Healer > Tank > DPS

Healer > Tank > DPS

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Homosexuals need to stop what they're doing

>dps tries to tell you how to play despite playing him playing the easiest role

>Complains about homosexauls
>Posts a pedophile

Tank > DPS = Healer

DPS have plenty of mechanics to follow now. Healers just need to watch their raid frames. The skill of the tanks still have the largest impact because they play an equal responsibility but make up a small part of the raid.

That's like calling a person in a suit a pedophile because he looks like a politician.

Horseshit. All they have to do is keep enemies on them. That could not be easier

>DPSing is easier than healthbar whack-a-mole and taunt spamming
fuck off

No thats like calling a perosn in a suit a thief because he looks like a politican, which is also an accurate statement

Enjoy your kiddy diddling Father


In my experience, the hardest spec is DPS, far and away.

Tanking is either a success or failure proposition. Can you use cooldowns? Can you face? Can you manage aggro? If you can, you tank. There's no good tanking or bad tanking, it's just whether you're able to do it or not.

The same is true with healing. You're either geared and competent enough to match the damage coming in, or you're not.

DPS though are in direct competition with several other DPS. There's no such thing as "good enough." You're in a constant mad scramble to perfect your rotation for the highest output while avoiding damage to keep the healers off your ass and even if you do well, it might still be humiliating last place.

It appears that you haven't checked the news in a few decades.
Or did the child diddling scandal in the UK just slip your mind? This shit happens to all men of power, it's not religion-exclusive. Nor, apparently, does it exclude Sup Forums

>DPS main thinking he's top shit


Healers are powered by ego. The more a healer sees himself as an infalliable god, the sole reason anyone is capable of clearing any content, the better that healer will be.

Tanks are fueled by indifference. It's a subtle difference from healers, but they are fueled by their sheer uncaring thoughts towards the rest of the party. The DPS is an aura, and the healers are just what keeps the health bar green. If a tank starts getting mad, or indeed interacting at all, with the rest of the group they get worse.

DPS is fueled by sexual frustration. The thirst causes them to need to get their bars as big and long as possible. They are necessarily dependent on the other DPS and cannot sate themselves, the bar can always get more erect.

what is she saying

Actually, I tank main. It's nice and relaxing compounded by the fact that there's always a tank shortage and everyone is grateful for me just being there.


>dps has easiest roll
Fuck off all you have to do is heal

>Implying I haven't known much better healers.

Whatever you say, you slut.

As someone who plays all three roles, this is my experience

>Healers are absolute baby mode in pve. So long as you throw out heals people largely wont complain. Even if you are healing or dispelling. They are also the most hard class to play in pvp because you are priority number 1 on the kill list and everyone is more concerned with their epic kill montage than actually protecting you

>DPS is fairly safe. You don't have to do particularly good DPS so long as you don't fuck it up by standing in the fire. Largely the one yelling at you will be the healer because he has to use more than one of his hotkeys when you make a mistake. The healer isn't an asshole, he's just been in a scenario where he got yelled at by the DPS that he tries to preemptively yell at you.

>Tanks are the only role in the game that are expected to know the entire lay out of the dungeon before stepping foot in it. You have to find a balance between the healers numbers, the DPS numbers and your own speed otherwise you become the ever loved slow tank. As far as MMOs go. Tank rotation is the least important and their gameplay is most engaging because its mechanics instead of inputs.






Everyone is just along for the tanks ride in most MMOs now.
They decide the entire speed and take the longest to replace.

I hate it really. When playing a tank I can do what I want and be alright unless another role is completely terrible; in which case I can kick them and get them replaced almost instantly.
When playing another role the entire pace of the run is up to someone else and even if they are too horrible to complete something your options are a long wait or going back into the end of th queue.

Why would you willingly play an MMO? I'm a dumb sunnuvagun, but I ain't that stupid.

>Most guilds are wretched hives of faggotry
>The guys running them think they're the president of the united states or something
>Guild moms who have their husbands rent the servers, making them defacto in power
>One or two chicks and the spergs lose their shit and cut each other's throats

I figure it's like poker. Poker isn't a fun game in itself. It's only as fun as the people you're playing with. If you're got unsociable, unfuckable nerds in the crew, it's goona be awkward. If you've got some fucking comedians around the table, that's going to be a funny round of poker.


>I only apply to cesspool guilds

>Playing mmos
Nigger I ain't never made that mistake

>This image is what DPS players actually believe

Who /Support/ here

Debuffers and CC classes are cool too

>Why would you willingly play an MMO?

Do you know where you are? Most people on Sup Forums are NEETs who either collect autismbux or live off their parents money, and won't get anywhere in life because of things like videogames, the internet, and massive amounts of porn.

MMOs are a timesink and nothing more, and when you have nothing but time, you'll spend it on something like an MMO fairly quickly. It's just a matter of finding the one that holds your interest the longest.

>tfw not social
>hate grinding
>always interested in playing WoW

I support my entire team.

Support/debuffer/CC is my jam.


pure healers are no fun garbage
buffing/debuffing dpsheal hybrids are mad fun though

It's more prominent among religious institutions due to the fear of God being forced onto kids at an early age, thus making abused children think it's either normal for a priest to touch them or think they disobey God for telling on them.

Post more Panda.

Only in FF14, every other game healing is just playing whackamole with health bars

I like to play as female elf healers

>actual mechanics

dps > tanks > heals

>Social "mechanics"

heals >= tanks > dps


Fucking this

I don't get the "DPS is easy" meme
DPS is always the hardest role to play

too bad they made disc priests garbage at both.

Several factors come into play. I'd say tanking has the hardest job up to a certain point before it's just faceroll regardless of what you play.

>It's the Lili fag again

Fuck off back to /vg/ you nigger.

A few days ago you were at least trying to start HoTs threads, now you are straight up forcing your shitty waifu.

No matter what being dps is the hardest

Reason being is because there is an over abundance of DPS players, if you're not literally the top 10 in DPS you're fucking garbage and can be replaced

Disc. was one of the least played healers in the game. Mistweaver is slowly becoming least played, even with the buffs.

DPS players are dime a dozen. Good DPS are something else entirely.

You either play DPS, or you're an idiot.

This plus the fact that priests are completely sexually repressed and only have children as their outlet. You can't repress sexual desire, there's a reason we have so many people on the planet.

mainly this.

Hitting DPS checks isn't hard, but if I have to sit there for 15 extra minutes because you're roleplaying as a fucking tard, I'm gonna bring the other guy.

People are grateful to get practically any tank/healer, but you can get a mountain of DPS anytime.

that panda is pretty cute

>healer, tank, dps roles in a moba

>playing mobas

DPS is easiest to be alright at
It's the hardest to "master"

>play healer
>hit healer key
>get praised

>play tank
>get praised

>play dps
>dodge 762 instant kill AoEs
>have to deal with 305 debuffs
>have to memorize a 52 step rotation which includes many "ifs" and "elses"
>get called a shitter

FFXIV raiding begs to differ. Try solo healing any new content in savage as whm/ast and tell me how easy that is.

Me, but not as often as I'd like. A lot of MMOs mix support/buffing with Healer classes, which sucks. I just want to focus on buffs, defensive abilities, and supporting my party bros.

Why can't you DPS like a Scholar or White Mage?

You probably never noticed since it is hidden behind the parse, but everyone is avoiding those AoE and has an optimal rotation on top of whatever their role is.

I played a night elf shadow priest, and I have really fond memories of how much the class hit its stride in wrath. I firmly believe that my race/class/spec combo was by far the most utile and flexible available.

>soloing old content that only DKs and Protadins could touch.
>soloing some (then) current 5man content that even the DKs and pallys couldn't touch in some cases.
>spam CCing the most common enemy type in the expansion, and MCing for a lot of busted interactions that even skilled players were usually unaware of.
>easily the best source of replenishment available.
>negating a wide variety of boss mechanics just by activating dispersion, which had like a 2m cooldown, letting me reposition effortlessly, or letting me maximize damage because I didn't need to evade various nukes/red zones/attached bomb effects.
>Shadowmeld, a fucking racial, was almost as good as feign death, and let me do a bunch of crazy shit.
>Levitating to boundary break basically anywhere in the vanilla world that had a slope.
>pulling packs in heroics by spam-dotting them then tanking it all with flat damage reduction on shadow form + self heal, then shadowmelding them onto the tank when he finally caught up.
>drain tanking like a warlock on fights like blood prince council

For a time, I was a god.

That's sad. I remember being godlike as a disc priest in pvp back when I played

woah... so difficult....

they even have to press... a key... while dodging those 2 aoes? so skilled....

Well fuck.

I'd love to play healers in MMOs but truth is they're fucking boring to level up unless you play with friends.

I can't even imagine how boring it is to play a healer in Tera Online, for example.

>tfw no proper full action combat mmo with a persistent world that isn't managed by a shit publisher
Vindictus held my interest for a couple years when it came out, and then I played it in spurts before finally quitting because
I would be ecstatic if something similar came out with an open world setting. Shit, even without an open world setting would be fine as long as it isn't Nexon behind the wheel.

Yeah, all roles in an MMO have it pretty easy overall.

I honestly half play MMOs for ERPing and the other half to actually play the game.

But then I remember that no one ever speaks to each other in MMOs and that the games are kind of boring to play alone so I drop them.

I hate nexon for gutting it, there's no other game that can fill the void

I played a Nelf Shadow Priest too, my nigga

BC and Wrath were a golden age. In Vanilla we were gods in PvP as well.

This image is stupid, but not far from the truth.

As a baseline at the most entry level difficulty DPS is the easiest to play. All you have to do is slap buttons at an enemy and you're doing your job. Meanwhile even a new tank has to pay a moderate amount of attention and new healers will have a hard time deciding when to heal and when not to in order to conserve mana.

The flip comes sometime after mid level and before high level play. At a certain point tanks become so sturdy and have such an understanding of when to move and use personal cooldowns that they're only challenge past that is improving their own DPS at the detriment to their own survivability and finding balance in that. Healers operate similarly, but always have the chaotic nature of people and them making mistakes to deal with. At a certain level healers just heal so damn much and have such great mana that they can afford to get kind of lazy and again their only challenge, like a tanks, is to learn how to weave damage into their kit so they can help with DPS while keeping everyone alive.

DPS on the other hand have the highest wall despite having the shortest floor. To be a good DPS is easy. To be an excellent DPS is hard. To be a perfect DPS is impossible. The DPS always has something more he can do to improve in newer MMOs. Maybe he faulted on his rotation during a target switch. Maybe he miscalculated a cooldown and missed a few seconds of increased damage. There's a hundred little things that go into playing DPS at a high level that it starts to get overwhelmingly difficult.

All of the above is of course not true in older MMOs that lacked the pace of newer ones and relied more on gear than anything else, but it rings especially true these days.

>try soloing savage as whm/ast
>the easiest healers to play with the best heals
If you said sch sure

Die you fucking degenerate

>theres no good tanking or bad tanking
>How to spot the dps

In vanilla I only got to raid as an spriest because I was friends with the raidleader. BC was great because suddenly we weren't entirely a joke spec. The main problem I had in BC was the influx of people who picked up the role as a 2nd or 3rd alt because of the mana battery meme, and made committed shadow priests look terrible. I'd imagine shamans felt similarly.

It really wasn't until wrath that we reached peak levels of weird-ass utility spells + competitive damage that made the class truly unique (especially in an expansion of increased homogeneity)

I could go on a whole other rant about the kind of things I got away with in PvP. The sheer fact that most people didn't understand what a lot of our shit did helped a lot. Sadly, we were always held back a bit by certain prevalent counters, especially dispels, but there was nevertheless a compelling niche for us.


Even when they're not red faced typing angrily in chat at people who are doing their jobs while not realizing they're the ones fucking up in game, DPS players always prove to be obnoxious fucks who have never played anything other than DPS and thus assume that it's the best and most challenging class to play. DPS caters to annoying 15 year olds who think that everyone but them is stupid, so it's not surprising to see that most of Sup Forums thinks they're the best class.

t. butthurt tank that got called out on his retard-friendly role



Support is just so much fun

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Seriously, how the fuck do you do this?

Yeah, I wonder the same

they post the same shit all the time.

I have a sixth sense for this shit.

i pick kharazim for dps and people expect me to heal well it aint happening

He posts an image only he would recognize then spergs out about it. Plus he's also the biggest brony in the world, and has every image on derpibooru memorized.

Who is this being and why does he deserve to die?

Who is this seminal fluid druid?

That panda looks cute

He posts the image himself then samefags at it.



please tell me this is lewd
I can never find good li li stuff


I think she is ty lee

why is there such little porn of li li
theres so much garbage with jaina and sylvanas but they always forget best girl