May... what is for may Sup Forums?

Gundam Breaker - Break Edition?

>Horizon in March.
>Horizon there at all.

beat me to it


How do we stop sony?


I wonder who could be behind this thread

Zelda / Nier - fixed

For me it's Y0, Nioh, HZD, and P5. Prey will probably be my game in may


released march 1 in jap/europe. Also Nier was average you should be happy I included there.

Nioh is acceptable. Horizon is not.

Also both Yakuza games beat the shit out of GR2.

>Can't even decide January
Why even make this thread

the point is that it's a shitty fucking ubiclone with cringeworthy story

technically I'd consider GR2 there because Yakuza 0 is a 2015 game ........ however I couldn't since it's too good to miss the opportunity.

someone please fucking fix this

When the first post, is in fact, the best post.

January: Yakuza 0
February: Nioh
March: Breath of the Wild
April: Persona 5

>that it's a shitty fucking ubiclone
I wish Ubisoft games had decent stealth,graphics and released in a complete state.

>decent stealth
confirmed for never seeing the game

Yeah I wish Horizon did as well. Can't all be winners.

The only option is to include Horizon and Zelda but Nier fags are obsessed with her ass and would destroy the thread with porn memes.

Actually there's a better option. No Horizon at all.

Nah, if anything it should be Nier and Zelda

but Horizon is superior to Nier.


Sup Forums is STILL fuming I see

This. Nier is medicore as fuck considering Sup Forums hyped this game so much.

Sup Forums only hyped after the pc port release confirmed. Also the ass fags don't play or like the game. They are the pedos who were banned from 8ch

Not fuming as badly as the guy who had to reply to everyone who disagrees with his shit opinion to say how mad they all are.

Fire Emblem for me, although I already played it in nip this month. Mostly because I honestly can't think of anything else coming out in May that has caught my interest.


>majority hate it because its a dull and uninspired game

pls kys your'reself

Because it's exclusive, right?

Looks like you just proved him right. Great job.

how about you get those AAA meme games out of march and put snake pass there like it deserves

All of those games are bad.

I'm surprised that people haven't gotten tired of the pretending-bad-games-are-good meme.

>A couple of fags on Sup Forums is a majority



I bet you believe Bloodborne is a system seller too

I just don't like the game. What else is there to say?

Prey 2bh

>A couple of fags on Sup Forums like it
>anything but minority

Jan: Gravity Rush 2
Feb: Horizon Zero Dawn
Mar: MLB The Show 17
April: Persona 5
May: Farpoint
June: Crash Bandicoot N-Sane trilogy
July: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac age
August: Uncharted The Lost Legacy
September: Gran Turismo Sport
October: God of War
November: Detroit Become Human
December: Days Gone

>MLB The Show 17

because it has a very good story, amazingly optmized with almost no glitches, the gameplay don't get boring even after 30hours, it can be a 70h game if you do everything
Nier is a good 5 hour action game that was rushed like all Platinum games.
What effort does Platinum put in their games? they are happy with 4h gameplay and 1h cutscene and even the multiple endings doesn't add anything. Even Nier with a very small budget had better ending system than Automata.
If Platinum wasn't so greedy and developed the game for 12 more months the final product would be a complete experience. But since they are a corporation with no values or respect to gamers they decided to release a slightly more polished Ninja Turtles game with great characters (with Taro's help). The story is only decent thanks to Taro as well
Look mom I made a false flag post to make fun of SONYNEGROS HAHAHAHAHA

>"I hate everything sports related because I was a nerd in high school"

You, probably.

I'm not even biased, I love sports and NFL is my favorite but Madden games are gay as fuck. But The Show and some of the NHL games are fun as hell (and I don't even like hockey).


This is what a PS4 only person thinks.

This is more accurate...
Jan: Yakuza 0
Feb: Nioh
Mar: Zelda
Apr: Persona 5

>Mar: MLB The Show 17
I can understand if you're into sports, but you're putting that in a month with Zelda and Horizon.

Horizon came out in February
