'We play Call of Duty,' Justin said. 'Me and Will [Arnett] and some very funny other people log on...

>'We play Call of Duty,' Justin said. 'Me and Will [Arnett] and some very funny other people log on, and we play that game together and we kill each other.'
>He has a 'bros night' when she's having a girls night.
>'You know, girls go on girls’ nights, and so you kinda gotta pitch it like, "Oh, by the way, the guys are getting together tonight," and she’s like, "Oh cool, where are you going?" and I’m like, "To my office."
>'In my ear, we’re all together and we’re all having fun and we’re murdering 11-year-olds,' Justin said.
>'She comes to my office and looks in the door and kinda goes like, "You’re just sitting there laughing and howling and screaming."
>'She just sees blood going across the screen and she doesn’t understand that I’m actually having a bros night.'

Why don't girls understand vidya?

Other urls found in this thread:


>wife goes out to club
>husband stays at home playing vidya

that seems odd...

Has she made anything good in her entire career?

She was pretty good in Iron Giant and Leprechaun

Do Americans actually have girls nights? Why would you let your gf / wife go by herself to a club?

open relationships are a thing, ahmed
except unlike you we're not sexist enough to allow only men to have other lovers

women sure do get mad when men achieve happiness without them and without needing to spend a lot of money

>girls nights


>go by herself

Apparently you don't understand that a plural conjugation is.

>to a club

1. Just because you go to a club doesn't mean you're fucking someone there.
2. It's not always to a club. Many girls go out for dinner and drinks.

I don't know man, all that DLC can get pricey.

why she got cucked by jolie

She better be careful with complaining about it, soon she's going to be a shriveled husk while he hits his stride.

Isn't Jennifer Aniston always being dumped or some shit? I feel like that's a meme.

I wonder why.

Dont blame him honestly, at least vidya doesnt complain about its day to you..

t. Guy with a gf going out on "girls nights"

>Why would you let your gf / wife go by herself to a club?
Because believe it or not, a majority of women are loyal to their husbands/boyfriends.

My gf goes dancing with her friends at the club every weekend. I don't go because dancing is lame. She always comes home so take your cuck meme and fuck off

I know this is a real thing but I don't get the appeal of going to a club to dance and listening to ear-destroying music

You're not a woman. They fucking love that shit I don't know why.

>She always comes home

After getting a good fuck from Jamal.

>Dancing is lame
No it's not.
Being the only guy going with a group of girls is lane, when one of them is your gf.
But dancing is cool.

Trans here. If I meet a cute guy and can get away with it, I'd cheat on my boyfriend and fuck him every time

other people don't get the appeal of video games

as long as both sides respect the others choice there's no problem

you get to check people out when they're all gussied up and harmlessly flirt with them

If there is a cuck meme in this thread it surely is you.

link the source

>trans here
why would you think your opinion is valued?

Why is it only on eurotime Sup Forums do we get this /r9k/ off-topic crap lately?

I actually dont believe this. Not with your divorce rates

/o/ here.

What's with Sup Forums's obsession with black guys fucking their significant others?

how hard is it to just google the text in the picture

>my gf always goes out while I stay home

get in your shed ivan

>a majority


She comes home, but she came somewhere else.

I blame the finnposters.

Divorce rates have been dropping for years now, shit's down to like 33% or less from over 50% back in the day. Realistically, that's more because fewer people are getting married in the first place, but still.

that makes you a asshole and a whore

Sup Forums and /r9k/ spillovers
But letting your gf go to the club by herself is pretty weird

>trans here
good falseflagging, but i already hate trannies, so you're getting nowhere with this

Well, if you're drunk dancing is pretty fun. You mostly go to talk to other people or drink in a public setting

kys freak

redditors invaded this shit hole and post nigger shit because they think it triggers people. Nu males and millennials think its a meme and keep reposting

If you guys want to know what normies think of video games just watch the clip here: kotaku.com/5820060/the-relationship-experts-of-the-today-show-dont-think-men-in-their-30s-should-play-video-games

>haha this random post on reddit from a throwaway account totally proves you wrong!

Kill yourself

It's funny how some of you virgins try to understand the basics of a relationship ITT.

At least you can pretend to know when it's about videogames but please stop embarassing yourselves further.

It's an ebin Sup Forums maymay that's filtered its way here. There's a pretty heavy amount of crossposting between Sup Forums and Sup Forums.


Playing vidya with will arnett sounds fun

is lobos an sjw?

Also how's he doing these days, does he still make a living off dark souls?

>Trans here

Not for long with those suicide rates i bet.

>Why don't girls understand vidya?
I thought this place was thoroughly opposed to having women anywhere near the vidya.

Men are just wired to focus on hobbies.
Women are wired to be social and this includes literally being a sheep and just parroting what the majority says.

where is the rest?

In all seriousness, /vint/ revealed that an absolute fuckton of /r9k/-type posting comes from Eastern Europe. It was actually pretty weird.

Is it just because everyone's poor and bummed out all the time, or is it something else in Slav culture that lends itself to the whole BITCHES AND WHORES mentality?

fucking whore
her man is out working his butt of to feed her and his child and shes fucking another man, i hope he finds out and dumps her slut ass.

>go out clubbing with gf
>music is so fucking loud you can't hear shit unless you yell at each other
>be home playing vidya TV volume on 12
>user that is too loud

>Tranny faggot is a nymphomaniac that likes to fuck random people
Who woulda saw that coming?

Way to perpetuate a stereotype.
You probably wonder why no one respects the trans community too

its 4am here idiot, this is burgertime

Lounges > clubs

You can actually talk to and hear the people you're with.

day of the rope!
day of the rope!

they are just redpilled that's all
Slavs know that when a girl goes out at night by herself is to fuck someone or at least to enjoy the attention of getting approached and touched.
Americans think that they go out with her other friends only to have innocent fun.

why even include the beard and glasses

there's so many nu-males that have neither

>I'm tall and pretty
I have a hard time believing any of that story now

First, that link is broken

Second, unless your significant other is also into vidya obviously vidya is not gonna have a positive effect on your relationship (doesn't mean it will have a negative one either). Since most women don't play 'real' games then, generally, vidya is not beneficial to healthy relationships.

being poor and bummed out IS slavic culture



>More than 50 percent of all married women, at some point, cheat on their mates, says Weil

Sup Forums is fucking hilarious tonight

This is what your girl is doing when she's "Dancing at the Club"

no it's not

>guy's idea of a fun night out is hanging with the bros doing fun shit
>girl's idea of a fun night out is going to da bar| and sucking tyrone's cock in the bathroom

it's almost like there's fundamental differences between men and women


>girls go out on ladies night to clubs to shake their asses to make their men jealous
>her man says okay and plays video games
>why wont you be jealous and pay attention to me!!!!!!!!!

sounds about right

lmao white ppl are so cringey

>not going with a bunch of friends and challenging randoms to dance-offs
>not getting your boys riled up and just going wild
>being this much of a wimp


Waat no one wants a destroyed cumdumpster?

well it doesn't work for me, just sends me to the default kotaku US homepage because i'm australian i guess


my gf loves Mario kart so we play that, also when i play vidya shes hanging with her aunties, or singing karaoke (shes pino so she loves singing)
we have our self time and it only helps our relationship
i was playing boodborne once and she sitting next to me telling me what to do i say you have a go then , she dies fighting the first enemy but she keeps going and gets pretty far

who's the australian tyrone? an abo? a dingo?

Does Louis play vidya with his cousin?

>le women aren't allowed to have sex meme
of course a virgin wouldn't think it's fun lol

Be thankful for those squiggles you're using to say it though, Darius

>"struggling at home"
>while the guy is working long hours at an actual job

women are actually children

thats a prostitute, i was in that thread nigga

Say it with me, class; anecdotes are NOT arguments.

lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

Since when does Sup Forums browse reddit and why are you fags bringing reddit shit to Sup Forums?

>In my ear, we’re all together and we’re all having fun and we’re murdering 11-year-olds,' Justin said.
That sounds suspiciously worded

>ywn get paid to drink champagne

>needing children to feel whole

They take to shitposting because they can't afford good video games.

But really, being poor and miserable doesn't exactly help with having a positive worldview. Just look at how high suicide rates are in Eastern Europe. Add to the fact that a lot of them are probably somewhere on the autism spectrum already and have minimal social interaction, as well as undoubtedly suffering from pornography addiction, it's not really going to produce a well-rounded person.

/vint/ was really fascinating in that it showed what demographics were behind specific types of shitposting, wasn't it?

Ugh men are so silly.
>*Buys shoes*
Entertained by such kiddie things!
>*Reads gossip magazine*
Like oh em gee grow up amirite ladies?
>*Watches reality TV*
Us girls are two smart four that, we don't waste our time!
>*Spends eight hours doing makeup to collect the mail*

>Since when does Sup Forums browse reddit
since forever

Literally who? Is this another e-celeb thread?

trap here. you are the cancer

i'm pretty sure getting laid would be the optimal outcome for 90% of single men who go to the bar

>Americans think that they go out with her other friends only to have innocent fun.

The sad part is women trick themselves into thinking this as well.

>I only went out to Have a Good Time with my galpals. I didn't know ingesting large quantities of alcohol would lead me to doing fucked up things!

As opposed to you not being thankful as well?

bill burr lays it down


>degenerate has degenerate tendencies
wow big surprise, get gassed