Persona 5 is a social life JRPG, where you can hang out, and make romantic connections to people. The game gives you multiple different romance options, including multiple women who are significantly older than the protagonist, which can lead into questions about power balance between the two sides of said romance. But the game gives you explicitly no gay romance choices, which is unfortunate, although not exactly a surprise, given how Persona 3 (Outside of P3P where Female Protagonist could romance Elizabeth and Aigis) and 4 were absolutely no-no to gay choices, even when it would have been the most logical conclusion writing wise
Persona 5 hurts gaming with its lack of choice
Other urls found in this thread:
Just because they're flamboyant 80 pound asian boys doesn't mean they're gay, you fucking homo-pusher.
I agree.
Why go to the trouble of having several ambiguously and blatantly gay characters if there is no actual gay romance?
It's a betrayal of the game's message, and hampers the overall product. If they made Yusuke at least slightly hetero it would have been OK.
Did you really retweet yourself you fat loser lmao
Thank god japs are not idiots as western monkeys
It's a jrpg, there's really no romance involved period.
I mean you can't actually fuck anyone, can you?
Why should gay children who play this game after being bullied all day have to suffer further by being forced to romance women? Atlus is basically condoning the suicide of gay teens.
Fuck homos.
So you haven't played Persona but you feel the need to enter these threads?
Tell me how I'm wrong
>You Retweeted
>You Retweeted
>You Retweeted
>You Retweeted
Now that the persona series is getting even bigger, atlus wont pander to the es jay dubya in 6 right?
>So you haven't played Persona but you feel the need to enter these threads?
Please link the sex scenes from persona 5.
Why doesn't that faggot complain about no female playable character in doom?
>You spent a romantic night with Makoto
>on Valentine's Day
Sup Forums will meme about LE SJW REDDIT XD, but they are right about Persona 5 failing to live up to its counterculture premise.
6 wont happen for at least 10 years so who even cares
>90% male targeted game
>they want the game to reach a few girls
>lose at least 50% profit
>Every fictional story needs to be like this and include this and this and it should never include this and this
Isnt there a name for this? Something communist leaders did?
That's bullshit you read into it. Counterculture doesn't necessarily mean believing in your stupid vision of society. And it certainly doesn't mean you have to be a faggot.
Fuck off retard
thread is correct about lack of choice, but not for the correct reason.
This game doesn't need gay relationships, it needs actual dialogue choices with impact.
Fuck you Naresh Balasingham
>le alt right is new counterculture
People are right to complain. Atlus saw the demand in P3P with how many people loved having a playable female MC. I had friends who wouldn't have bought it otherwise purchase it because that was somewhat unusual in RPGs (its gotten better, at least in regards to WRPGs). Plus it was a feature that was planned but cut for P4, and people expressed disappointment.
Its a really big slap in the face to their female fans (and LGBT fans too) when the demand is clearly seen but ignored.
>he posts on neogaf
Cultural differences
I unironically agree with the screencap, P5 contradicts part of its own purpose
I don't think it's absolutely necessary for every self-insert JRPG to give the player the choice to play as a male or female and the choice to have gay romance options, but it certainly makes a lot of sense for Persona and they still don't do it
This thread was made by a canadian
Maybe, just maybe, as its not a western game, Atlus didn't feel the need to give a gay romance option. The Japanese have a different attitude towards homosexuality. If you're really upset about it, don't play the game. Why does every game have to include so many granular permutations of gender and romance?
If it sells well, then what is the problem? Stop acting like you're concerned for Persona's sales and not just trying to bully them into pushing politics that only a loud minority of faggots on the internet wants.
P5 got great reviews and is selling well. Clearly you're wrong.
Persona 5's protagonist is male because Atlus made a game for a male demographic and the girls that play otome games are not part of that target audience. Meanwhile the fujoshits that like gay men have zero need for any actual implication of gayness and are happy to make doujinshi of men fucking no matter what their actual personality is. Just look at Pixiv, half of the P5 images on there are yaoi.
Shut up, some games just don't care to make characters gay fucking deal with it you baby. I would rather that they simply focus on telling their story the way they want to instead of appealing to a minority crowd. Joker is an actual character and not some self-insert, it wouldn't make any contextual sense if he banged literally everything that moves. Also quit retweeting yourself and then posting it on Sup Forums fag.
You're just a fucking retard who needs to go back to neogaf, it's ok bb. You simply don't understand P5's premise/ believe it should fit into your narrow ideals. That's your first underage brainlet mistake. The second is thinking that it's wrong to design a heterosexual character in a video game.
>retweeting your main account so you can gather followers from Sup Forums
This is truly sad. Why do all the people who primarily use their phones crave attention so badly?
>hurts gaming
>not being allowed to be gay
>being gay is gameplay now
What kind of meme is this
>If it sells well, then what is the problem?
What's the problem with less content in a video game? I have no idea, user. I guess people would rather play the original Persona 3 over P3P.
The rest of your post is a very sad projection.
>some games just don't care to make characters gay
But Persona 5 did with plenty of characters throughout the story.
This. It's a game about a fucking cultural revolution, about how shitty parts of Japanese society are. The lazy handling of this theme is a failure on the part of the writers and developers.
Sup Forums is largely incapable of critical thinking though so I can see why this schlock amassed so much popularity.
>provide a reasonable and non-divisive opinion
>get talked down to like I'm some kind of idiot
I can't say I'm surprised when it comes to shit like this. It's how it always goes.
>You retweeted
Kill yourself you fucking homosexual faggot, go take your mental illness somewhere else.
Welcome to liberalism
>being gay is content
Kill self mentally ill faggot. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
That's still not an argument for why the main character needs to be gay. Because there is no argument. Characters are allowed to be straight and guess what: It sold well! Meaning the fictional market of faggots you believe want a faggot MC either don't care or don't exist.
Maybe, in the particular story they had in mind for P5, they didn't envision the MC being gay. So what? They're the ones making the game, not you.
This caught my eye the most
>being gay is content
Social Links are content you ridiculous shitposter.
The point is that it hurts the message of the entire game when it acknowledges gay sexuality, but only as a joke. It's literally homophobic.
You can call me a cuck if you want, but that's a fact.
>Atlus saw the demand in P3P with how many people loved having a playable female MC.
What demand? Your two friends are not indicative of an actual market.
>Plus it was a feature that was planned but cut for P4
[citation needed]
Or maybe not everyone agrees with your stupid version of a cultural revolution that you have in your head.
The narcissism of people like you astound me. Fucking unbelievable.
Being gay is sum ting wong
>I guess people would rather play the original Persona 3 over P3P.
Not really helping your argument given that FES is objectively the best version of P3 and P3P is a downgraded port with the female protag being the only thing worth playing it for, which shows where your priorities lie.
Are we really doing the "haha fuck the gays" thing today, Sup Forums?
Okay, but stop for a second and really think about it. I disagree that it RUINS the game's plot, but I can still understand what he's referring to in terms of calling the writing juvenile. What's the point in covering your ears and eyes and acting like it makes no sense whatsoever to question that style or writing and how it possibly undermines the themes?
A game that is hell bent on tackling social issues, but turns around and has some very crude jokes that poke fun at people who legitimately are at a disadvantage and have no rights or protection in society, how does that not contradict the rest of the narrative? You could tell me it's a culture thing, but the game is ABOUT contesting and putting in question a shitton of crappy things that are in the fabric of Japanese society as it is. So the fact that the writing team failed on that aspect kind of does hurt their overall credibility. It makes you question how well they really understand these topics.
Mate, I love this game. I enjoyed the fuck out of it. It's going to be my favorite JRPG title for a long, long time. But let's not act like you can't criticize this.
it is counter-culture.
It's not objectively the best version, it's just a good version along with P3P.
>less content
You realise they can't do everything, right? If they decided to include female protag, that would have meant even more delay, or something else would be cut. Would you have the same shitty dungeons from 4 just to get girl protag?
This, fucking let writers write their own characters. If you don't like it, vote with your wallets and don't buy. There are gay romance games, just play those. Straight people won't complain about those games not having straight options.
Conservatism is the opposite of counter-culture, it's preservation of cultural heritage you idiot.
Im leftist and gays are overbearing cunts.
But it doesn't. No one needs to be accepting of gays or have the "correct" opinion about them if they don't want to. Maybe you're just in the minority / wrong in your understanding of faggotry. I'm glad they treat being gay as a joke. And everyone else who bought the game and will continue to buy Persona games either feels the same way or doesn't care.
Cultural revolution does not equate to pushing gayness on people who don't care about it or like it.
>Freedom is a "stupid vision of society"
>The freedom to be gay is now being forced to be gay
Literally kill yourself.
Except it is objectively the best version and P3P is objectively an inferior downgraded version with worse gameplay and cut content in exchange for muh female protagonist.
Polygon is fine with that but they and everyone else have the right to criticize the game for hypocrisy.
When do you graduate high school?
did nobody in this thread actually look at the OP image?
just more reasons twitter screencap threads need to be instant ban on this board.
FES=/= the original Persona 3. You're actually proving my point since the content in FES is better than in 3, showing that once again games can be improved even if they sell well or get good reviews.
The biggest issues P3P has is the lack of animated scenes. Which sucks, but the additional routes more than make up for it.
>which shows where your priorities lie.
In playing through a brand new route with new characters? Oh my God you found me out.
Fuck off cody. Homosexuals =mentally ill cancer bombs.
Such as? Yusuke is the only one even remotely implied to be anything other than totally straight.
A reasonable poster on Sup Forums. I salute you my friend
>worse gameplay
>controllable characters
Yeah you're an idiot.
>preservation of cultural heritage
that's not what counter-culture means
overt white natsoc ideology runs pretty against mainstream culture, how could you argue otherwise?
being gay is a joke
Shut the fuck up faggot.
Sjws arent mainstream either.
>worse gameplay
What in the fuck are you talking about? The Answer wasn't even really well received and P3P added a completely new campaign with different characters and music.
Are you people really so anti-consumer that you want games to have less content?
They can learn to straighten up
theres MEA
>makes baseless untrue statements
>continues on like what they said is true
i agree. both movements are counter-culture
>The biggest issues P3P has is the lack of animated scenes.
No, the biggest issue P3P has is locking the player character to slash weapons because they didn't bother making new animations for FeMC, which impacts your party options as you can't vary your equipment type to compliment your selected party. But good job showing you don't know or give a fuck about the gameplay.
Nah even Yusuke is oggling Ann at the start and then Makoto in the pyramids. He is very clearly straight.
It wouldn't make sense for those characters to suddenly turn gay when reaching max SLINK, even the MC is very clearly straight from the cutscenes.
Hey look, leftist reddit cancer. What a surprise.
Making fun of gays doesn't mean someone doesn't have the freedom to be gay. It literally just means its not your little safe space. Grow up. Lots of people have visions for society that don't involve embracing mental illness.
How about the fucking gay men who are portrayed as flamboyant borderline rapists to Ryuji?
Living your mom is an even bigger one but you could never admit that could you?
>The female characters are great
>But the male characters are better
>And that's bad
Women were a mistake.
I fucking hate people like this.
No one has to pander to your choices or tastes. If you don't like something not pandering to you, don't fucking buy it.
If other people agree with you, the market will change to your taste. If it doesn't change, your the plebeian with shit taste
>Nah even Yusuke is oggling Ann at the start and then Makoto in the pyramids. He is very clearly straight.
He's potentially bisexual given the feelings he shows towards Joker in his link, but that's it. He's definitely not gay, and neither is anyone else.
>cultural intolerance
>How about the fucking gay men who are portrayed as flamboyant borderline rapists to Ryuji?
So what's your point, exactly?
That doesn't make it exempt from criticism you fucking idiot. People have been shitting on P5 for this very flaw since before even the English version came out:
That's your biggest issue? Holy fuck that's pathetic. Don't act like that even mattered, when the fuck were you attacking physically instead of using skills or spells?
I expected you to talk about the overworld or the loading times, but you're just retarded.
does every rpg with romance options have to include gay ones now? is that really where we are now with video games?
You're dumb as hell, dude. Nobody was saying that Atlus had to outright pander to people, just that it would make sense within the context of the themes and story if it gave you the freedom to choose your own identity before starting the story. It's not about P5 being a bad game, it's about P5 not following through with a concept that would have arguably made it better by offering freedom.
look at the image again idiot. The tweets were made by OP and he posted them here to make a shitposting thread.
If a game portrayed itself as being Pro-Trump and then had part of it where we should accept illegal immigrants, everyone would call it hypocritical regardless of whether it was good or bad.
This is all people are doing with P5. They have a right to criticize it for failing to follow its themes.
Your post was: Are you mad I BTFO of you?
Gays cant be rapists. Yet most rapes in jail are gay and most rapes irl are gay.
as opposed to someone like you who seems very well adjusted
Joker's not gay.
Get over it.
>swapped out some s links for other s links and changed nothing else
>completely new campaign
Where do people even get the idea that Yusuke is gay anyways? He's just autistic is all. Then again it might be hard for some to see the difference between both mental illnesses.
You can't make jokes about Gay people, else they'd be equal to us!
You should be permabanned for starting a thread with a twitter screenshot.