How interested would you be in a bugfightan game?

How interested would you be in a bugfightan game?

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looks like he's been disarmed

>posts arachnids

A lot.

>implying bugs = insects

t. retard

>japanese bug fighting
>has arachnids and crustaceans

Pokemon already exists, though.

This is bullshit, of course a spider can't defeat a scorpion of the same size in a straight-up fight - the scorpion is thickly armored and has either a powerful sting and claws for gripping, or powerful claws and a weak sting for a little extra DPS. In other words a tank with high DPS too.

Spiders are rogues that relies on a web debuff, or surprise backstabbing attacks

Got one.

As cool and as terrifying as these are to watch, it's kind of fucked up to just pit them head to head like that. Fights that naturally occur in the wild are fine because each bug if in it's natural fighting grounds, meaning those that have tricks like spiders, aren't at a disadvantage against other type of bugs that have armor plating.

Does the spider's chest cavity blow up?


/Bethesda/ general?

Picking the low hanging fruit I see.

Point proven!

>Picking the low hanging fruit I see.

I can't believe someone on Sup Forums made an on-the-nose joke.
Not entirely.

can you guys post some bug fights without spiders?

This is so fucked up, man. Neither of them want to fight the other. The tarantula is only displaying itself threateningly as a form of defense, and the centipede is literally just trying to run, but because the enclosed area is so small, it keeps "threatening and provoking" the tarantula into an offense.

>Not entirely.

There's no scorpion in that video.

Anyone play this? Twas the shit famalam

Every time I post about this game, no one knows about it. Literally every hidden gem thread I post this and no one replies.

Hydel a best.

That's not a scorpion you dunce.

The point is that thickly armored species that can grip won't always beat the spider.

In all of these threads I've never seen the beetle beat once.

it's a pretty shit tactics game

All animal fighting is fucked up

I wish these threads would stop

It really isn't. The game is pretty difficult, especially on hard mode. It only becomes easy after pretty much getting all of the broken shit. Game had a couple of balance issues, but it was a good game.

Well, those that occur naturally in the wild and are captured on camera are fine. Stuff like this is just kind of sickening, ESPECIALLY with bugs. Bugs are fucking ruthless and will pretty much literally eat it's opponent AS it's fighting it.

sure whatever

There's always Monster Bug Wars.

Hydel was coolest. Firefly best unit.

Stilll couldnt best badlands level 60

the best wii game

I think Fireflys were great, but such a liability. At the end of the Day the Kabuto beetle was pretty much the best unit, outside of Centipede and Spider.

Could a beetle take a giant centipede?
>not supporting your local free range bugfightan