faced a lot of the time, another as Pancham and Shellmet, and the final one would probably be controlling Ampharos, Mawile and Buizel to do some amazing fucking shit, maybe Jirachi's astrology predicts some heavy Legendary shit and they go lay down the goddamn law
>yfw Bidoof caused the entire plot by getting his wish granted by Jirachi
The first one is a bit rough around the edges compared to the later ones. Generally Sky is a good starting point since it does everything well, and, in some places, is the best. Super is great too, especially for gameplay, but has a weaker story. Gates has a great story but weaker gameplay than the other three games.
Not really, the plots don't connect to each other in any way, each is self-contained and you can start anywhere without needing background.
You might have trouble going back to older games due to rougher mechanics and missing quality of life improvements after playing the newer ones first though. And the newest title, Super PMD, is chock full of references and cameos you'd miss if you play it first.
>tfw monster house
You just gotta get a room-clearing move and they become a total non-issue.
i think i got bored of Red (or Blue, forget) way back in the day. maybe i should give it a shot again.
It's a ds game
I would definitely give the originals a playthrough. I would say the first ones have a bigger jump in difficulty than the other, but that is part of it's charm.
also the new recruiting thing and fucking recharges on allies you can bring on missions killed the game for me, that and little things like your other party members not being in story cutscenes and no iQ system just made me hate the game
I think that's possible as well now, you'd have to ask to be sure.
>"cute" snivy partner who learned Attract
Fuck nigga, good choice. Snivy had the best expression art out of all the partners.
After I got surprised gangbanged on the last floor of the Temporal Tower I always keep room-wide anal beads on hand. ALWAYS.