Brown Bricks

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Brown bricks? Does he mean dirt, wood, or redstone bricks?


I believe he means he's a fucking idiot who is insulting Minecraft for no reason.

He and James were retarded.

Why inspector gadget though? Out of all the random characters he could have chosen...

>Tfw even Mike is starting to JUST


Mike is a closet fag who owes all his fame to James

What went wrong?

>Mike stole James' soul
>James is now getting it back.

Best timeline.

Mike highly respects James, he knows without him he's nothing. Best friends for over 15 years.

What's so odd about this to me is mike looks sort of normal. I can't believe he has so little self awareness.

Found a flaw in this. James spent years in special ed school. This guy says they must have never caught his autism.

Wouldn't he fucking know that James was in a special ed school all those years? Especially since he has so much to say about him.

>Note: With this video, I was attempting to parody many of the terrible videos on YouTube such as "TheAnnoyingOrange" (as one example) where they repeat the same awful jokes over and over. I chose Minecraft as the subject because that's another thing plaguing YouTube.
>Almost all you see in the gaming section lately are Minecraft related videos.
I was hoping people would get the joke, that's it's supposed to be stupid. But most people took this for face value and just thought it was bad. I made this video very quickly and put no effort into it because I think TheAnnoyingOrange is done the same way.
>TheAnnoyingOrange is cheaply produced garbage, but for some reason is absurdly popular. Really, this video is my statement against the low quality garbage that plagues YouTube. I didn't want to have to explain the joke, but it looks like I have to. Sorry if you didn't get it.

What did Mike mean by this?

>tfw you knew that James was kinda autistic
>tfw he says that he spent 7 years in spec eds school
>tfw he just confirmed it

He wouldn't know everything about James. He said he doesn't even see him that often.

>Sorry if you didn't get it.

What a fucking douchebag. He could have just said sorry the joke wasn't very good.

But he watches his videos and talks to april about him. I mean I guess special ed school wouldn't necessarily come up that easily but at the same time his stories talk about them being clearly uncomfortable around him.

I just think it's weird it wasn't asked about or James didn't just bring it up himself in an inappropriate way.

Does anyone have the pic of Mike's massive meat pole?

Because it's fake.

Stop spreading it and believing it, it's just some random bullshit a random user wrote.

What we do know is that James spent a shitton of time in special ed school haha

Even if you eat shit unironically, you're still eating shit.


How do you explain the pictures he posted then?

imagine if Mike had a kid (he can't for real though since he shoots blanks)
that kid would end up dead before the age of 3

The pictures were confirmed to not be legit.

Glass eye


It just wasn't very funny, or clever.

Well I mean, it's funny in the sense that it's funny to make fun of, but that clearly was not the intent.

They started the whole Inspector Gadget thing from the Mario DVD review


it's not true, any smuck could make such a post.

>People dont know it's a reference about this video.

>What we do know is that James spent a shitton of time in special ed school

Seriously? When was this talked about?




I wouldn't doubt that James and Mike have something like Asperger's. They're high-functioning, but there are a lot of questionable moments. Like that image said, they have the mentality of 13 year olds, and a lot of it shows in their "humor". It's like they never grew up. Now there's nothing wrong with focusing on a specific time period. I like period channels as much as the next guy, like people who focus on games/media made in the 70s, 80s, 90s, or on specific older consoles. But usually those channels feel like the people who are making them are grown adults who did their research and know their stuff. These videos feel a lot like big 13 year olds making recordings of them staying in their childhood. Yeah, yeah, Ninja Turtles, Robocop, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Ghostbusters, etc.

You can be an adult and still like things from when you were a kid, but at some point you have to turn a truly critical eye towards them rather than just treating it superficially as you would as a child. There was stuff I liked as a kid that I can now see was genuinely bad (old anime dubs), stuff I liked that I took for granted (seasons 1-3 Spongebob) without realizing just how genuinely great it was, and stuff that I didn't latch onto as a child but would grow to deeply appreciate as an adult. While there's a higher chance that I'll reference these things compared to someone who didn't grow up at the same time as I did, I still look at media both newer and older than what I experienced because there are good things in every era. I went through that nostalgic depression during my early teen years where all I could think of was how great things used to be compared to what existed now. Those halcyon days were entirely subjective, and I would grow up and stop pining for the past and learn to look to the future. James and Mike are mentally stuck in the past, and if they do have Asperger's or something else, it's not their fault, but it's a shame that their comedy/criticism won't grow.

>did their research
No one does research anymore. Adult or not.


No Mike, I got it, but you didn't
You see: Inspector Gadget likes to build brown bricks with Minecrap

I still don't get the point of the "I don't know what the block does" bit at the beginning.

In the pasta it implies that the speaker is related to April "he doesn't spend the holidays with his family but with ours".
So he would have known about James' time in special ed, because, even if you don't see him much, word that your cousin or sister married an apparent tard spreads like wildfire in the family.

The whole "I know he's has the tism, I'm an expert" really ruins the pasta.

brown dicks in my wife

This is hilarious, why do people hate this?

>So he would have known about James' time in special ed, because, even if you don't see him much, word that your cousin or sister married an apparent tard spreads like wildfire in the family.
Maybe James hasn't told his wife about it or his wife hasn't told her family. You can't disprove things based on assumptions.