BB is shorter, but refines everything I liked about dark souls, while removing the shit. Combat is faster pace and far more fluid, weapon attacks feel very natural.

Dark Souls feels incredibly clunky and slow in comparison. It's by design, yes, but that doesn't change the fact that when presented with a similar game with faster pace, all of the DS games really fall short in my eyes.

Dark Souls is a classic but anyone who actually thinks it tops BB need to be euthanized

These two are tied for me. I can dig what is saying, but I don't necessarily agree. Bloodborne was my first of these games so I was expecting to think DS1 was clunky but I didn't.

Dark souls has better atmosphere, better dlc, and is way more varied gameplay wise. I like it better.

Bloodborne has better gameplay, less varied but the weapons are cool, but most of the bosses were kinda meh for me. Still very good.

Both are good games in their own right.

OP sucks cocks

>Dark Souls has better atmosphere, better dlc

strongly disagree

>better dlc

DaS has less of an identity crisis that BB, its mechanics are actually fit for its combat style, whereas BB wants to be fast but is built on slowass Souls mechanics and runs at less than 30 FPS. DaS also has framerate issues but they aren't as much of a problem because its combat isn't as reliant on twitchy movements. Also I prefer DaS's world design, the variety in environments and enemies, the variety in equipment, the bonfires, and the estus system.

BB has better gameplay, atmosphere and DLC. While DaS has better presentation, music, and bosses.
I don't think either is really better than the other as I look forward to playing them equally and don't really dread anything too much like I do when replaying 2 and especially 3

Hmmm I wonder

What is the point of this post, haven;'t played any souls game besides 2 and 3

The one I've played many times vs the one that I'll never get to play. The answer is obvious.

It's just a Sup Forums meme.

It looks pretty so fags on Sup Forums call it art.

Bloodborne is so much better than DaS that it's not even a contest. Comparing it to DeS or DaS3 would give me more pause before deciding, but ultimately the answer would be BB, there's simply no other choice.

Das gives me more options to take different paths at the beginning

In BB you still have to kill the same 3 before you can go anywhere for real

>built on slow ass souls mechanics
No? The entire combat system takes the souls base, and then applies speed and micro skill to it. Almost all enemy attacks can be dashed through and the dash attack is fast enough on most weapons that the optimal playstyle is to be as offensive as possible, measuring how much burst damage you can take vs how much you can rally.

BB is more about weaving in and out of danger while taking as little damage as possible. DaS has you either playing defensively where you can't really be punished or committing very very hard to an all.

Bloodborne forces you to take risks and you're rewarded if they pay off. DaS will be content to let you turtle and play most fights incredibly defensively, usually punishing aggression and not offering the tools to really press an attack and overwhelm an opponent.

>the souls base

That's what I mean by "souls mechanics". It's not built for speed. And again, under 30 FPS. You'd understand if you played more action games.

Someone should make these for all the Souls games.

>Bloodborne forces you to take risks and you're rewarded if they pay off. DaS will be content to let you turtle and play most fights incredibly defensively, usually punishing aggression and not offering the tools to really press an attack and overwhelm an opponent.
Funnily enough Bloodborne is easier than Dark souls

Would Sup Forums a quelagg?

Thought this boss was tough, saw Lobos stun lock it with sorcery

Dark souls is hard they say

Yes. The souls base is iframes and enemy attacks that actually do damage. Bloodborn speeds up the dash enough that it works.

The ONLY thing hindering aggressive play in DaS is the fact that you roll instead of dash. The recovery times make aggressive combat not an option.

>30 fps
attacks are telegraphed enough that regardless of frames, you have time to recognize and move out of or through an attack. There are dead zone attacks where you cannot react to them, but in that scenario, you're standing in a position you shouldn't be. IE Ludwig's right side or head.

yes, because of how the numbers are tuned. the gameplay does take more 'skill' to pull off. Skill being defined as APM and quick thinking. The gameplay isn't tuned to be as difficult as many DaS series encounters. There is a far higher difficulty ceiling, even though the bare minimum to beat the game is lower.

Whenever people say this it always comes to mind depending on a players mind set and play style makes difficulty differ person to person in souls games, whenever i ask friends about bosses it always turns out that we would find different ones hard and easy

That being said , i thought Dark Souls was easier

>want to play sorc and one shot bosses
>trash mobs become the hardest thing to do with now

Nothing in any DaS game is harder than the deeper chalice dungeon bosses.

This is why i don't replay BB and Das3

Always the same shit at the start

Preach it

1.they're optional
2.chalice dungeons are boring garbage

I always play aggressively but I don't think that's it. I only find it hard when gimping myself without realizing it

Sorcery and Faith builds for the most part demand you to play non aggresively, you have to find windows instead of charging in because you lack the weapons and armour then there's cast times to take into account, becomes a slog when you're going through densely populated areas


1. You never specified optional or not, and even then BB is harder since all the hard shit in the DaS games is all optional
2. No shit. That has nothing to do with the bosses themselves

Dark Souls obviously since its genre defining, Bloodborne is just a subpar action game with identity crisis

Sorry thought you were a different poster, ignore that response

PCbros LITERALLY think like this. A reminder of what you're dealing with when you speak to PC only retards.

What do you dread when playing 2/3?

BB has little variety, fast paced combat is fun, but it's only that.

I prefer dark souls because of miracles, pyromancies, magic, shields, bows etc.

Also heavy armor is fun.

>BB is harder since all the hard shit in Das is optional
This doesn't make any sense. If we're going by base game then Das is harder


Im sorry if you have shit taste user

The areas mostly. None of them really struck me as fun at all in the slightest. Literally I made a new character and each time I went "aw fuck i have to go through__________ again." I think maybe the cathedral I don't have much of a problem with but every other area in 3 was really lackluster.

For 2 i tend to hate Dragon Aerie just because it's prettu boring overall