Is there a good MMORPG with tab targeting system besides WoW or RIFT?

Is there a good MMORPG with tab targeting system besides WoW or RIFT?

CoH but it's ded

FFXIV obviously


>a good MMORPG with tab targeting



eff eff ecks eye vee

>Is there a good MMORPG

Are there any private servers or Is that shit completely dead?

I played a week before they took the servers down

Secret World is getting that reboot?

Not sure about private servers, but there are two "spiritual successors" to CoH in development. One is called uh, ship of heroes or something like that. The other is valiance online (i THINK). I could have them confused, to be honest.
I know the first one is a superhero game except it's set inside of a gigantic spaceship. I've only really briefly read the opening paragraph of articles i've seen about it ,so i could be describing it incorrectly.
Either way, there are two in whatever stage they're at, and i think either or both are in beta or close to it. Maybe alpha. Maybe I'm retarded and wrong.
You can google from here, i'm sure, if you give a fuck.

People in the beta are saying it's a pretty minimal one that's not mind blowing, so far.

Warhammer private server
believe swg was tab target, the swgemu (not great combat - fun tho - but definitely great mmo)

if there are private servers out there, people keep that shit under the tightest wraps because NCSoft has been hunting down and killing any attempts to make one since the game went down

the tab targeting - and the targeting in general - in ffxiv is absolutely horrendous

>ffxiv is absolutely horrendous

>2.5 second gcd
>good mmorpg
pick one and only one.

I'll take the 2.5 second gcd thanks

>tab targeting system
Why does it matter what key you use to auto target? There's literally only two ways to do autotargetting, but all the games I have played manage to do it the wrong way. Targeting should be based on what direction the camera is facing, not what way the character is facing. It's so stupid.

asta online has tab targeting


Actually no this is better:

Boring story grind, timegates everywhere, slow battles, small areas even heavensward and stormblood are small and empty, the worst illumination system of all mmorpgs... the lighting is so bad.