which one do you prefer and why?
Witcher 3 vs. Skyrim
Witcher 3 is the second best rpg ever made while Skyrim is one of the worst.
with mods skyrim
without mods witcher 3
Both are boring as shit
>Witcher 3 is the second best rpg ever made
Top kek
Could you repeat what you just said, my friend? My hearing has not been very well lately.
Witcher 3 doesn't have actual role-playing, how is it one of the best?
>the second best rpg ever is this action adventure game
is this a joke or something?
It isn't a RPG but still does RPG better than Skyrim.
Uhhh what's the first best RPG user?
posting best game
Witcher 3, Skyrim is disqualified for being an awful game.
pic related
>Witcher 3 graphics, writing and choice making with the race selection of Skyrim
There, I just made the perfect game in all existence.
Oh fuck off with your Dark Souls 2015 yearly rehash bullshit shilling already. No one cares.
>enjoys yearly Call of Souls rehashes
>is an anime poster
Wow what a surprise
The last installment of his "true rpg" lost goty to a witcher 3 DLC
Both are shit, but Skyrim is more entertaining because of mods. And really just the process of modding it, not actually playing it.
Witcher 3 is a mediocre game marred by awful design choices and the worst part is that it's going to hold the medium back by years if not decades due to how loved it is by plebs. This "story driven open world" trend can't die off soon enough.
both are shit
You're right user. Story driven open world really needs to die. If I have a clear purpose and literally very few reasons to go out of my way to explore why waste my time you know? New Vegas I believe did open world best. Your character didn't have any clear identity, you got to pick what you did. "Main" story played very little role in the whole game.
Skyrim for a sandbox feel and having the ability to do lots of various things.
Witcher 3 for story, side quests etc
God forbid open world games be up to standard.
just like your parents
Best part of Witcher 3 can be "played" on youtube.
I prefer more of a focus on the gameplay.
If you like the Bioware/CDProjekt style games more power to you it just isn't for me.
Is skyrim what you call a focus on gameplay? It has some of the worst combat I've ever experienced.
I loved the Witcher games, especially the second, so I'd say W3, but strangely enough, while I did play through Skyrim entirely, including the expansions, I still have to finish W3 blood and wine. I just got bored with it at some point and just started playing other games.
Witcher 3 is a better game, but it got old quick. After almost 6 years I still haven't gotten tired of modding Skyrim.
Didn't Witcher 3 use young Anakins "Spinning is a good trick let's try that" as a design document for the combat?
Jesus christ, how can a person be so contrarian?
Do you have legit autism
Not saying W3 has good combat, it's mediocre at best. But Skyrim's is truly awful.
I rather enjoyed creating my necromantic army.
Different strokes for different folks.