They're back

They're back
this lp is amazing

Other urls found in this thread:

Go away Pat

>cancerous eceleb worshipping cucks
>immediately shilling them the moment they put out a new video like cancer, because you cant just enjoy whats there, you need to spread it because their popularity is the only thing you actually enjoy

>this lp is amazing

>someone actually, unironically typed this sentence, filled out a captcha and hit submit.
well its happened
Sup Forums is over

Fuck you

That last podcast was alright, but no fuck you, last good lp was xcom 2


But... matt is in it...
So its automatically not as good as dank.souls

>Wooly thinks a black man invented peanut butter and the yellow traffic light
>We wuz inventors

George Washington Carver inventing peanut butter is a myth before anyone spergs out

>tfw you wander into these threads and for the life of you can't tell why the people shilling them are supposed to be worse than these anons

>neo/v/ actually watches unfunny losers play video games instead of actually playing video games
this is insane

>watching other people play video games
I can understand this if it's high skill like competitive fighting and competitive RTS, but a single player game with literally no replayability? What the fuck. Are people so poor they watch other people play video games so they can act like they played it themselves? What if a friend wanted to get invited other to see your sweet game collection? I'd be pissed if my friend sat me down at a shitty Walmart laptop and we watched let's play vids all night. I mean there's no sexual tension involved with that. I can't beat my friend at watching a let's play. Fuck, I might just skip to a blowjob right then and there to relieve boredom

Maybe that was his plan all along

Here's this for you friend.

I don't understand why people would watch it only for the game.
If you think the people are funny, then go ahead, but if you just wanna see the game played, i don't get it.

Thanks user I always enjoy more nigger memes


most the cucks are newfag little shits who cant afford to play vidya, they just gravitate towards it like cucks who watch TV, then sit and pretend they've played the vidya because they watched some eceleb play it for them

Whenever somebody asks when I will ever need a gun, I show them shit like this.
Gun control fags can fuck off to africa if they don't like them

No e-celeb shit.

I haven't watched these guys in like two years, how much projection are you doing right now?

So Hiro won't do anything about ecelebs?

top kek they always have ye olde tire ready don't they?

did he died?

With Woolie's fucked sense of direction this is going to be great.

Not really, they use guides for all playthroughs, and matt + pat have played it before

>this lp is amazing
this is sad

Best Friends LPs are usually pretty shitty, few exceptions. Mostly because their appeal would just be the banter about the game. I've never actually sat and watched an entire LP, I usually use them as pseudo podcasts for when I really just want to listen to some trash. Like when I'm cleaning the kitchen or doing laundry or something.

Obviously it follows that podcasts are better.

No eceleb shit.


Can I get some recommended lets plays by them.

Woolie losing all progress at the end of the episode was glorious

what the fuck is happening

What the fuck is that real

Youtube viral video of a black woman being possessed. That faggot Shane Dawson popularized it by putting it in one of his creepy videos series.

This is actually a fake video made to scare people, its actually very well made for its time
give it a watch, its not bad desu

Why doesnt europe..screen.Muslims? We don't have Muslim terror attacks in the us anymore, after 9/11 out immigration became crazy strict.

But I don't think nuking the. Entire middle.east, and
Genociding every muslim is the answer like Sup Forums thinks


kek after the 2nd headbang she suddenly has a completly beat up face. fake & gay

Honestly what did he do to get lynched

Made me think of a 5 Gum commercial

Probably he's gay or just stole some apples or whatever. Or they just felt like killing some nigga

I can't speak for everyone, but I more or less just use them as background noise while I play videogames. Watching them is a secondary priority.

I do this as well
I can't remember the last time I played a game without some form of background noise

how about the fucking game's noise you mongrels

deadly premonition, their old machinima vids and heavy rain.

Europe is a lost cause thats why brexit happened.

Are any of those quotes/clippings not from daily express/daily mail/the sun or other shite-rags?

>But I don't think nuking the. Entire middle.east, and Genociding every muslim is the answer like Sup Forums thinks

You will understand soon. It's only a matter of time.

The kinds of games like LA Noire and the various telltale games are actually pretty good for LP watching because you're really not missing out on the "gameplay" and if you just wanted to see the story it beats the hell out of paying for the game.

You could always pirate or watch a longplay instead, but whatever.

You're really butthurt Macron won, eh?

Why let ANYONE in?
Fuck commerce.
Fuck tourism.
Fuck economy.
I just don't want to see anyone with a different skin or hair color, ever.

How bad is Matt in it?

fuck you

most of the time the game's noise is unhelpful, don't understand your point


I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

>Dark Souls ends
>every series on the channel currently has Matt
Fuck them.

If you like Pat blathering on about his psychology degree then sure...