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Why? Is it because Venom never cared about Quiet? I'll bet it is.

Game needed two more maps and one final area.
They should have made you fight as Solid Snake against your Venom so the more shit you have in the game, the harder the fight is.

Why in the fuck was Quiet in love with Venom anyway? is it because she was meant to be Paz before Kojima got obsessed with that model girl?

It was the beard.

I vowed to replay this after getting a PS4 but I really can't stand to play it twice

I had this problem as well but solved by jerking off slightly enough to get a boner but not as much as to ejaculate, it's calling jelqing look it up.

If they had more maps then they'd just be boring and 90% empty too. They should have spent a lot less time on giant useless areas and more on the outposts, since those are the actual fun parts.

Please don't. I don't want to remember again.

why couldn't they link the fucking trophies, such a ball ache
saying that, I did plat MGS3 twice (PS3/Vita)

You played it on PS3?

>listen to the tapes as i go to sleep

god tier

I did
all the way to mission 45, then all the way through to plat

Damn, I just remembered that HD Collection isn't on PS4. What are they doing? It would sell so well.

For what it was, I really enjoyed it. I should go back one day.

making people buy the same game 3+ times is pushing your luck

they need to do a straight up remake in the fox engine
i would pay $60 for each individual game for that price

Why do people assume the game is unfinished aside from Chapter 51? Most of the design decisions are choices Kojima specifically made.

The empty world with nothing to do was as intended.

i beat chapter 1 and it was so stupid
how did they have a crazy powerful metal gear in 1984 when rex was supposed to be the first of its kind or whatever in 2005?
dont even get me started on WHOOOOOO jesus christ i lost all motivation to continue playing

Huey did LITERALLY nothing wrong

shame that konami sacked the only person who could ever get any use out of that engine
hope they aren't bitter when they go into liquidation

he did everything wrong so bad he literally got himself cucked twice, the second time leading to his death

>implying their pachinko machines arent going to make them more money than mgs ever did

The end Metal Gear deserved but never got because everything that defines this universe isn't perfect and is shit.

Even though he George Lucas'd it, the memes were worth it.

Plans for Rex existed in '64

It was supposed to be Chico.
And Chico wants the Big Boss's D.

I guess this part was unfinished too right?

Kojima is a hack. MGSV just made me realize it.

i know that, but it was supposed to be the best, how did they make something even better in 84?
even peace walker got me steamed a bit since it seemed so much more powerful that rex in 1974

>mfw i put buzzbomb by the dead kennedys on the speaker during his speech

Is this game worth buying again just for mods and shit?

I put over 100 hours in the game on PS4, but am building a new pc and wouldn't mind revisiting it again especially in 4k

Two really stupid ideas.

The problem wasn't that there weren't enough maps, it was that they fell for the open world meme in the first place. And it was in a game in which the series is known for it's finely tuned set pieces. It should have been GZ sized maps so you could still choose your infiltration route, but not be stuck with 90% empty land that just takes up development time.

I transcribed that entire monologue and I don't remember why

yes, depends on how much you liked it though desu

why did it change desu to desu

>in an alternate dimension MGSV has 100 chapters
>the 50 that we missed were the Big Boss parts

I just played this:

dunno 2bh

My interest for video games died when I beat this game

Who's that woman on the right with Ocelot? Sniper Wolf?

So I hear there is a mod to ramp up the game with more patrols, enemy vehicles, etc. Sounded like it did a bit to solve the open world issue and brought out the potential of the gameplay, also forcing you to use more stealth. Is it worth another play?

Can you make the Avatar in single-player female yet?

I want Snake to be a girl god damn it

remove kikongo

I was just playing the game again after I 100% it a year and a half ago. It's still boring and disappointing

Definitely--it's called Infinite Heaven. The menu it HAS to use in the game fucking sucks and you has this awful delay and it takes around a full hour to fully tweak and set up, with menus buried in other menus, but it's worth it.

It does just enough to ALMOST fix the issues I had with the environments, but it can't fix shit level design unfortunately.

Install it, then set enemy sight to 310, night sight to 265 or so, and hearing to 160.
Enable all optional foot and vehicle patrols with random vehicle spawns and random loadouts on foot patrols, no balance, everything full range, no balance,

Just go all out, and reduce the fulton success rates dramatically so that a fulton is neigh impossible outside of perfect conditions (not totally impossible however).

It brings actual strategy in to play and you have to actually plan and IMPROVISE to stay undetected. It's a bit more frustrating when you screw up though, but S ranking stuff is still possible when you've got OP shit.

maybe because he spared her when he could have just killed her?

Where do I even get mods? I've just been playing the normal game since I didn't want to get banned or shadowbanned from the game.

The only issues I've got with IH still is that you kind of have to manually toggle stuff on or off to show on Motherbase, when you think they should show or disappear (Walker Gears), and there still some gamebreaking conditions with certain combos of settings that'll cause infinite load screens, but there's a fail safe built in so that you can get back in and fix it without fucking your save.

Makes sense i guess, all recruits at MB were gay for BB after all.


>tfw you realize the bosses in Outer Heaven were all former Diamond Dogs guys that were guarding the place alongside Venom

Same place to get porn mods for Oblivion.
If you search the mod name in it'll take you to the site...

It's highly probable you won't get banned for using IH. They put a feature in so that it turns off automatically when playing FOB mode.

If you mod offline resources and shit though and it crosses online, it might be trouble. But anything not relating directly to resources or soldier ranks should be safe.
(like S+ soldiers in single, which IH doesn't mess with or offer)

With probable retcons the tx-11s in Outer Heaven could be altered/perfected Skulls units being used as guards with Venom becoming an extraordinary himself.

This shit was not answered.

so I'm on the code talker mission and just sprinted out of the skull sniper area. I feel like I cheated should I retart this mission? i really can't stand the boss fights in this game.

That isn't the boss fight, that comes in the next mission.

Why did she run away?

To not spread the parasites, weren't you paying attention?

>start playing it
>get obsessed with getting S-ranks and making money and researching shit
>two months playing and haven't gone beyond mission ten
This game is ruining my life

They come back at the end of the mission

>Bland and sparse story with an ultimately disappointing twist that wasn't even shocking
>Repetitive missions, many of which serve no purpose in the game's progression or story and only serve a purpose of extending longevity
>Bad level design in a barren open world map that could have been cut in over a half and wouldn't affect the game negatively. In fact, it would make going from point A to B less tedious
>Completely forgettable and lackluster original sound track
>Perhaps the worst boss fights in Metal Gear history, if you can even count most of them as boss fights to begin with
>Half of Chapter 2 are recycled missions from 1, just harder. The last mission didn't even do anything unique like playing from Ishmeal's perspective
>Ocelot was completely out of character

I have no idea why so many publications gave this shitty game a 10/10, despite listing many of the serious flaws that I listed. It doesn't even deserve a 9/10. Gameplay, graphics and performance aside, this game had no real charm. I can't even muster the will power to ever go back to it after beating it because of how disappointing it was. The trailer were more fun to watch than the game's story.

i counted like 2 boss fights, quiet and sahelathropus
quiet was easy as fuck, i just dropped a bunch of boxes on her and aced that shit, saetallalaltaropus was a slog since missile launchers were like pea shooters


To try and get Venom's attention.


At the Hospital, Venom and Quiet locked eyes. It was love at first sight.

But real reason, Parasites son.

whay ever happened with MGS V Survive?
I hope it got cancelled

Been strongly considering this to sate my 3rd person tacticool shooter hankering since I heard the gameplay is good but the story not so much. It worth getting for that or is it gonna be on par with boring Ubi checkpoint simulators?

its 20 bucks on steam, might as well try it out.


It couldn't stand up on its own.
Young psycho mantis has to hold it up for them. It's not effective at all.

Wait for E3. It's too much of an easy cash grab to cancel, all they have to do is take MGO3 and add MGSV maps.

The ending where I would have forgiven all other shortcomings.

>Venom chilling in this office and wooahooaa internally
>this is happening after credits
>distant alarm becomes more and more noisy
>Office door busts open
>slow footsteps are heard
>person to emerge from the door is Solid
>Venom and Solid exchange eye contact
>both draw
>screen fades to black

Sounds cool. Maybe not enough to forgive the rest of the plot but it certainly would have been a lot more satisfying.

Is MGO still alive?

Last I checked, Metal Gear General was dead. Does anyone have a link to the QT female soldier capture guide?

The open world meme wasn't the problem. the problem was that Konami wanted sales and said "make it work on xbox360, ps3, xbone, ps4, and pc"

"next-gen" consoles already limit a PC games quality, for example. Just think how much a "last-gen" console would limit the quality of a game.

Come to think of it, has there ever been a good game that was released on 4 consoles and PC simultaneously? I honestly can't think of any.

>Come to think of it, has there ever been a good game that was released on 4 consoles and PC simultaneously? I honestly can't think of any.
Ye Olde Harry Potter games were, but they had the advantage of being different games per system. Portable systems were turn-based RPGs, but consoles and PC got the same game, usually a 3d platformer, and it'd be four or so consoles at once.


oh yeah I can think of a few movie games that did it and even cod4 i think (lol) got ports to DS/wii. but MGSV is relatively the same across the 4 consoles except for graphical improvements AFAIK, where as, like you said, those games were different relating to the console it was on (which is how it should be imo if you're making a multi-platform game)

I really wish Eli and Quiet were never in the game. Eli is just a dull asshat that doesn't add anything new or engaging to Liquid's character. That cut lord of the flies scene made good use of him though.
Quiet is honestly a waste of time as a character. She's supposed to be this mysterious character, yet there's no mystery to her mystery. She's bland and comes off as a generic strong independent woman.
Despite being a massive waifu fag I could never get behind Quiet as a waifu. She's just some strong autistic child.

I don't care what any one says, the first 10-15 hours of this game were 10/10 perfect. Nothing will change that for me.

The late game, while flawed is still some good shit, and better than a lot of full games I have played.

The game literally has star trek technology. It's suppose to set in the African bushwars and you're running around with an Anakin Skywalker arm calling down thunderstorms and beaming tanks to your base with wormholes. Kojima lost all respect to the series after 3, he thought he was MGS.

they won't. the Konami machines are extremely hard to find as it is.

it was a lot of flash but actually not that powerful. purpose was to encourage nations to become nuclear superpowers and/or buy their own Metal Gears after seeing Sahelanthropus.

Have people forgotten what /vg/ is for ffs?

>>person to emerge from the door is Solid
>He is voiced by David Hayter

Forgot about that wormhole Fulton upgrade til you just mentioned it. Mfw

Can't believe Kojima developped the Fox Engine only for that.

What a retard.

Don't forget the MGS3 pachinko, user!

for life

>bursts through the door and says, "Kept you waiting, huh?"

only mod worth getting is Infinite Heaven. no new content but does cool stuff like making OSPing (mostly) the entire game viable and interesting

because mods are a bunch of somethingawful reject SJWs shistains who will never amount to anthing

PES was also on FOX

Get spotted by random mook sniper

>The enemy sniper...

Get spotted by zombie sniper

>The enemy sniper...

Get spotted by Seabiscuit

>The enemy sniper...
Ah the famous Metal Gear polish and attention to detail. You can tell just how much love, sweat and tears went into this ga*WHIIIIIIZ*

Yeah, but literally who cares about PES, people would buy it even if it was made with the Aurora Engine

>This is a 10 millions dollars pachinko

Worth it.

>upgraded only stealth shit
>that mission where you and quiet get surrounded with tanks
I fucking hated this game with all my might once i got to this part.
You couldn't even leave the area or quit the mission. I was stuck with shitty armor and stealth weapons. Took me forever to finish that mission

I own 3 copies of 2 and 3 already. Original, Substance/Subsistence, HD Collection. I came very close to getting the Legacy Collection too. I would totally buy a PS4 version because my PS3 is starting to shit the bed, and I'm disappointed by the facial hair screwup in the HD version of 2.

>tfw minimum lethal playthrough and find out Malak (the tranq round conversion dude) got KIA in your absence for some bizarre reason

It is. I've played it.

Fucking awesome.