Ashamed of your words & deeds

ashamed of your words & deeds

Not really

What a shit character.

is that chris chan

that girl is hot i would fugg

If you're going to do a rule 63 Quiet cosplay why would you wear the bikini top?

A male quiet wouldn't be wearing a woman's bikini, he'd be wearing probably some tight men's underwear/shorts of some kind and that's it

its not a rule 63 cosplay retard its just a regular cosplay

I thought it was Chris at first too.

The girl must be JULAAAAAY

Then I feel the "ha ha look it's me a fat ugly guy dressed as quiet" thing has been done to death already

who dis qt

He would look like Rhodesia's soldiers of the 60's with the hotpants.

palmer luckey, millionaire/founder of oculus



I've seen this image dozens of times but I never noticed those hips


>fake beard
>obvious low test from lack of forearm hair

I bet Geoff wishes he could dress like Quiet and get spitroasted by Hideo and Kojima.

kek wtf is palmer doing

me on the right

me on the left

I would let her have sex with me.

No forearm muscle as well lmao, low test beta

I said Kojima is a genius and purchased MGSV.
I am truly ashamed of my words and deeds.

You'd let the cripple she's helping up the stairs have sex with you

>being this butthurt that he's posing with the cute chick and you're not

Americans, fucking kek.
Being obese counts as being a cripple.

by who else ?

me in the background

Let's see the picture of you posing with a cute girl, user.