At this point who is more insufferable--Rich or Jack?

At this point who is more insufferable--Rich or Jack?

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The answer is always aidsmoby. Also,

Do people actually watch previously recorded?

RLM is great but Jack sucks and Rich is just a meme.

>RLM is great but Jack sucks and Rich is just a meme.
Second post most accurate post.

RLM would be so much better if they could bring in Colin permanently. But alas he actually has a real and lucrative career.

I only watch Rich Evans for the sounds that come out of his mouth

Jack is MEH

>Watching anything without at least Mike or Jay in it

I'd honestly say Rich. When Rich starts talking about stuff like he knows it and it ends up being wrong it's painful to watch. Plus sometimes he veers off into edgy 14 year old.

But in the end they're both fine. One thing I did notice though was for the Breath of the Jay stream, Jack and Jay were just talking movies the whole time and Rich had almost nothing to say the whole time rather than mention the game

Half of their videos have comments explaining how they either didn't take advantage of a feature that would have resolved the thing they complained about or how there's settings to change a control style they didn't like. I feel like they're just negative for no reason now and it's tiring.

They are still more insightful and reasonable than most fags on youtube but yeah, they clearly care more about movies, so it just feels forced at times and their streams aren't even good bedtime stuff, since Rich will either pierce your ears with his weaponized laughter or Aidsmoby is suddenly compulsed to be funny by acting like any other letsplay clown.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

t. Mike

Rich is okay to good Jack varies from being tolerable to an annoying faggot.

I watch their reviews but avoid streams because they're boring and everyone sucks their dick in chat.

I don't always agree with their opinions, but I can deal with that because I'm not a child.

The real problem with their channel is that 99% of their content is boring streams. They should stop doing that so they can spend more time making videos that people actually want to watch.

>movie channel
>reviews games

What did you expect?

I can't stand both of them.
Which is weird because I don't mind them in the other rlm stuff

Not that strange. They're both relatively bland.
Jack in a geeky dad sort of way, and Rich in an obnoxious cunt sort of way. Mike continuously putting Rich down when they film is actually good for the dynamic, if Rich goes off on his own he can be a bit of a cunt. Always complains about everything, never likes anything.

>Jack and Jay were just talking movies the whole time and Rich had almost nothing to say the whole time rather than mention the game

that's what always happens when jay is there.

And they're the only streams worth watching too

Jack is just a corny dad, but the more I watch, the more rich comes off as a piece of shit

>harshly criticize , dc, quentin, lucas, disney and critically acclaimed movies
>the only movies they do reviews about are about those or B tier shit cult movies

I just don't get it. You like them or not.

PreRec ends up just another boring generic video game YouTube show Jack and Rich aren't equipped to talk about video games at the level of the Plikett prequel reviews. The closest anyone came was probably Sequelitis but Arin is a retard so it ended up sucking too. At least the Megaman X one was good

I'd still say Rich is most certainly /our/ guy, if we like it or not.


Let's be real here Mike and Jay carry these tards. Jack and Rich are fuckups and don't know what they're talking about.

Rich is fine, a rare completely honest person who I bet is no different on screen than off. Can likely take it or leave it when it comes to being centre stage. Genuinely likeable.

Jack however. He's the kind of hanger on dick head that has zero talent yet leeches off those that do. Everything seems forced when he opens his mouth. Always trying to put out a persona. Would sell out anyone for a youtube view.

They review most of the current movies and then get together to discuss awful b movies because its fun. They've done a yearly recap every year for other movies that they enjoyed but didnt have time to make a whole episode for.

For YouTube movie reviewers they are pretty good. I dont understand your distaste for them.

Mike and Jay are comedic geniuses, Rich is the token "friend who tags along they both rip on, but genuinely enjoy friendship", jack is an insufferable try-hard who wouldn't know good humor if it started growing miraculously on his bald ass head. Colin is a faggot too.

Best show would be Mike, Jay, Rich, and guest appearances.

They're fine really. Or at the very least I think so. The chat is full of dicksuckers though. So naturally, just ignore it.

And they're actually decent enough at games too. Perhaps not great, certainly not that. But still surprisingly decent.

Rich goes from best to worst depending on how shit his opinion is on any subject probably because he doesn't seem to give a fuck . For comedy he's the best.

My question is, what happened to the guy who worked with Rich on the prequel videos?

Can't be arsed finding him in the video but here he is in the thumbnail. I think he even did a few voices.

at least jack isn't josh

I don't dislike them, i really dig re:view, i was one of those faggots who went to blockbuster to rent ghostbusters while my aunt rented ghost and had an awesome day eating popcorn and watching movies.

But i just don't get how their main show is literally "i don't like this thing" "Now watch me talk about that thing that is not star trek for 40 minutes"

Died of cancer.

I think prerec isnt very good because Jack and Rich dont have personalities that play off each other. Mike and Jay work well together because they have different backgrounds and taste in movies but they both understand how to pull off comedy. Jack and Rich dont have that skill and their personalities dont complement each other so their stuff kind of ends up sucking, except when Jay or Mike happens to show up and they talk about shit.

I like PreRec as background noise for when I'm working. It's like having half of RLM chatting aimlessly in your room for several hours

Also I don't mind Jack. I don't get the try-hard criticism because to me he doesn't try at all, hence his lack of charisma. Mike by comparison is a tryhard who has to put on a persona everytime he's on camera (and I love it)

Jay should come on more often, if only because he's the missing key in the PreRec dynamic that livens up the conversations between Jack's inoffensiveness and Rich's obnoxiousness

Does anyone know the episode of hitb where the martial arts filmmaker dude cameos at the end?

>"i don't like this thing" "Now watch me talk about that thing that is not my star trek for 40 minutes"
Same could be said about Sup Forums, just swap star trek with nostalgia, and people still come here.

>hate jack
>rich is fine
>they both play games I give no fucks about

Did he watch Jack's videos too?

Caption also made very lengthy in-depth reviews of some vidya but he takes himself far more seriously (faggot had a complete emotional breakdown when he realized that he got a few details wrong in his Nier review and ended up crying like a bitch) and they aren't very humorous, but it's about as close as it gets to Plinkett reviews in terms of depth.

>"Now watch me talk about that thing that is not star trek for 40 minutes"
I laughed.

Their whole thing started with mike doing the plinkett reviews which are viciously critical of the star wars prequels and the TNG movies. I think its only natural for them to continue what works for them. I guess I can understand being tired of them analyzing every movie they dont like to pick it apart, but on the other hand they make it fun for their audience.

Jack. His laugh is terrible.

Rich is okay. His opinions are tainted by nostalgia though.

This. Jack and Rich can work very well when paired with other guys but when it's just them two, it sucks.

>Jack's inoffensiveness and Rich's obnoxiousness
That is exactly why prerec doesnt really work for me. They might make good points about whatever they are talking about but their personalities make their discussions flat.

I don't think they know as much about video games as they think and some of their opinions are bizarre but I will never forget their fucking incredible take down of the order 1886. Probably the only video from them that people absolutely should watch.

Also Rich is generally okay.

dude he tries SUPER hard. He always tries to do goofy voices and quirky shit in each episode and it always falls flat. And he also forces himself to laugh.

He's entertaining when he provides serious non-comedic insight (even if it's wrong as fuck) or dry humor, but he's got no talent for goofy comedy.

Its the one just before he does an interview that spans two episodes, not hard to find in their upload list.

I think the Andrommeda review summed up their "dynamic" perfectly, Jack is just too much of a bitch to play off Rich when he gets pissy.

Worse, he had the misfortune of meeting the insufferable douchetard.

I don't watch Previously Recorded so I only know them both from Best of the Worst/Half in the Bag. I don't think they're insufferable really, but Rich can get slightly grating sometimes when he thinks he's being funny. Jack is always just kinda there. Mike and Jay are of course the conductors as always.

No it was much later after that.

It was a short cameo at the end of an episode where hes like at a dojo

Pre-Rec streams are basically the RLM "unofficial" podcast because they never talk about the game especially when Jay is there.

I dont bother actually watching Pre-Rec just listen while i do whatever to hear RLMs opinions on movies and shit since their content output is glacial.

>Implying the no talent jack-the-man-fraud-hack is funny or insightful or good in anyway

Yeah, ur ghey.

I agree. Jack is too limp to properly play off Rich's general cynicism and bitchiness. He tries, though, but he sucks at it.

Their BvS and Star Wars commentaries are pretty good, surprisingly, but not because of their dynamics, just because of the points they bring up.

With the lady wearing the short kimono? One of the videos was "How to be a Teenage Ninja" so use that to search the BOTW playlist.

Those are the best too.

Because Mike, Jay, Rich and Jack are the best RLM crew, just enough people that they all play off each other perfectly

>zero talent
>does all the work

It was an act

He's more insightful than the average fanboy youtuber. Which isn't saying much but still.

That was it

Youre the man

Rich is great when Mike is present in some form, otherwise there's no personality for his to bounce off of and create great moment (Rich fucking up the christmas tree, Rich's prank calls, Rich masturbating with that droid, that whole fucking episode where they talk about Darth Vader's suit, etc.)

Jack is just "normal" I guess. He's not funny in the least, regardless of who he's paired up with.

So is Jay confirmed for gay?

Sorry buddy, I was wrong and thought you meant Matt Hannon.

Jack is there to provide mild insight so that the witty ones can make jokes out of it.

Would anyone other than Colin mourn if jack died? Personally I think Mike, Jay, and rich would give 0 fucks.

The "talking about Darth Vader's suit" video is pure RLM kino.

Well he is marrying Mr Plinkett.

>people who are actually good at talking about video games never get mentioned in these sorts of threads.

Just some examples
Mark Brown
My life in Gaming

Just to name a few.
Sorry if this triggers anyone.

Okay so we know that by and large Jack is not funny.
But COULD he be funny? Like, what are the hypothetical conditions that would enable him to be funny?

>>zero talent
>>does all the work

Rich does all the physical work which is more than just editing shitty Lets Play videos.

There is an entire timelapse of Rich stripping down and building the entire HITB set himself.

I was wondering about that. It doesnt really matter to me if he is. He cares about his appearance a lot, but that isnt a trait restricted to gays.

No, none, nothing.

I want NL to replace Rich

This is a thinly veiled RLM thread brah

thinks alliterations are funny
too short
too short
recycles jokes
shills stuff

>He didn't watch the edmund mcmillen stream
That was some legit shit

>watching Rich create the remastered hell set for Gorilla Interrupted

Birthday Boy got mad skills

I'm starting to get the feeling the person covering for jack in this thread is one person: jack himself.

Fuck off, jack.

Yes, and that's half in the bag.

Rich just plays the games, while Jack does all the video editing, and you're retarded if you think editing is easy. Not saying ich does nothing, but there's no need to downplay Jack because you dont like him, this isnt Sup Forums

Ahoy is the guy that did those videos about the classic ID shooters right? Those were good watches.

I used to dislike jack but then he grew on me, then I encountered josh and he just blows jack away in the bad department. when josh says something sometimes it's a good point but 90% of the time I have to look away and my muscles tense up because the group gives him nothing, which is what he deserves. that one time where rich is making a joke and josh is like "oh yeah well you like to think about bashing people's heads in with a rifle butt, huh? remember THAT?"

>50 minute love letter to doom and quake each
>too short


Super Bunny Hop my mans.

Also, Mark Brown is good, I found a couple of his Mario Maker stages on the 3DS version over Recommended Courses and they were great

His value is he has the ability to pay attention to anything they watch. Some of those BotW episodes I think Mike is about to die from boredom. Jack gives good insight. Hes not especially humorous but Rich is only funny because hes an obnoxious fat guy.

>being an actual brainlet

Is that the fatter guy with the big beard? He never seemed to actually enjoy himself ever. Also the one to get the most easily offended by bad taste jokes.

He triggers Sup Forums a bit too much so I left him out on purpose.

>Always complains about everything, never likes anything.
/our guy/?

Whats the issue, man? Jack isnt terrible, hes just not very good some times.

he does? I dont browse here enough to know the happenings, why is that?

yeah, that's him. I don't know if it's just a failed attempt at playing the straight guy, but so often he seems genuinely angry or indignant. "hey, watch it with the Italian stuff."

If there are any O&A fans here, Josh is the hole

Have you ever watched a Previously Recorded?

How much editing do you think goes on in a continuous, static AB camera setup?

Their stream videos are static single camera edits.

A single 2 minute stream highlight video or first four hours of video with the wacky zooms and funny pictures probably has more editing than all of their stream and Previously Recorded episodes combined.

You're fucking lame, and you make my RLM a worse experience. Go home, jack.

Fuck you

look nobody would hang out with jack

but rich and his insufferable wife/gf twin would be terrible to hang out with IRL

it's like that guy that you tolerate as a friend but don't know why

Oh boy.
>inb4 20 replies of gb2rebbit

Compared to josh he is a much better 4th person.

I hated his Nier video.
Just shows how many people disliked it when a bunch of people recommended other Nier videos in the comments.

I mainly watch their reviews, which has a three camera setup intercut with gameplay from a 10 hour stream and added effects.


No, fuck YOU you mobe wannabe try-hard, go ruin something that is shit already!

Jack stop samefagging.

Mister Caption's good if you like the super-dry neurotic character he's got going.