Post the last game you played and the amount you paid for it, and rate the game from 0 to 10

Post the last game you played and the amount you paid for it, and rate the game from 0 to 10.

If it's a free to play game, be honest about how much you spent on microtransactions. If you pirated the game, just say that you paid nothing. That's fine. (We don't need to have a discussion about the affect of piracy on the game industry, because, let's be honest, none of you are smart enough to say anything about piracy that hasn't been said a thousand times before in a thousand other threads.)

I think I paid $2.50 when I bought it for myself? I bought a shitload of gift copies whenever it'd go on sale for a while though. Definitely ended up spending more than $20 in total.

The thumbnail makes it look like she's looking at the back of his head
When you open it, it's like she noticed you staring at her staring at him and shifted forward to ignore you

i paid $6.50 for the game+dlcs, i would say is a 6/10, fun combat but too easy and it is 95% fetch quests

Saints Row 4, $7.99 for the entire game plus DLCs.

7/10, pretty fun. Character creation was really good, having superpowers in a city was also fun. Got about 28 hours' worth of gameplay from it with nearly 100% completion. I think it could have been longer, but I think I got more than my money's worth from it.

>Snake pass
>19,90 or 19,99 can´t remember but whatever

The Dweller was $0.49 when I bought it.

Visually, it looks like trash, and it's very unpolished overall, but the concept and gameplay are original.

I'd give it a 7/10, but the $0.49 price tag factors heavily into that. I wouldn't pay full price for it. I recommend getting in during the next sale if you have some leftover money from selling trading cards or whatever.

Pokemon Go. I've spent like $20 on microtransactions for incubators. I'd say it's a 5/10 if only for the TECHNOLOGY required to handle a game at this scale. Otherwise it's a 2/10 newgrounds tier game that only gets a pass because walking is fun.

persona 5, 60 shekels
over 9000/10, would buy again

Shovel Knight is pretty good so far. Got it for around $10 last time it was on sale.

I rarely spend that much on any game, let alone retro indie stuff, but I'd heard it was great and had some gift card money.

20 bucks

the crew.
$0 (ftp)

9/10 so far. it's incredibly relaxing to freedrive across the US


Well meme'd my friend

Dark Souls 3, bought it for $60 on release, currently playing through the DLC for free because account sharing with my friend
It's 5/10 at best, and I don't mean 5/10 irredeemable shit like modern reviews, just that's it's painfully average and not outstanding in any way
Especially compared to the other souls games, don't feel like I would've been missing out on much if I just didn't buy it
The DLC is somehow worse than the base game though, have to force myself to play through it with my friend because he wants to

wanna share me a copy pls? always wanted it but never got around to buying it on sale

No Man's Sky: Limited Edition

last time i bought a game or pre-ordered shit.

Needs more races and modes, campaign is fine, standard 40k stuff in terms of story.

Also needs a surrender option, but that's apparently getting patched in tomorrow.

Oh shit, forgot score

7/10 I guess

At least tell me you're not one of the people who relentlessly shilled the game before release.

Is it worth getting over the previous ones if I haven't played anything but Eternal Crusade?

i did. i swear i will never do it again im so sorry

Those tags seem wrong, by the way.


What the hell, no. It's just a puzzle game.

Not yet, if we get expansions then maybe eventually yeah. At least it has built-in workshop support.

I can't be mad at you, because it's so funny.

day of infamy

I paid $1.50 on sale.
I have over 400 hours in it from playing with various friend groups.
I give it a 9.8/10, because the music is shit and the visuals aren't great either, but it has the best bang for buck of any game I've ever purchased. I still go back to it occasionally.

Playing Dark Souls 3 now for the first time.

I'm not entirely sold on it just yet, prefer the previous two titles to it for now - but I still am not too far into it.

nu-DOOM for $36

9/10 fucking fun as shit.

> Dawn of War 3
> 60 US Dollars
> 5/10

It's shit. I got like 1500 hours of entertainment and still going out of DoW 2 though so it's not too bad I guess. Actually, I take it back, it's still fucking bad.

Sorry user, I'm all out.

The last game I played was Rocket League during the free weekend.

$0 spent

Fallout 4 on the xbone

And I think I only have 20$ for it.

damn ;_;

MWR and Infinite Warfare for £50 bongbucks, easily sunk 250 hours into them. Remember cod4 as a squeaker so its good to be back, and infinite warfare is easy. Feels good to be good at a game, even if it's shit. 9/10, -1 for supply drops

Its been a few weeks since I played a video game.
I think I played CSS for a few hours a while ago.
20 bucks
Good enough I played for a thousand hours so probably 8/10

Fuck, forgot to rate. I'd say like a 6 maybe 7 on a real good day. To open worldy

Prey 2017, $36, 9
Gwent, $0, 9
Rimworld, $20, 7

Man I was on a Sup Forums hiatus when PoGo came out, I wish I could've been here to see the shit show.

i lied

but you better give it the chance it deserves

Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

Bigger fan of Final Fantasy Tactics, but I was well satisfied with the purchase regardless.

Oh shit

Steam name: Solidgreenday

That you? It's my last gift copy, so I'm being careful.


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, $50
It's the same game but better
I wish the online had voice chat, parties, invites though

Dark Souls on the Xbone. I literally just got past the tutorial level and I'm conpletely new to the Souls games. I paid $20 for it.

Sonic CD. Paid 5 bucks for it, felt pretty worth it. 7/10 - time mechanic was cool but didn't really mean anything, a few frustrating parts (fuck you collision chaos 2 & 3) but solid platforming and exploration overall.

Just finished La-Mulana, paid 8 bucks for it on steam, pirated it on vita (what I played it on) and gave 150$ to the kickstarter for the second one a bit of time ago because I liked that game so much.

The game was spectacular.

TF2 (4years ago)
Not bait, I just enjoy simple things.
[spoilers]I spent 100 bucks on cosmetics[/spoilers]

Thanks man, as soon as i get my PC ill start gaining brouzouf and trashing jians

Not from America, but paid the equivalent of $3 on it using a coupon that a friend of mine received for owning the original version.

A solid 8/10, I would usually give it a 7/10 because the combat is complete garbage, but the platforming is damn good, challenging and fun, and the game's too fucking gorgeous to deserve anything less.

I actually turned out a profit from playing TF2, about $1000 made through shrewd trading. It was nice owning every strange weapon for a while.

>Roller Coaster Tycoon Deluxe Edition

>walking is fun
Tell me more about your strange universe, you alien creature.

i got it for free
9/10, probably 10/10 if i wasn't shit

The Legend of Dark Witch
Touhou mega man with some legit challenges. Zizou is also smug which is great.

20 bucks
A solid action game and well worth the price.

Darkest Dungeon

I paid nothing expecting to see the art and quit after a couple of hours, but I got really hooked and it's frankly a fantastic game. I'm probably going to buy it when Crimson Court comes out.


I had the same reaction to DaS3. I bought the season pass on release, but since I lost my save from back when I first completed it, I didn't even play any of the DLC because I'm so bored when I think about replaying it.

Calling it a 5/10 would only be fair in a world where that score is not utterly tainted by incredible garbage, though.

Catherine, $3.

9/10, fucking fantastic puzzle game and I thoroughly enjoyed the story.

Adjusted for inflation.

I paid nothing
The game runs incredibly well, the graphics are good, the controls are tight.
It's just not all that fun...

Did the new version replace this screen or just erase it from history?

$0, for obvious reasons

Pretty great overall, recreates the aesthetics, atmosphere and gameplay of Metroid extremely well. Some of the Metroid enemies are pretty damn obnoxious to fight, though. Wish the beam cannon wasn't completely useless against them.

TF2, bought it for 20 dollars. I've spent a lot more on cosmetic shit (100+)
I'd rate the game 9/10, ive spent over 4k hours playing it at this point

Persona 5
8.8/10 so far

seems fine/10

400+ hours
I had a dream where they updated it with a harder mode, introduced a survival arena, and a thing where you can select fights to teleport into and play. That would be pretty cool.

Gravity Rush Re:
8/10 to me personally, its good for 15 desu

Someday I'll gather a team of academics and we're gonna tackle this game together. Someday.

9/10 so far

Persona 5.
Full price.
Legit personal 10/10.

0$ got it for free
From what I played I'm glad I didn't pay money for it, disappointingly shallow

mount&blade warband



It's ok I guess?
Wish humble had refunds sometimes

Killing Floor 2, $10.50, I'd say it's a good 7/10
It's not as good as the first game, but it's been improved since it was in early access, and despite not being better than the first game, it's still a competent horde shooter that's fun to play with friends
I hope they continue to add more content to the game, and fix up some of the remaining issues


Grim Dawn for 25 bucks. It's a solid 8/10 for me.

Immortal Red neck.



No memes. I love rogue likes and first person shooters and this game was 100% worth my cash.

Paid $15 for Persona 5
7/10 so far too bad exams dont let me play often

Death Skid Marks

like five bucks


If a game is anything less than a 7 then I tend to not even keep playing it, I buy and play so many games that it's a waste of my time to continue playing something that's not worth it, but this game wound up being actually compelling. I though it looked like shit but it was on my radar just from what I read about it, then I randomly decided to actually buy it and lo and behold it was fun. Random gen game with car combat and a lot of challenge to it, pretty good stuff. Has just enough events and RNG to keep it interesting while making sure that player agency is important, though you can and will get screwed out of a run through no fault of your own sometimes.