What the hell was Nintendo thinking?

In Mario, your penalty for dying is your score.
In A Link to the Past, you have a death counter. One for every area in the game in fact.
In Super Metroid, there's a timer.

In EarthBound you just lose a little cash that you have on you and you get off scotch-free? That's balogna.

Your PSI goes to 0 and you start back at the last place you saved



Also Ness will be the only one alive

>you just lose a little cash

you lose half of your cash. Like you know, in EVERY other JRPG?

If you wanna call a JRPG TOO EASY then Super Mario RPG is the game. That shit didnt even took your EXP or money out when you died. Thats truly a baby first RPG.

I'm not complaining about it being easy. In fact, it's pretty hard all things considered to beat the game without dying, since you have to anticipate the speed of your enemies before you know it. I'm complaining that there's nothing to mark the fact that you died. Money doesn't matter. You can always sell stuff or get more from dad.

Every game needs some kind of marker to show you've died. I thought not having anything was relatively new with Breath of the Wild, but now I see that it's been a thing in Nintendo games since EarthBound. And I hate it.

It's almost like kids get light punishments in real world suburbia.

earthbound was ahead of its time. it wastes your time very little compared to most role playing games. no need to grind, just head first into danger and if it doesn't work just pick yourself back up and try again.

>I thought not having anything was relatively new with Breath of the Wild
are you fucking stupid

breath of the wild has a red X with an R.I.P. message on the map for every location in which you died

What is Donkey Kong Country

Are YOU stupid? That X disappears as soon as you die again or turn the game off. Why don't you actually play the game you're defending instead of watching people on Youtube and Twitch play it for you.

If you lose track of your progression in Earthbound, you're not actually playing the game.

prove it

>You can always sell stuff or get more from dad
dad only gives you money based off of story progression iirc
the only real way to 'make' money is to let eggs hatch

Earthbound confirmed for white privilege simulator

>breath of the wild has a red X with an R.I.P. message on the map for every location in which you died
If only, that'd actually be pretty cool. Game doesn't really keep track of how many times you died, even.

I'd love to see how many times I died while just fucking around on the Great Plateau alone.


What the hell was OP thinking? This kind of shit is a diamond dozen. You should know better by now.

Hot damn. It's not about progress. It's about preserving posterity of your playthrough. Let's say you want to compare your next run to your first. What do you have to base it off? Jack squat that's what. It almost makes me glad that NoA screwed EarthBound's chances in the west with their smear campaign.

no, he gives you money for enemies you defeat. it's the same as other games except battle rewards are deposited into your account instead of dropped from enemies.

It goes to show how far Nintendo still has to go to match the level of 90's Zelda.

bologna is good if it's cheap, and you fry it on a skillet (non stick) until it bubbles in the center, and flip it over, then let it kinda burn.
also, never get mortadella on your fancy sandwiches. it's italian bologna.

You have to cut a slit in the bologna so it doesn't bubble. Or chop it up into tiny pieces to mix with whisked eggs into an omelette.

>preserving posterity of your playthrough
>compare your next run to your first

lolwut the fuck are you even talking about.
this game wasn't designed for speed runs, new game pluses, or anything beyond a single campy run of the game.
you're literally making an argument out of nothing, jesus christ.

It's an RPG nigga, name me 5 (FIVE) RPGs that aren't like this
