Changes to Bloodborne 2?

- more variation in the scenery
- immediate respawn outside a boss's lair instead of back at the beginning of a level
- better tutorials or explanations (I guess seasoned BB players wouldn't need that but still)
- easy and normal difficulties
- Armor being of (more) relevance

anything else?


here's what I think

Where would Bloodborne 2 even take place? I dont remember them building up, lore-wise, any other regions

Just play any ubisoft games, OP.

I'd rather have functional shields instead of being forced to flail in front of enemies. Allows for more strategic combat, you know?
Th DLC introduced a pretty decent shield and the wooden plank shield actually had some use against firearms and a few other things but Expand on them.

>tfw unironically believe that the respawning outside boss doors would be a good thing

there is no fun or challenge involved in the run back to a boss, it is pure tedium. I'd happily accept some sort of punishment for doing it, like if you choose to respawn at the door you start with less health or something.

How about you don't make Bloodborne 2 because the original covered ever aspect of the gothic/lovecraftian aesthetic?

Only 12 year olds and weebs crave rehash sequels like a runt craves a teat.

Easy difficulty so I can finish it.

Don't care if that makes people's blood boil
No one is forcing you to play it at that difficulty level.

I wanted to desperately like Bloodborne, but it got a big thumbs down and bad word of mouth from me, to my friends who definitely would not be able to play it.


Give this post a (you) so everyone can see OP is a faggot from neogaf.

Grind until you're overleveled then you fag.

Being overleveled already IS the easy mode.

>setting details, dialogue, visuals, and overall tone depict a harsh and unforgiving world
>The gameplay reinforces this fact

Yeah just cut the only thing in the game that provides a measure of ludo-narrative synchronicity, it's not like the games have been objectively proven to be tedious and unfun when you remove the challenge.

>Sup Forums is now just people copying and pasting from neogaf
Sounds about right

fucking yuck to all of that this is a troll thread

I'm literally just copying posts from the neogaf thread like op did

I almost thought he was serious.

this, the game ramps up in difficulty after shadow of yharnam so much it doesn't even make sense.

yahargul was horse shit but i still put up with it until nightmare of nemsis made me drop the game, shit was beyond the point of being challenging it was just bullshit forced difficulty.

if they do make a bloodborne 2, i will buy it, but if i ever see horse shit like pic related again i will return the game instantly.

Can you copy our responses back so I win an Internet argument today?

There's quite a few. Loran for one. The Chalice Dungeons are super wierd in that they're portals to places that exist in the game's universe. Loran is some kind of desert location.

I was doing it in an earlier thread, people were confused as fuck. I'll try to dig up my old gaf password

lmao just shoot them down one by one. if you rushed in like a fucktard ofc you died over and over. Pebbles are your friend. Even if you don't use them, you can approach from the side and pick them off one by one.


Oh yea, I remember the Loran chalice dungeons. I really liked that aesthetic, that would be pretty sweet

I recently just beat it and the "final boss" felt like a mid boss....

I first liked bloodborne but after like 30% of the game... its all the same.

I also have to say that going back to the last save point and having no save points near the boss is like the worst thing the soulsborne games have brought up....
Its frustrating and does not add anything to the gameplay besides more frustration if you accidentally die on the way.... I mean no one actually fights the enemies again. Most people just run through.

All in all I am really really disappointed by the lack of told story and the save point issue

Why is neo/Sup Forums so bad at video games? Bloodborne isn't even hard aside from Old Hunter

I've never played a souls game before and I just started bloodborne a few days ago, what the fuck am I even doing?
No tutorial, just a bunch of gibberish menus and shit. What? Wha? The fuck is even going on, did a literal retard child write this game?

Loran is reference to how protagonists in lovecraft novels often hear about ancient Arabians uncovering eldritch power and condemning their civilization to otherworldly subjugation.

In the books and Bloodborne, it serves as a means of illustrating that the region in which the story takes place is just another name on the list of countless societies ruined by Elder God intervention. It is most definitely not a sequel hook.

Also the graphics are fucking shit, what the fuck even is this game. HOW DO I NAVIGATE THE INVENTORY AND UPOGRADE SYSTEM, WHAT THR FUCK DO I DO?

it all makes sense now

Welcome to Neo/v/eddit.

PC release
Weapon variety
Cuter characters
No chromatic aborations
Nerf dodge so game isn't piss easy
Actual armor that isn't just cosmetic
Better netcode

>that thing

Get help. It doesn't even look human.

>Doesn't even look human
It's a dragon, retard

We don't repost from shitholes, son. Shitholes repost content from us. Now go neck yourself, nigger.

everyone point and laugh

Loran is probably Lordran by the time of Bloodborne, a lot of the enemies there seem like they use pyromancy.

yes but that's more of a personal preference.

bumping for the god-tier op

I want better USEFUL GOOD rewards for defeating hard bosses.
In bloodborne I think your reward for busting your ass is a useless rock after completing the chalice dungeons.

Incredibly stupid.
Nobody cares if you have a rock so braggin about it is beyond worthless.

As someone who is playing the first, real time through, the amount of bullshit deaths is obsurd. Enemies taking 99% of your life away, pigs coming out of nowhere and killing you with no warning. List goes on. Farming can fuck off. Frame pacing etc.

Trial and error is a stupid way to play games.

I can see why this game would get 10/10s and 9s, but all this other bullshit outside of the brilliance of the game is more like a 7.

Vatlr home could be infested since one of the beast manage to get there

So this... the power........


Biggest issue I had was the farming.
It gets to be less of a problem mid-game and later, but christ can it be annoying, or rather immersion breaking.

That and the low weapon variety

>It gets to be less of a problem mid-game and later
What? Farming only exists in the post-game.

Remove anything missable. Oh you didn't see this one character standing way off to the side in this one area and you beat a boss? Start a new playthrough. Bloodborne did everything the souls games did but better in almost every regard but there's still room for improvement. I missed the ENTIRETY of Iosefkas clinic because why would I ever go all the way back? Or the fact that I did go back and there was no one at the door but when I beat a certain boss suddenly there's a person with no indication?

And as always, remove online entirely or add a mode where I can simply invite a friend and we can play through the whole game together. I'll say this with every souls game that comes out.

why does neocuck still exist, they actively destroy games

Agreed with run backs to bosses. Shadows of Yharnam takes like 10 minutes each run back.

kys neocuck

You're essentially saying remove all incentive to explore the areas.

I know this is bait but I still can't stop myself from replying

Don't even joke about shit like that, ideas like yours are what kill franchises

Gyro aiming and fix the frame pacing. Also, an easy mode. I don't know if this will piss people off, but some aspects of the game are just a little too difficult and unforgiving for most.