He still plays video games past his teens

>he still plays video games past his teens
>he's an atheist

Video games were once advertisied for children in the 90s. This is no longer a case as both male and female young adults and adults take part in the gaming.

Atheism is the only logical choice as I'm not gonna spend my time kneeling to a being that lacks any proof of existance.

Fuck you

Tippy tip tip

>he fell for the religion meme

i love this thrds
they stop me from keeping shitposting and playing vg
im going to sleep

>he thinks women are smart

Enjoy Hell, heathens.

What kinds of games do stereotypical euphorics tend to like?

Video games are fun. I'm not going to deprive myself of fun to please strangers. Religion does nothing but cause wars.

religions don't cause wars, user

jews cause wars


Already am. Hell is on earth.

If you're good looking you can play games and people won't care.

What if average looks?

>trumpers are pretending to be christcucks now

What's next? Will you idiots pretend to be amish?

Sort of practicing Catholicfag here, what caused the recent fad of internet tough guys being Christians? What caused the fall of muh-intellectual-aetheism? Was it the fedoras? Why is it cool to be Christian now? muh Deus Vult xD!

I don't give a shit what you are, but it's embarrassing as fuck.

If we're being realistic, most people are absolutely going to hell, atheist or not.
That means you too faggot.

You can commit suicide and people won't care.

Dunno. In fact it's probably not my looks, people just don't care that I play games because I don't care that I play games. People can smell insecurity.

>play video games
>bask in the holy righteousness that is the Lord's loving embrace

how can ANYONE compete?

There really isn't a logical choice between atheism and theism. It's just a guess.

Cultural shift in sociopolitics during the past few years. As a result, hyperaggressive internet atheism as popularised by fags like TJ and Thunderfoot that was seen as trendy and edgy circa 2007-12 doesn't carry the same effect it once did, so it's swung the other way.

Not to be that guy, but muh horseshoe theory. One the veneer of "muh atheism" wore off, people began to realize that the champions of the atheist movement are fucking assholes and its not really ok to rag on Christfags. But now the inverse is happening. People rag on Fedoras and celebrate religious people, and all the annoying religious people come out of the woodwork and anyone who's and atheist is automatically an asshole.
Its just the pendulum swinging I guess. Can't we just come together to talk about V I D E O G A M E S?

That makes sense. It seriously blows my mind.

Given how extreme everyone's opinions are these days I would expect in 10 or so years it will be incredibly uncool to be extreme about anything. Everything will be moderate.

>Internet sees everyone as steriotypical strawmen
>Internet atheists are steriotypically cringy teenagers, or manchildren. Somewhat intelligent, but too naive and lazy to make something of themselves
>Religious people are steriotypically older working class people, or younger people with good morals and work ethic. Dumb, but hard working and are the backbone of American society.

Now this is my nigga. Let's VIDEO GAME

Have to go to work in like 4 hours,
still slamming beers and playing Siege


When you live in brazil, or you do that, or you became some sort of crook and die of AIDS.

So yeah, optimizing life here.

I'll see you there buddy.

I thought it was a joke to piss of neckbeard atheists.

>he's not agnostic

>not living a life of sin then repenting at the last moment

Average looks don't exist. You deluded yourself into thinking you are average
>it's okay at least I'm not elephant man xD

but you're either good looking or not. It's binary.

Already ahead of the curb. What will happen is the "ebin trump maymay" kids will grow up and realize that jokes that have global consequences aren't funny, while the SJWs will grow up and realize their ideology isn't compatible with reality. The youngsters will also be moderate, as they will have been turned off by the stupidity of the current generation.

>the only modern defense that abrahamic faggots have against atheism is endlessly spouting 'fedora fedora fedora'

good thing you have memes to fall back on eh guys, might have to actually be introspective otherwise

>he spends his limited time on this Earth worrying what other people think about his hobbies rather than just enjoying them and being happy

One choice considers that whatever happens only happens because of laws of physics.
The other choice considers the existence of an invisible omnipotent being, souls, paradises and hells, none of which have any scientific backing.
Religions look like a simple way to explain yet unknown phenomena and to foster willful thinking like life after death and video games.

>she's a woman

>if god according to the bible is real every single person on the face of this planet will be going to hell

Why do niggers think they can change gods will and take the moral highground at the same time?

If you havent killed your neighbour youre not living according to the real bible, you know the one 'god' actually cares about not that shit some cunt made up in their moms basement because they got triggered by the real world

I'd post a picture of myself to disprove you.

there really isn't a logical choice between believing in invisible unicorns and not believing in them either, but I'm guessing you're not an invisible unicorn theist.

>this is what corrupted catholics actually believe
You cannot buy forgiveness.

It's the same concept of a counter-culture arising against an obnoxious movement. Twin cases: third wave feminism and civil rights movements create the "alt-right" on the internet. Obnoxious atheists give way to people mocking them, and the people mocking them conglomerate together until it's everyone vs atheists. Everyone including christians, yes.

I wonder if it didn't start out that way, but in the illustrious tradition of the internet, has now caught on and people take it way too seriously.
But this thread has got me thinking. Are there any video games that deal with religion as a serious topic? It can be an interesting idea to play with. Nothing like Dante's Inferno where religion is a trope, more like a serious exploration.
My next question is, should there be a game like that?

reccomend any good christian LPers?

That will suit me right down to the ground. I find people with really extreme view points irritating to be around more often than not because they usually feel the need to "convert" you.

>You cannot buy forgiveness.

You don't need to. All it takes is confession and contrition (and maybe being baptized depending on who you ask but God usually looks the other way on that one apparently)

thats literally what christianity preaches as well you fucking idiot

have you even read the bible?

If something did create the universe, it's state of existence is beyond comprehension.

So isn't it inefficient to try and quantify some so all encompassing and complex into a singular entity? If it even exists at all?

For example, we don't classify the Earth as a single organism, why do we try and do the same to the catalyst that supposedly created the universe?

We don't know anything about the universe though. It could contain forces of energy that can think and are self aware.

No, it was a taboo when I was a kid.

>Real Bible
If by that, you mean the laws in the Old Testament, which were fulfilled by Jesus coming to earth and dying for our sins, than yes... But those laws are no longer applicable. Unless you're Jewish, anything said in the New Testament outweighs anything it contradicts in the Old Testament, as Jesus is God's new covenant with mankind. This is why we no longer must avoid certain foods, or make sacrifices. Jesus was the last sacrifice, and no more need to be made.

I know you're young and angry, but things get better. Have faith, treat others with kindness, and your life will get better.

What is the best bible book and why is it Book of Job

>we rewrote the book of the god we believe in

yeah youre going to hell heathen

>people arguing over bible in 21st century
how retarded can you be?

Why do so many christians I know pick and choose stuff from the old testament? Are they just shitty at their own religion?

And furthermore why are there so many preachy people who don't even go to church or do anything a christian is supposed to do?

Stop. There's nothing to think about when it comes to the argument of religion vs. atheism. Nothing.
Pascal's wager sums it up neatly. You either are or you aren't. Currently, we have no way of knowing which is the true choice. But that's what it is, a choice.
There is no argument. There is no answer. We cannot now know the truth. It even says so in the Bible. "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as also I am known."

Yes, and it could have strawberry tasting nebula for all we know.
During ancient times, we did not understood thunder or wind and invented gods to explain them. Maybe we should wait introducing supernatural forces in our universe model for when we really have facts backing them up.

These interpretations are by people who get too hung up on rules. Forgiveness doesn't work unless someone truly regrets doing the sins in the first place. Intentionally sinning with the goal of asking for forgiveness later is a sin. Luke 4:12: "It is said: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

they are most probably american. Leave them alone

It's a tradition that goes all the way back to the Greeks. Read Aristotle's Metaphysics, for example.

This guy is on the right track. God isn't an entity. God is a force we simply can't interpret. Religion is an attempt at identifying and paying tribute to this universal presence. Many religious people don't interpret holy texts literally, they have the wherewithal to realize it's all metaphors meant to help us understand human nature and help us shape our own moral compass.

That's fine. It's about the time you want me to give you money and let you fuck my kid that we get a little off track.

>Intentionally sinning with the goal of asking for forgiveness later is a sin

Yes, but you can also repent for this sin. No sin will keep you out of Heaven; not repenting for your sins will.

Matthew 5:15 literally says that Jesus has fulfilled the old laws, and has come to establish new laws. It's ok if you still like the Old Testament, as it still has valuable teachings, but the New Testament is God's law for the last 2000+ years.

>Are there any video games that deal with religion as a serious topic?

Don't know if it's example, but the roguelike Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup has an interesting take on religion. You gain unique powers from choosing a God from among many as you progress through the game. The more you pray and abide by the rules your God sets, the stronger you become until you pretty much become an avatar in your God's image. For instance, there is a god that encourages you to where stat draining items, and the more powerful you get, the more the negative effects are reflected onto your attackers. It's pretty interesting how the faith of each God is shown through the mechanics of the game.

>My next question is, should there be a game like that?

Sure, why not? Video games are an interactive medium, why can't their be a good video game that asks deep questions about a certain religion?

I pretty much agree 100% with this. Just out of curiosity, what would you label your belief as?

>that image
That must be some kind of a joke.

What religion is "no religion" supposed to be?


its not

However you look at them, religions look like a man made invention to explain things and reassure oureselves against death. Read Freud's Totem and Taboo.
Nonetheless, religion is based on belief, and I respect your choice to believe what you want to believe except if you believe that Skyrim is a good game.

I see a lot of people citing leviticus when bashing the gays for example. Is that legit or should I tell them to hit me with some new testament or fuck off back to bible study?

Yes, but "I'll just sin a bunch and get forgiven later" isn't the best policy. Divine punishment isn't all about the afterlife.


Tell that to the USSR, see how that turns out for ya, you dumb redditor

congrats, you're Hindus or Greek philosophers, depending on how you feel about eating meat.

There could be a strawberry-tasting nebula though. It would just need to be composed of a chemical compound that stimulates the tongue to taste strawberry. I wouldn't rule it out.

Not sure what you're talking about. I was raised atheist so I'm not intimately familiar with whichever culture you're referencing.

If a normie asks me, I'll say agnostic and be done with it. I don't like the term though, it's inherently a stance of "fuck it, I don't know". I already know I don't know, I just want to try and figure it out.

I'll have to read on that. Keeping the meat though.

Big fan of eating meat. I guess that puts me on the Greek philosopher side?

Atheist or agnostic, depending on how much you want to piss off religious people.

What denomination do Sup Forums bandwagoners who scream about cucks and niggers and faggots on Twitter all day actually tend to pretend to belong with? They're pretty outspoken on how much they hate Catholicism and mainstream Protestantism.

>If I post a fedora, the atheist is automatically incorrect

I'm talking about the catholic church fucking kids and taking donations. I'm fine with people being religious and it does a lot of good, but when they get into groups some fucked up stuff happens sometimes.

It doesn't work like that because the repentance has to be 100% sincere, and if your plan is to wait to the last moment, then it isn't completely sincere.

>Don't know if it's example, but the roguelike Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup [...]
That sounds really fucking cool. I'm not much into dungeon crawlers so I doubt I'll ever play it, but that's an awesome mechanic that really adds to the fantasy setting and give weight to your religion choice, since its not just a simple buff.
Damn that's good.
>why can't their be a good video game that asks deep questions about a certain religion?
I agree with you and I'd certainly love a game that explores the concept of religion. But I think it takes a delicate touch to make something satisfying of that nature, not only because its a volatile subject for people, but also because its an important and deep thing to explore.
Would definitely be interested though. Particularly if it was implemented in gameplay well as you example does.

The day we make that delicious discovery, I'll firmly believe in it.

Chistcucks' last straw. I wonder what will they do when fedoraposting falls out of fashion.

I don't really care about the spiritual side of it, but I find pagan religions to be far more interesting than Abrahamic religions. Both stories and rituals are far better.

I frequent Sup Forums and I honestly have no idea. It's most likely one big argument over split sides.

Yeah the Catholic Church is pretty shitty, but the religion is a vehicle for their fucked up shit, not the root. It's a power structure, and any power structure without enough checks/balances or too much leverage will always turn south, the will of God and it's infinite interpretations just happens to be a particularly dominating and easily corruptible piece of leverage. If you have the supposed word of God behind you, you can get away with all sorts of shit, especially because you're unique personal interpretation can be twisted in all sorts of ways. The people that do this within the Church could pull it off within any sort of power structure, a large corporation, the government, even something small scale like a social circle. People can be fucked up, and they're infinitely creative when it comes to it.

Either you're missing an r, or I must find out everything about this Chistcuck.

Look up sagittarius B2. It's not strawberries, but close enough.

I agree with you generally. Most religions are certainly tribal and a means to explain and provide stability in a chaotic and meaningless universe/world/existence. But the base concept of a higher power is not entirely without merit, and in my opinion suffers from much of the same issues as non-belief, which is an overall lack of evidence.
I also appreciate your respect, but for the record I'm not religious, although I do have a certain affinity for religion and its close relaton to philosophy, particularly the Western tradition. I simply prefer the clearer "answer" to the issue which is that currently, we don't know enough for it to really matter. Anything we come up with is speculation and it is somewhat vain for us to imagine that our unfounded musings matter when there is no proof either way. I think there are more important things to think about. Nonetheless, religion and all that surrounds it fascinates me, and I enjoy discussions like this.