Deus Ex Composer Working on Secret Project with Retro Studios

>Deus Ex composer working with Retro Studios on secret project

What do you think it is?

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Not a Metroid game, thankfully.

I think it's more likely than a new Donkey Kong game that's for sure.

Is his stuff any good? Never played these games.

>Not a Metroid game
It very well could be.
At the very least his music sounds like it could be suitable.

I almost dare say that it's either Metroid, or a new property altogether.

Definetely play Deus Ex, the graphics haven't exactly aged well but the gameplay and writing are still fantastic. Here's a sample of the music.

2 months ago IGN asked them what they were working on and Retro responded with an image of a prime steak. Cause Texas.

Music is cool in Deus Ex

>Kong Ex: Dong Revolution

>Climax Studios
Are their games good?

currently playing super metroid for the first time and loving it. up to Ridley now; i keep panicking and wasting super missiles

By the time you get to him you should have enough energy tanks to just do nothing but mash the missile button and beat him in an endurance fight.

i've got around five extra tanks. i know i missed several. The thing is, it's made the game more exciting, since most boss fights have left me with only a few HP left.

but i'm learning to spin jump/screw attack to remain invulnerable

play a real metroid, kid. like prime or zero hunters.

not really hyped. probably just more crappy donkey kong games. would love for a new prime, though.

>zero hunters.


You didn't enjoy Prime I take it?

>zero hunters
>crappy donkey kong games

And it's trash. Fucking clickbaity trash.
That said. Yes it's no doubt a likely possibility. Which is why anyone who is following games and Nintendo news could make such an educated guess.
Fuck, just look at the first comments in this very thread.

Those """""leakers""""" know squat shit. They just figure that it's likely because it is. And if it's true they'll try to claim all the glory. And if it's not true, then they'll just try to sweep it all under the rug and pretend like it was never even a thing.

Alexander Brandon is great and since he's most well known for techno, Metroid confirmed.

why did his show get cancelled?

He utterly decimated some buzzfeed loser who knows people at Adult Swim.

Why you gotta be such a bitch nigga

>green texting

Come on big guy, do you really want to go through this whole ringamaru?

episode 5 was gold the rest of the show was a let down for me since it was the 1st episode i watch

No way are they gonna do a new DK game and not have David Wise composing it. Like he finally comes back to the series after decades and he pumps out a 10/10 soundtrack worthy of being on my phone's music player.


He totally didn't trip her.

yeah he did, i saw it with my own two feet

Dude, he invited them over for wine. Why would he invite people over to trip them and ruin his carpet?

>David wise

I guess youre right

Prey (2017) 2

>not Michael McCann
Into the trash it goes

Deus Ex had better music than HR and MD.

Imagine if it was a new IP and people lost their shit over it not being more Metroid.

Imagine it being good.

>Nintendo has no new IPs!
>Splatoon and Arms don't count! R-Retro's new IP doesn't count either because it should've been an old IP!!

Come on Nick, I saw you do it.

could you not.

>techno synth trash


You are so wrong that even the Devil would reject you.

Yeah instead we could have generic movie score crap instead of actually memorable and enjoyable music, who would want synth music in a game about technology?

>eidos couldn't make a new deus ex game so retro make one instead
>it comes out and it's legit comparable to the original deus ex in terms of quality and even writing hiring sheldon paccoti as the lead writer, and it doesn't half ass things like stealth and melee and it offers the elusive second main route
>it's a portable/home console hybrid exclusive

It could be a new Metroid but it sure as hell isn't a new Donkey Kong, unless it's cyberpunk DK.

>make new replacement assets that aren't cringe af like hdtp
>can't figure out how to get them into the game and working

>unless it's cyberpunk DK.
How would that work?

whats her cup size? asking for a friend

What if it's a Metroid game where you can either work with the federation the whole time through or just branch off and do things your own way as a bounty hunter?

I have no clue but I'm absolutely interested

>I think the Federation made the space pirates attack on purpose
>Do you have a single fact to back that up?

people actually like this dogshit music?

deus ex threads made better with the best conspiracies

shit taste

Post some of your faves mr. patrician

Old men
Running the world

>another spinoff

Why, you'd lose your shit again.

Looks like E

I'm guessing nobody in this thread has heard of Threadbareinc?

what about it?

>Alexander Brandon
>Not Basehead, Necros, Michiel van den Bos, or anybody else from Straylight Productions

The Alex Jones imitation in HR was one of the best parts of that game.

He's basically made some of the best history and philosophy lectures I've ever seen under the platform of a Deus Ex Let's Play.

Literally who?

How much you wanna bet were not going to hear about this at e3.... again

it's fucking amazing that that's suppsoedly whjat alex believes
and yet he takes the stance of the evil, of the dark sides of humanity

I'll take that bet, because it's going to be at E3.

Kensuke Tanabe said 3 years ago that a new console Metroid game would take 3 years.

or maybe itll be a Recore situation again, where we see a new game at sony or microsoft that says by Retro and then people ask them is that what they've been working on they still say no we are still working on a secret title


Recore wasn't done by Retro, it was done by Armature, who are only 3 dudes who used to work at Retro, how did you get that mixed up?

Seems cool.

Apparently key members but the games quality says otherwise.

They were concept artists.


It's like the director Mark Pacini as well as some of the programmers, apparently key members but they haven't released a game one one billionth the quality of Metroid Prime since leaving.

No Savage.