PC game

>PC game
>"Use of a controller is highly recommended"
>immediately refund

If the developer wanted to make a console game, why have a market for PC?

>spend years begging for a console game to get a PC release
>cry about it recommending you use a controller rather than kb+m

So you don't have to fucking buy a console you ungrateful motherfucker

Fuck off. Some genres are better with a controller. There's no reason to keep all controller-friendly games on inferior hardware.

What's really bad is when the developer recommends the use of a controller when mouse and keyboard is superior. Gauntlet is one example (at least if you're playing with the wizard).

If you're trying to play PC games in one particular way only with no choices in the matte4, then you're fucking doing it wrong.


Keyboard and mouse isn't ideal for many genres.

Wow what do you know it's almost like KB&M and Controllers are very different and some games work better on either side than the other! Isn't that crazy? I just can't believe it!

100% guaranteed you're one of those fags who cries hardest when a decent game is console exclusive and starts petitions for PC port.

What PC gamer doesn't have at LEAST two controllers? Hate these new generation posers.

Some kinds of games work better with controllers. Why not go for that instead of being butthurt, or gimping yourself with worse controls for the situation?

Why post a pic of a guy burning money to light his cigar if you care so much about a refund? Clearly you don't have "money to burn."

Listen faggot, if you want to play Dark Souls with a keyboard or not at all, then go right ahead.

>get a gaming machine capable of any and all manner of input devices
>restrict yourself to only using mouse and keyboard

>not having many types of peripheral available so you can use the best control set up for every type of game

maybe you should go back to playing xbox kiddo

>it's another KB+M only purist episode

>not using both at the same time for the best of them both
fucking plebeians
i played sleeping dogs with a controller in one hand for character movement and a mouse in the other for aiming

I can't even recall just how many game pads and flight sticks I've owned over the years for pc and this jackass doesn't even know his computer can do that.

You know jack shit about pc gaming, retarded.

>Playing on KB-M for anything that isn't an MMO.

>build PC to have options
>game has options
>immediately refund

Why do console niggers false flag so much? Do they think anyone honestly cares what they choose to play videogames on?

>controls for FPS on PC

Stop being a faggot and get a damn controller.
Bet you never had a Gravis Gamepad you triple nigger

>you could screw in that knob thing to turn it into a joystick
>dat serial port


Why do people treat mouse and keyboard like it's fucking perfect?

Give me a market friendly keyboard with analog WASD keys and then Ill call it perfect.

>start screen asks you to press a button to begin and slams USE A CONTROLLER USE A CONTROLLER in your face
Western indie devs are truly the most obnoxious little cunts on the Earth.

Keyboards weren't made for playing video games.

Some games are designed for a controller layout as opposed to kb+m, and vice versa.
I dare you to play Dark Souls 1, 2 or 3 with a kb+m. It's a fucking nightmare and everyone knows it's horrible.


fucking sucks I had to drop it, it was really good

>want to slouch back and play a game on my pc with a controller
>remember the only thing i can use a controller with is emulators

>play on PC
>outside of RTS games still prefer controller
>Steam gives me this

I'm perfectly alright with this situation and see no need to antagonize either side.

Starcraft is fun with a controller. It's like hard mode.

This, so much this.

... and multiplats?

>depriving yourself of options

If they wanted to make a word processor why did they call it a game?

controller support is often removed from multiplats on pc

I don't really get this. If you're a gamer you should be able to handle a controller. Learn motherfucker.


Lazy ass developers that's why. They want money from PC gamers without putting any efforts into porting their games. Still I prefer to buy a controller if that mean I don't have to be cluttered with obsolete shit.

... what? Provide a single game where this is the case.

PCs are not meant to play video games

Your point?

A cheap controller costs like 20$ OP. Get out of fuck South America or get a real job maybe.

but we do it aniways.

Bill Gates disagree with you

>Can only play this game good on a Macbook laptop
>Can't play it on my PC because it feels so unnatural.

>racing game
>"we recommend you get a racing wheel"


I play PC games almost exclusively on the couch with a Steam controller. My gaming PC is plugged directly into my TV and boots directly into big picture mode. cum @ me

What kind of snake is that? I don't recognize the pattern.


Because KBM is objectively the worst control scheme for most games, silly peasant.

kys you falseflagging retard

>Steam controller
How the hell do you even tolerate that nonsense?
I borrowed one and not having a second analog for games like dark souls is hell.

The main purpose of a second analog stick is generally aiming, and a trackpad+gyro is far superior for that IMHO. The only things I really dislike about the Steam controller are the location of the face buttons and overall cheap build quality, but as far as features go it's my favorite controller for 3d games.

>2010 minus 20
>Joystick required

>I borrowed one and not having a second analog for games like dark souls is hell.
you can set it to "trackball mode", which lets you make flicking gestures to spin the camera

gotta say my main issue with it is the software's lack of relaibility
you can try to change a binding so many times, but it's a crapshoot on whether or not it will commit to saving the binding when you exit that big picture bullshit

Check out this consolized trash

Honestly, KBM is good enough for platformers and games that arent FPS that requiere moving + camera or pressing 2 or 3 buttons at the same time.

Sometimes the joystick is just better.


I always use it in big picture so I don't have to deal with that as much. My main issue is that sometimes a game or Steam itself will glitch out and I'll have to use a mouse+keyboard to regain control. The Steam interface isn't as stable as any major console OS but the controller customization options are pretty amazing when you can actually get them to work. You can rebind controls on DS4s (including gyro) and XB1 controllers through big picture now as well but I haven't tried it yet.

Controller feels better for everything but FPS, especially in a game where you want to be able tp choose your walk/run speed more than just a toggle of two speeds

With zero snake knowledge even I can correctly assume that's an anaconda

I love this idea that PC fags are all rich when in another thread about videocards all of them are whining that they can't afford a 1080ti and instead are settling for 1060s like homeless cretins.

Master race indeed.

name 7 (seven) games

Logitech G13.

Mass Effect. That is literally the only game I know of where that's the case, and even then you can mod it in, or use pic related.

Not like some games play better with a controller or anything. Not design, some game types just work better not using wasd. The only type of game kb+m has a distinct advantage over is the fps.

>PCs are not meant to play video games
>they still play games way better than consoles
Really makes you think.

You can edit bindings outside of big picture now, just right click on the game you want to edit.

Who said PC fags are rich?

The whole point I bought a PC was to save money on buying video games and have a workstation at the same time.

Did you PCfags actually buy that piece of garbage because it had your favourite store's name on it?

I bought it because I wanted to try it, and it ended up being my favourite controller. It just takes some getting used to.

I never saw the appeal for it.

This controller however is fantastic for emulators.

Please just stay on consoles and stop infecting my hobby with your inferior controls.

It's the only officially supported controller that has evolved beyond analog stick aiming.

I use a no-brand wallmart gamepad. based x360ce

And its still inferior to the mouse.

the steam controller is quite fucking good, and furthermore, it replaced my wireless keyboard/trackpad for controlling my computer when im casting it to my tv. its really good to use as a "mouse" and basic typing like using youtube netflix etc is ez

There have been controllers for windows since there have been games for it, you retarded fuckwad.

>implying the best part about a pc isn't that you can use whichever control you want

I've owned this controller since before the OP was born and it still works.

I remember this shit
>shitty default controls that can't be changed, like how inbred must a dev be to assign walking to arrow keys?
>hey bro use a controller :^)
Good thing I pirated it

Wouldn't games like dark souls be a lot easier to play on a controller though? personally, even with alterred key settings, I still find it hard to play on kb +m compared to a gamepad of somesort.

So many people in this thread capitulating on lazy ports and using a controller...
I suddenly realize why they shit on mobas like Dota 2, they can't play them using a controller kek
Way to hold games back there fellas..makes me pretty sad

Most genres*

True, but I don't like playing from a desk as much as a couch, and for that it's the best option. And no, I can't be assed to have a complex wireless mouse+kb setup on my couch. Not as comfy.

>he drives/flies with kb+m

I hear this couch argument a lot, and I think I understand why now.
Most chairs have a weight limit.


To be fair, Dark Souls was a console game.

I drive with a wheel and fly with a joystick, just please stay on console.

>Have a fuckton of DS3s because of my PS3
>Have two DS4s because of my PS4
>Have an official wired 360 controller

How can you not have a controller to use on your PC? Unless you strictly play on PC I guess but even then it's a worthy investment.

They barely ported that game, thats why.

>tfw 8 controllers connected to pc
>4 Xbox 4 PS

What's wrong with controller support user? It's fun having a bunch of people over and playing local games. The only game that used all 8 controllers was gangbeasts. That game is fun as fuck when you play locally.

I kinda wished wrestling games had proper controller support on pc. You can have 6 players but it's mandatory for one person to use m+kb. Needless to say, we never played that game ever.

They are imo.

I've only used a controller for Souls games, as well as platformers and fighting games.

Wheels are also for consoles.

I used to spend a lot more time at my desk, but now that I work full time I want to get away from my desk as much as possible.

>this thread

fucking hell mustards are the worst

as are joysticks, Ace Combat uses them

My very first PC controller was one similar to this one. I still remember i used for first time on DKC2 web woods. I bet its still works but my PC doesnt have that joystick port