So is Sup Forums gonna get this one?

So is Sup Forums gonna get this one?

Probably not

some will some wont

Yep, absolutely. I liked God Eater more than Monster Hunter, so I think I'll probably like this more than Dark Souls honestly.

More bloodborne? Why not.

As much as I want this game, and I do, I feel like we have too many threads about it. Especially since all we know about it is that it exists and its coming out next year

Yeah im on the fence about it

I never really played dark souls, i heard it was hard but i played retro games with shitty difficulty. looking forward to it

lol you right

I couldn't find a thread, so i made one. Just wanna see Sup Forums opinion

Gimme a demo 1st

I will fap to this for sure.

I'll be getting it, since I'll be done with Destiny 2 by then.

Dark Souls has a weird difficulty about them. Like, retro games with a shitty difficulty are way harder but those games actively hated you sometimes. Dark Souls are generally tough but fair, except for those few times when they feel like being a dick. They're not THAT hard despite the memes. They're not easy either, they're just challenging.

Need to see more gameplay and list of platforms
but i'm looking forward to it so far

If it comes to Switch. Not interested enough to get this for PC.


Yea most likely.

Maybe. Keeping my eyes out for more gameplay footage at the time being.

It says "coming to all major consoles", which is a bit strange. Does that imply there are consoles that aren't major? Does PC count as a console?

It'll be like a kid again, i might play bloodborne to prepare

Yeah i want more gameplay


No thanks

Switch isn't major

I hope it Co-op, that'll be cool like traveling with a buddy

Keep telling yourself that.

nope. It looks like actual, physical fucking garbage to me

look at that picture

It's a retarded anime waifu with a robot mouth face thing and a robotic metal whip, just look at how fucking stupid that looks. God, I fucking hate weebs. Little retarded fags too busy jerking off to their pedophile fantasies to actually realize they were just shitting all over their own dicks like retards.

Fuck this game, fuck anyone who plays it and especially fuck the japs and weebs that made it possible

If it's like God Eater, I'm expecting this to be multiplayer for sure. Imagine a Souls game with proper online and a lobby, doesn't that sound wonderful?

It looks like you have an NPC girl following you around, so I expect you could swap her out for an actual person

Speak English you fucking weaboo

>Dark Souls with a lobby
Sound pretty shit to be honest.

>local frogposter passes judgement on other people

Anime was a fucking mistake.

>insults weebs with a reeeee normie pic

What did they mean by this?

I like random invasions and stuff too, but sometimes you just want to play with a friend without worrying about all the bullshit you know?

The designs remind me a bit of Calne Ca, so I'm totally interested

>Too Human: Anime Edition

Never again.

Too early to tell, so far the prognostic's not looking too good but with some buffering and work I can see it becoming a real diamond in the rough.

But it isn't though. Unless Nintendo does a complete 180, they'll just re-release ports of existing games from the last 3 years over the next 8 months or so, then gate the console off for exclusives, with a very rare exception.

Nintendo hasn't been in the running for 'major consoles' since the wii blew up because of the motion control meme.

If I take that off, will she die?

Hell yeah motherfucker. You think I'd be on this board if it wasn't for eastern and japanese games?

The Wii was literally 2 generations ago, Nintendo has only been irrelevant for one.

That isn't up to me but my dick, and signs point strongly to yes.

they were pretty irrelevant the gen before Wii too
GC was the weakest of that gen

But of course Nintendo has always been strong in the handheld market, so they've never been completely irrelevant

It would be extremly edgy

I too am looking forward to scary Hatsune Miku. She almost looks like a BRS character


>form groups with your friends or play solo
>invasions are based on group/players average level
lobbies formed solely on invading groups playing the game

Sounds pretty fun desu

I like how her skin looks almost liquid.

I'll get it if they make it available for the Switch.
I could also get it on PC if they made it available for PC without Denuvo. But considering the developer and publisher that won't happen.

I'll skip the PS4 entirely though so no chance of that ever happening. I might get a PS5 though but that'll likely be way after this game's time in the sun.

Code Vein looks pretty cool though. I am actually pretty excited.

is there a way to get the preorder costumes for god eater 2 at this point? i have autism for shit that is in game but you can't get.

despite that, if it looks fun then there's a possibility

That too, she's like a sexy slime girl

Yes, exactly, Nintendo hasnt been a major console competitor since the Wii, and even then third party support was atrocious. It's really only a matter of time before nintendo goes purely into the mobile market or into third party.

There's not a lot of justification to buy their consoles. Their first party titles are usually showing a lack of care, BoTW being a notable exception, and their third party support is non-existent after launch.

>Take a series with a good aesthetic
>Ruin it with weeb shit


I will but discussing it on Sup Forums on will be a major pain in the ass. Also don't want to get spoiled if it really is like souls.

Why not just play Dark Souls 1? It's the best game in the series.

If you can find a day one edition on PS4 yeah. Not sure about PC.

This really. When it comes out I'm just going to ignore Sup Forums and play it, I can already tell people will want to shit post about it for ages. Remember what it was like for Nioh? It'll be even worse since this is anime.


Wow, art so soon? Impressive, in its own way. What else is there to talk about though? We've covered everything we know already.

Well, how about this. If they're going anime with it what weapons do you want to see? I'm hoping we get a giant hammer. I loved the kirk hammer in Bloodborne and the boost hammer in God Eater. Just gimme giant hammers, please.

Stats wise I'd just really love for strength weapons to be useful. They will probably give the dex weapons more favor since they always fucking do that.

Well seeing as God Eater has those ridiculously strong boost hammers, I wouldn't be surprised if there were giant hammer weapons. If it's all just blades and shit, I'm gonna be pissed.

Strength weapons don't do enough damage, which is kinda weird. Like, hit for hit strength weapons generally outperform dex weapons, but dex weapons hit 3 times in the time it takes for a strength weapon to hit once. Dex generally outperforms, at least in actual Souls games.

Going back to God Eater, even the super slow and heavy stuff like buster swords were completely viable so I'm hoping the weapon balance is just as good or even better in Code Vein.

They just put a terrible hat and a coat to the same pictures everyones been using user.

How fucking impressive.

I'm a huge fan of God Eater so yes.

Only thing stopping me from playing Souls games is the setting/design. Nioh came close but it wasn't weeb enough for me.

What platforms will this be on?

"All major consoles", according to the trailer. Insert your own shitposts about what console is excluded from this here!

My only problem with god eater is when the enemies run away.

Fucking seriously.

Yeah since it will be on PC.

It's possible to stop that, like if you have stun grenades or you can stagger them. It's kinda annoying, but it does give you time to heal you or the team. I REALLY hated it in Monster Hunter though, since it's harder to keep a track of where a monster goes and each area has loading screens.

Use super range sniper bullets. Bonus pint for the hidden attack skill.

>Follow monster
>Set trap behind them
>Get a full devour
>Fucking just go nuts all over their face while they're stunned from the trap and you're powered up

I'll play this while I wait for God Eater 3 to come out.

Speaking of GE3, I think a crossover collab thing between the two could be fun. Like, take an iconic God Eater enemy like the vajra and fight it in Code Vein. Trying to fight one of those in a Soulslike could be pretty interesting.

The PS4 and the Switch then.
If Microsoft are serious in their efforts of pushing the Scorpio and revitalizing the Xbox brand I guess it's possible that it could be on the Xbox too. But I'd be really surprised to see it. Especially considering how Japanese the game is.

Most excited I've been for a game in a few years.

What's up with this team and Russian girls? Do they have some kind of fetish?

character designs are really retarded. Can't really be too interested when it looks so terrible and the non-ironic edgy story is also pretty lame

Is this another lesson on physics, teacher?

I just hope the slav isn't a shit character this time.


I have a better idea.

My nigga.

No, because the combat lacks weight and is a fucking farcry from the game it tries to copy. Whats the fucking point if you can't even do that shit right?

And also because I'm not a disgusting weeb.

>art so soon

Lol, what are you talking about? This is outright embarrassing because most jap games have at least several fanarts the moment it's announced on Pixiv, but this one has nil. It just shows how even the Japs couldnt be bothered by this game.


No thanks.

We'll get there, sweety.

People still make games/ports to Sega Dreamcast.

>Not Crimson Orochi

I hope it comes to the Switch.

I need something to play.


jesus christ that character design is an atrocity

even by anime standards

>Does that imply there are consoles that aren't major?
Last gen consoles.
And if we're speaking about Japan. The Xbox.


The masked loli

Well it got this

>My only problem with god eater is when the enemies run away.

It's annoying when you're facing a single enemy, but in the later missions where you're fighting 4 things at a time solo, it's pretty important to juggle this properly.

bait harder

I usually don't care for graphics but holy crap does this game look ugly.

If it turns out to be good I'll probably get it but as of now I have no interest

>Switch isn't major
>Xbox isn't major
so why didn't they just say ps4 exclusive then? im pretty sure the xbone will get it because bamco will want that souls audience that is on there. probably wont sell because of the anime look, but i bet they are going to put it on xbone anyway.

>souls audience

All three platforms directly contributed to Dark Soul's success you know.

Nah looks really fucking bad. Is this director capable of doing anything else than cheap copies of actually good games?

...yes? DaS3 isn't unpopular on it. it's a normalfag franchise on a normalfag box. obviously didn't sell as good as ps4 version, but there is a souls audience on xbox, believe it or not.