ITT Music that just makes you sad that it's over
ITT Music that just makes you sad that it's over
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I keep getting some .dll errors related to Visual C++ while trying to launch it, it was working fine before a couple updates ago. Thanks Nexon.
anyone got a solution? Reinstalling Visual C++ didn't help, neither Windows Updater / update packs. Both my Win 7 and 8 machines have this.
I miss pre-big bang
Not doing a million damage on every hit and killing the entire screen with one skill was fun.
Maplestory gives me more nostalgia than any other fucking game, Jesus
>not killing everything on the screen
>forgets bishops existed
There's free private servers.
Mapleroyals has a decent-sized community and lets you get NX free daily.
its not the same
It's still fun I think for fairly mindless hack and slash. But fucking hell was the world pre bb so fucking good, leveling was pretty slow so you'd just explore and do quests and it was fucking amazing. This game has one of the best soundtracks of all time, and it gives me the feels every fucking time.
>tfw you'll never see Tiger and be happy you saw a legend again
>then fangblade just jumps right up to lv200 out of nowhere
I only had a shadower and whatever was the name of the last hunter job, but it was still something kind of unique for the class, and it consumed a lot of MP and they had piss HP, now everyone has some kind of kill everything skill.
I have MapleRoyals installed, I still play it from time to time, but it really is not the same, there just isn't enough people, and nobody talks to each other.
The music is annoying as fuck but, I miss it.
Damn I remember in the early days of the game when sins were OP, I landed 5 10% claw att scrolls on a meba from KPQ, and I traded them for one steelies, when ilbies were super rare and shit, didn't realize until a year later.
How can korean grindan MMO have music this good?
I wanna the MMO age to return.
That hurts
This game had some really nice clothing system.
tears in the rain...
>Want to play Maplestory again despite the shitstorm
>Install and go to login
>Bracing for the login theme and the nostalgia rush
>Maple Story
This game was just way, WAY too fucking grindy for me. Leveling took goddamn forever. The highest level I ever got was to about 54 on an ice/lit wizard before getting bored of mindlessly grinding enemies for hours at a time.
But yeah, it had a really nice soundtrack. Good shit.
Oh jeez, Ragnarok. RO was my life for a good 4 or 5 years. Started out on iRO and moved to private servers after 7 or 8 months. Even though it was clunky as fuck and had 0 class balance, I had some lovely times playing that shit.
Just hearing it brings back memories of killing Geographers in Juno Field...ahhh....(that is, before they changed the music in that area to Big Guys Love This)
Also Dark paladins.
I totally forgot about my cripple waifu
I was just trying to stay healthy and now Im making sweet consensual love to some girl with no legs
How can you reference that and not link the actual tune, jesus
is that shit still there
the V update was a while ago dammit
You can still play this game, but it's still nostalgic for me.
Fuck the login screen
this is the feelsy shit, man
Why'd you have to remind me OP, i miss this game so unbelievably much. I don't think there's any game that triggers my nostalgia as much as MS
So while we're on the topic of maple, how many years did you guys lose to the game?
Played this game for 12 years
which is why it hurts a lot when it gets brought up again
I still play it from time to time
>led a huge japanese and korean MMO fanforum so I'd get tons of invites to new ones
Exteel blew my socks off
I put this on repeat while I did my homework in 7th grade.
I used to think an orchestra was playing this with instruments.
Pretty sure it's changed now, but they kept it for way too fucking long. As of the last time I played, they just changed it to some other shit rather than bringing the old music back though.
i hate you so much
My teenage years were stolen by WoW, but I did dabble in Maple Story for about 7 or 8 months of combined time, over the span of 3 years.
Way back before any of the "big bang" stuff. Sometime around 2007-2008, I believe.
It was kinda fun, and a 2d platformer MMORPG was a nice concept, but the game was just way too fucking grindy and repetitive. Endlessly killing the same mobs for an hour just to get 1 level up was way too boring. I do remember leveling through the Kerning PQ from 21-30, but that's about it.
I did come back after the Big Bang and found my Wizard to be much stronger after the changes to Lightning (making it hit 3 times instead of just 1) but still, the idea of having to grind mobs endlessly was not too appealing.
I'm not clicking that shit man, it's not worth it
>Trickster Online
now this one gets to me, I fucking loved Trickster and seeing it shutdown was fucking PAINFUL.
So You're just a captured & blank slate minded alien in a simulation reliving the memories of that guy who looked like prince in the trailer? lol. What a fucking joke the new prey game turned out to be.............................
I wasn't planning on feeling, tonight
fuck you user
It's time to feel
>11 years ago
Lets feel user
(You) can go fuck yourself for making me nostalgia for such a shitty... good game.
>Keep playing a certain MMO because I don't care about pvp or pay to 'win' that much
>old guildie logs in one day after 8 year hiatus
>gladly greet him
>he doesn't want to do anything but sit and chat
>leaves after 10 min of logging in
>never logs again
Why do people do this? That hurts more than not being able to see them at all.
I know it's me, you don't need to remind me. I just needed to let that out of system
I hear ya. At least I got a little Cat mascot to use in Pangya.
Pangya's closure hurt me even more.
It's just not fair.
Solo match Aduka/Double Ammo only
Whatever i dont care just post the bunny girls from MS2.
ehhh, vanilla isn't really "over" though, there's still plenty of populated private servers running it.
Elysium exists so this is kind of invalid
maybe if you forgot to add the fucking sugar
The servers might still be up but it's fucking dead.
LBP 3D Platformer never. Dreams is vaporware.
fuck off i was in high school when this game was out
fuck off fuck off fuck off i dont wanna go back ;_;
This is sadly the truth.
I'm also guilty of doing that kind of shit though.
Holy fuck I'm gonna miss Call of Duty. Call of Duty 1 was my first real video game I owned and played the shit out of.
fuck man
I never played this game, is it too late?
I started in beta (Tespia) and stopped a little after they introduced those horrid cubes. I'm not sure how long that is but I know most of my intermediate/high school years got fucked.
Fuck, I still remember all the good times I had when the game was filled to the brim with people.
Yeah. Nowadays the game is just filled with minmax tryhards throwing their money into the game like it's nothing.
>tfw I managed to kill a lv 40 warrior on my brother's account in a snail pit
>drop a 1k meso bag in the golem pit by Henesys
>watch level 20s dive in and die instantly as they clamor to pick it up
>Dude randomly traded me 15 mil on a level 15 character
>was so young that instead of buying gear or trying to buy runs, I would give it away
God I remember this game so much even though I never even got past 50. I just loved exploring the world.
grindy korean mmos were the shit.
I wished tree of savior wasn't complete ass,
I need a new grindfest.
>I wished tree of savior wasn't complete ass,
I was so hopeful that its class system would carry it. The music was great too.
Like the previews made it seem like a fresh game that can give me the feel of RO or Trickster with out private servers. I really feel like shit because I missed out on both of those games, and they seem to be right up my alley.
What if what makes me sad is not a soundtrack but a image?
maple story was shit enjoy your autism
knew what the song was before i clicked just from the image alone.
i remember the HYPE when i got dragon/knight from choosing a random ship
>tfw /ksg/ is finally dead
it's a bittersweet feeling
So how it died, how many threads were made in the end?
and what number when they started to count for 3rd time?
>tfw grand chase died for fucking elsword
Words can honestly not express how platinum mad i am especially considering how shit elsword is now and how it had a lot of potential.
GC wasn't perfect but i still remember it fondly.
well over 2.5k threads
it was a joke but after the fact, they were like something you saw every day. I miss it honestly
ITT: Maplestory Fags
ITT: The shittiest online game ever
bby don't hurt me
no mo
Haven't played this game in forever, but as soon as it started I feel like I knew the entire song.
All I want is for this to come back. There's no words for how happy I'd feel
Still upset. I remember stalking Tiger along with the army of level 1 dudes in starting gear that swarm around him underwater. It was like a school of fish.
All that hard work just to be able to travel to here
Totally worth it though
I miss it
Started in 05 around when the game first launched but I was on and off for a while and then I stopped completely a few months after big bang happened.
Christ that was such a long time ago. I was in middle school I think when I first started playing.
pls dont do this to me