FFXV was better than P5 in every aspect. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
FFXV was better than P5 in every aspect. You're delusional if you think otherwise
Other urls found in this thread:
P5 has a much better framerate
>"Lord knows"
>game takes place in a fictional world
what did they mean by this
They're both 30.
Says who?
FFXV has shitty frame pacing.
List these aspects please.
I'm up for a good laugh.
>insecure beta males don't pick the third option because they feel ashamed of themself
You've posted for the third time in this thread already. It's enough you retarded spastic.
>fictional world
>characters say "oh my god" and "god damn it"
this irks me so fucking much
>anyone giving a shit about XV
>fictional fantasy world
>trump memes
That was my first post you autistic retard.
when they get to PC i'll judge which is less shit. until then Berseria is the clear victor over either gay boy band simulator or just another japanese highschool simulator.
How about no?
you really are fucked in the head
I loved XV and it was probably my GOTY last year. I'm about 15 hours into Persona 5 and it's already the better game.
The first third is the best part of P5. Everything after that is a trainwreck.
Stella confirmed better than Luna
>share same amount of screen-time throughout their existence
>Stella's already a more interesting character despite only being in trailers
The first 5 hours of XV up to Galdin Quay are the best moments of the game. Everything after that is a vision-less mess of a turd.
Persona 5 let me bang a teacher.
I couldn't even romance Iris in FFXV let alone bang Cindy. Aside from that, the entire journey was a constant sausage fest.
There was nothing interesting about Stella. Or Versus XIII for that matter. You fags really need to let that shit go. And yes Luna isn't any better.
is it still not fixed? damn
frame pacing is to this gen what screen tearing was to last gen
See, bullshit like this is why I'm not taking seriously. The first few hours of XV are a boring slog and it improves immensely once it starts to become more focused. And I doubt Persona suddenly falls apart at the end too. Sup Forums always likes the worst parts of games.
>Prompto's VA did a better performance in the shitty P5 dub than in XV
>reluctantly battles her friend/love-interest over the crystal to save the people of her kingdom
>not interesting
She had a lot of potential.
>game comes out
>its shit
>all these ITS GOOD I SWEAR threads
Eh, they both had shitty stories, shitty gameplay, and decent atmosphere, although I think P5 edges XV out there as far as a consistent atmosphere.
I still like XV more, but I also like picking dog shit off my lawn more then XV so take that for what it's worth, P5 was just a snooze in general, at least XV made me want to like it.
>have a boat in your game
>literally just a 10 minute cutscene
>that water
Well yeah, the whole thing had potential, but Luna was easily on of the worst aspects of the game that was handled in the most laughable way.
He was talking about Stella. Luna was fine for what she was: a plot device. She shouldn't have been marketed as some kind of major character but otherwise she did what she needed to do and promptly fucked off.
fuck off xv-kun
I haven't played Persona 5 yet, but I hope you're wrong. I already got burned hard on XV, and I wouldn't want to get burned on another 60 dollar game. Even got the Steelbook Edition.
That is objectively true. Shameless Persona fanboys and shit-eating turn-based nostalgia-cucks will deny it though.
>"Fans loved Final Fantasy Fiftee-"
>The opinions of shitty clickbait youtubers matter
Wow you sure showed me.
Thats a dumb pic, you're a dumb person.
Well, the opinions of Metacritic don't matter (unless it can be used to your advantage), the opinions of Sup Forums doesn't matter unless they agree with you, and the opinions of youtube doesn't matter.
What the fuck matters to you, then?
>Turned big event bosses into borefests
>QTE guards and autododging
>hold-button combat with little variation (the occasional pause-combo move, and some generally awful d-lefts).
>Made magic less a tool and more a "skip boring fights" button.
>First FF since FF9 to use boring cutscene summons, and managed to make them even worse with them activating in dumb ways.
>The main mixup is teamattacks which are more basic than KH2's Limits, and also lack the resource management, so are just spammable iframes.
>Item usage is straight dumb, when they not only got this right back in KH1, but also in 13 LR.
When does it become focused exactly? It's even more poorly paced and convoluted the farther you get.
>Cor tells you to collect Royal Arms to take back throne
>You start collecting the first few but then ditch that objective as it becomes optional
>random attack on Lestallum-everyone is fine except one old man
>Ardyn then drives you to some dungeon so that Aranea can guide you through it, despite fighting you moments ago
>political discussions with Hilary Clinton
>fight Leviathan, thrown on train, Ignis lost his eyes somehow
>Some literal random bullshit happens all on the same train ride-ardyn appears, gentiana makes an appearance, Luna's ghost makes an appearance, you lose your powers, prompto falls off
>you later find Prompto and he reveals he's a test tube baby
>no one gives a shit
>sucked into a crystal-wake up in a world of ruin and hurled at the final boss
>Knight of the round appear, expecting you to know who they are and kill Noctis (?)
>an ass-load of loose-ends are left as they never explain how any of the supporting characters react to their world being literally rid of monsters.
True. It's just turn based kiddies who are triggered XV was superior.
P5 looks like a PS2 game and is a literal corridor simulator the entire game, there's even more invisible walls in P5 than any area of XV.
I'd literally rather trust these guys than big Youtuber shills that just want to please their audience of children
FFXV only has like 40hr worth of playtime.
FFXIII had way more playtime.
>First FF since FF9 to use boring cutscene summons, and managed to make them even worse with them activating in dumb ways
Nothing like being in the maze that is the sewers, yet have the lightning dude know exactly where and how hard to throw his spear so that it crashes through all that ground, but sticks perfectly into the floor you're standing on.
Besides the lack of story, my biggest gripe with XV is the small party size. Four dudes. That's it. Several characters could have been party members, but they weren't, for some reason. That's really lame.
There is gods in FFXV.
Well considering how P5 isn't striving to be an Open-World game, I'd say XV is pretty pathetic for the sheer amount of invisible walls. XV fails at even being an open world game. At least P5 stuck true to it's linearity.
Not really. I prefer games like Secret of Mana, but XV just sucked.
I'm now more excited for Taro's next game, as well as Ever Oasis, than I am for the next FF. I'll never preorder or season pass anything FF again. I feel that burned over XV.
Nope, that was already fixed weeks ago with the stable mode.
>seriously posting gamefag polls from a board full of people triggered that XV was good
>Not posting the actual GOTY poll from gamefags where XV won with over 10,000 votes.
40 hours? That's a bit of a stretch. You can finish the story in 15-20 hours and you'll spend the next 5 getting the Regalia Type-F and doing side-quests only to finally drop the game after realizing they're all the same.
>I spent 60 dollars on a game and am upset that it was good!
Is this what you truly believe people are saying?
I'm 15 hours into P5 and it's just terrible.
Everything is coridoors, braindead gameplay where you can just press options to skip through it all, characters are bland and unlikable, treat MC like shit because he had the audacity to stop some guy from molesting a girl, music is bland and forgettable, extremely padded to fuck with the whole "you can only do one thing today" shit. There honestly isn't a single aspect it's better than XV in at all.
This. I spent a lot of time dicking around in other places and doing hunts/side queests, and it only took me ~35 hours to beat, even with all that. If I tried to just stick to the story, I'd be surprised if it lasted more than 20 hours.
Have you never played a Persona game before?
I was very disapointed in the summons and lack of them in ff15. Ramuh was good and he rest were shit. They got lazy.
But that's wrong, and Luna has as much time in XV as there is FMV cutscenes in FF7. Stella literally did nothing and was nothing more than an empty concept. Luna was an important character who was mainly doing stuff in the background like Zelda.
FF XV is the FF game I've heard or read the least about. Even FF 12 and 13 were memorable and brought topics to talk about even if they were flawed.
This one feels like a Xenoblade Chronicles clone, which is a timesink with not much to say about. Those are the worst j-rpgs (the offline mmo's) so we gotta thank the Nintendobabbys once again for electing XC to a cult classic by fault of having never played a truly great RPG before.
FFXV kun if you're in this thread, I sent you friend request on PSN. Why didn't you accept it?
Thanks user
On point with everything wrong in FFXV
>All these fags arguing over which weeb game is better
>mfw equally enjoying both atm
Stella was none of those, she met Noctis for literally 3 minutes and talked about Etro for no reason, then left, that was it, that was as far as their "relationship" went.
That "battle" wasn't even a thing anymore by 2011 anyway and when it was shown in 2008 it was from 2 years before Versus even had its script written.
Can't speak to Xenoblade, but Xenoblade X got WAY more enjoyment and playtime from me. That game was genuinely fun. My biggest gripe about the game isn't even the story that had plotholes big enough to fit New LA into, it was the music that started up every time you decided to fly.
Another thread for people who cant enjoy something without something to call it better than. Please learn to enjoy something in your life user san
Fuck off Matt.
You mean metacritic only matters when it's to your advantage, clickbait youtube videos only matter when its to your advantage, Sup Forums somehow doesn't matter to you unless it's Anti kun samefagging out his ass.
Clearly you don't even know what the fuck you are trying to say.
I'm going to confess everything; I have repeatedly done things that were... unbecoming of a director.
Yes, you were all right, I'm responsible for the destruction of Final Fantasy Versus XIII and the failure of Final Fantasy XV.
The new Final Fantasy Versus XIII that Nomura envisioned was really going to be a work of art, a huge, variegated, entirely-explorable open world full of life with lots of wonderful cities; a fun and exciting Kingdom Hearts combat and, last but not least, one of the most deep and emotional stories in the entire franchise, with incredibly well developed and evolving characters... yes, I've seen it all... Nomura and his Versus really could have single-handedly saved Final Fantasy and restore it to the throne of jrpgs.
I was envious of his talent. So i destroyed it all. I killed Stella; I trashed more than 3/4 of Eos reducing them to another FF13-style linear hallway; I butchered the combat when I knew it was already perfect as it was; I erased Insomnia and the imperial invasion to make a movie; I butchered the plot and all the characters' motivations and backstories...
But more than that, I deliberately lied to the public making them believe that nothing was going to be changed, and that the game was going to be 100% finished.
I even hired an actor to post on the forums and shill my pitiful FFV13 imitation, promising him 100 $ for every single line of praise he would write in defense of the game.
I feel so miserable... I destroyed the project of a man and the hopes and dreams of millions of fans... I don't deserve to be a director anymore, so I'm hereby going to announce my resignation from Square Enix, and I'm going to turn myself to the police in order to pay for my crimes.
Yours, Hajimemashite Tabby.
>You mean metacritic only matters when it's to your advantage, clickbait youtube videos only matter when its to your advantage, Sup Forums somehow doesn't matter to you unless it's Anti kun samefagging out his ass.
I'll grant that I've never seen you post youtube videos, so that's a fair point, but I've seen XV defenders post metacritic scores all the time and start threads (like this one) to try and get Sup Forums's opinion, or at leas pretend like they are trying to.
When you open a door, don't be surprised that people start walking through it.
E3 2013 Trailer,
"I can't stay any longer" said Nomura through Stella, "My heart won't let go" said Noctis who represents the player, us. "Don't worry about me (Versus XIII, Nomura). Live your own life".
"The world we purport to know is ever changing ending as we speak. So it is and must be for all existence." (Versus XIII is ending) And at the end : "you want the truth ? it's complicated".
E3 2013 Trailer has been a goodbye from Nomura you fucking faggots, we didn't deserve his Final Fantasy. Fuck.
XV definitely had a better story, pic related is one of the most powerful scenes in gaming.
You can stop, XV-kun.
Base on user comment on Sup Forums Stella was dead and noctis kill her and noctis had visions about her.
No, it wasn't. It felt like my spine was going to cringe out of my back. Nothing happened in that game to make me feel that level of attachment to anyone in the party OR to Noctis himself.
Just reading that post made me immediately think of 3 games that had more powerful scenes without even trying.
I can't imagine anyone thinks this. FFXV is middling jrpg. P5 is goat contender
It doesn't matter to him, yet when you start bringing up other FFs that you think are better, he'll default to Metacritic as a defense.
It becomes optional to emphasis the fact that you can go off and explore, because you gain things by exploring, just because you didn't do it doesn't mean you weren't supposed to do it, you are given the open world for a reason.
You can see a decrease in the amount of NPCs walking around Lestallum compared to before
Aranea was hired to, did you not understand such a basic concept?
>political discussions with Hilary Clinton
So what's the problem with Altissia having their own government faction exactly?
There is a very clear focus for what happens, Luna awakens Leviathan and shit goes whack, Ignis lost his eyesight during this and when Noctis wakes up he learns Ignis was blinded, but they still have to press onward to Niflheim where they will have to travel by train to get around
None of those things happening are random, Ardyn is the one who's plotted everything bad happening to Noctis from the beginging, he got on the train after ch10 and fucked with Noctis's head, then when going past Shiva's corpse is when Shiva makes her appearance, afterwards Ardyn reveals he was immortal and disables Noctis's powers.
Prompto being an MT/supposed to be one is something that had been hinted from early on where he is the one always asking about where all the people inside Steyliff went and you find constant daemons instead, where he talks about how he always felt worthless and empty, and how the daemon in the cave grabbed him. Him revealing he was from NIflheim and them nochanlantly shrugging it off was to show how they only care about Prompto, not where he's from.
The kings of Lucis are KOTR which has been known since before the game was even out, and Noctis having to sacrifice himself was made apparent a whole chapter ago.
You learn that Iris and Cor become daemon slayers, that Aranea, Biggs and Wedge run their own armies now, that Cidney is in Lestallum helping out, same with Cid.
Seems like you just didn't pay attention to anything properly.
100% persona is like the most lackluster game ever. you can tell by going into a thread and allpeople ever do is discuss the persona they used. that's it they never comment on the games story or characters just "dude lmao i used this persona lol"
damage control
The only walls in XV is around the shore areas and the higher up railing on the raised roads, P5 has no business having invisible walls in a fucking coridoor area especially where there shouldn't be a wall, because it's not open world it has all the means to not have walls at all yet it fucks up at that. XV doesn't have any more invisible walls than any other recent open world game has.
No XV was legitimately fantastic, easily one of the best FFs yet.
You can stop lying, the game is 40-60 hours. The only way it can be under 20 hours is if do nothing but the main quest and skip cutscenes. By the way you can beat FF1-10 in under 10 hours so I don't even see your point anyway.
>XV doesn't have any more invisible walls than any other recent open world game has.
Not only does Breath of the Wild have less invisible walls, it does open world better in every single aspect than XV.
>No XV was legitimately fantastic, easily one of the best FFs yet.
Say it as often as you like, I will never agree. It was a pretty meh game in my opinion. "Meh" enough that I deleted the game off my PS4, despite the fact that I purchased the season pass. It's just not worth the space.
It also convinced me to avoid buying any FF for more than 30 bucks until I think they have made 3 legitimately great FF games in a row. At best, they've lost a customer for 15 years over this game, but after 12, 13, and 15, they have a lot to make up for.
>any kind of propaganda in any medium now is a trump meme
kill yourself.
Fuck off matt.
>only time XV is talked about it leads to massive amounts of shitposting and bait threads
Yeah but I guess FFXV is a truly undisputed amazing finished masterpiece and everyone is wrong for hating it.
>metacritic somehow matters
Fuck off Matt.
Ok XV-kun
But that's wrong, just because you can climb on rocks doesn't mean BOTW doesn't have invisible walls.
I don't give a fuck if you agree, you're a faggot with shit taste.
You realize that it is impossible for these posts to be written by the same person? Check the timestamp.
>buy world of final fantasy to hold me off before the disappointment FFXV
>it was better, actually fun, and had more game time
Playing P5 w/ 40hr in and it already is better then FFXV
>FFXV "bosses"
>But that's wrong
FFXV doens't let you jump over a fucking guard rail, it objectively has more invisible walls than BotW.
There was 3 months of constant 500+ XV threads until around the end of february when they started to die down and other games were coming out so most people were now playing those since they had finished XV, and people now are waiting for the XV DLC stuff and other updates.
I've already seen Nier threads die down now after a month of constant 500+ threads and it's mainly just waifu posting now. Soon P5 threads will start dying off towards the end of the month too. That happens with every game, the most active discussion is around the month they come out then a month or two afterwards. Doesn't matter how big or small.
>I don't give a fuck if you agree, you're a faggot with shit taste.
That's fine. If there are enough people like me, Square Enix will care, because they will be losing money over it, which will mean budget cuts on future games.
What is REALLY sad, though, is that people defending FFXV always need to compare it to budget games, or games with serious flaws. "Haha! This game is better than Persona 5/Xenoblade X/NieR Automata!"
And those claims are STILL hotly contested. XV had a fucking huge budget, and still couldn't even get away from being compared to games that have a lot wrong with them, even if what is "right" helps make up for it. This is why nobody ever states that its better than Dark Souls, or Bloodborne, or whatever other game is considered a masterpiece. Because for all that time and money sunk into the game, it comes off as worse than a game like Secret of Mana (released almost a quarter of a century ago) in MANY ways.